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小升初英语综合检测试题(附参考答案) 一、找出画线部分读音不同的单词,并把标号填入提前括号 内。(10 分) 1.A.under B.mum C.student D.study 2.A.five B.four C.off D.of 3.A.these B.help C.bed D.get 4.A.please B.sweater C.seat D.teacher 5.A.book B.good C.look D.too 6.A.zero B.old C.home D.clock 7.A.maps B.beds C.doors D.apples 8.A.where B.pear C.there D.here 9.A.fine B.five C.sit D.kite 10.A.thirteen B.they C.think D.thank 二、比较下列每组单词重音位置是否相同。相同的在括号中 标“S”,不同的标“D”。(5 分) 1.sweater wee 2.ticketputer 3.between birthday 4.telephone different 5.Chinese trousers 三、按要求完成下列各题。(15 分) 1.加上一个字母,变成新的单词。(答案不唯一)(5 分) (1)god ______(2)ne ______ (3)od ______(4)bg ______ (5)blu ______ 2.用所给的动词造带有介词的词组。(答案不唯一)(5 分) (1)play ______(2)get _______ (3)go ________(4)look _______ (5)listen _______ 3.填入适当的副词和连词。(5 分) (1)Sit ______,please. (2)_____open your books,please. (3)--_____is Miss Gao? --She’s _____there. (4)______beautiful it is! 四、连词成句。(10 分) 1.friend,I,you,our,see,can,think (.) ___________________________________________________ _ 2.his,don’t,I,name,know (.) ___________________________________________________ _ 3.is,where,book,my (?) ___________________________________________________ _ 4.all,is,that,right (.) ___________________________________________________ _ 5.you,that,please,spell,can (?) ___________________________________________________ 五、补全对话,每空一词。(10 分) (在水果店,A 和 B 两人正在买水果……) A:Oh,so __1__apples and bananas! B:I’d like __2__apples.__3__is it? Salesgirl:3 yuan.__4__do you want? B:2 pounds,please. Salesgirl:OK,here you are. B:__5___. A:Have you got __6___oranges? Salesgirl:Of __7__.Look here. A:Oh,how nice!__8___is it? Salesgirl:2 yuan and 5 jiao.__9__do you want to buy A:5 pounds,please. Salesgirl:__10__. A:Thank you very much. Salesgirl:You’re wee. 1._______2._______3._______4.________5.________ 6._______7._______8._______9.________10._______ 六、阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(10 分) Peter is a primary school pupil.He is a good boy.Uncle John lives next to him.Uncle John has no child and he can’t see anything.He works in the factory near Peter’s school.He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning andes home at 4:30 in the afternoon. Peter goes to school at 8:00 in the morning andes home at the same time as Uncle John in the afternoon.On weekdays Peter gets up early to take Uncle John to the factory.After school he takes Uncle John home.On Sundays Peter helps Uncle John clean the house and do some cooking.Uncle John thanks Peter very much.He says,“Peter is a good boy.He is like my son.” 1.Peter gets up early to ______. A.go to school B.run C.help Uncle John D.cook 2.Peter doesn’t take Uncle John to the factory on ______. A.weekdays B.Sundays C.Mondays D.Wednesdays 3.Peter helps Uncle John clean the house ______. A.from Sunday to Saturday B.on Wednesday C.on Mondays D.on Sundays 4.School is over at ______. A.3:30 B.4:30 C.5:00 D.7:00 5.Which is right? A.Peter likes Uncle John.B.Peter is Uncle John’s son. C.Peter looks like Uncle John’s son.D.Peter looks like Uncle John. 七、书面表达。(10 分) 以 My Day(我的一天)为题按要求写一篇英语小作文。 要求:1.有一定的内容,条理清楚,语句通顺,书写规范。 2.不少于 50 个单词。 参考答案: 一、 C D A B D D A D C B 二、 S D D S D 三、 1.(1)good (2)net (3)old (4)bag (5)blue 2.(1)play with (2)get on (3)go on (4)look at (5)listen to 3.(1)down (2)Now (3)Where,over (4)How 四、 1.I think you can see our friend. 2.I don’t know his name. 3.Where is my book? 4.That’s all right. 5.Can you spell that,please? 五、 1.many 2.some 3.How much 4.How many 5.Thank you 6.any 7.course 8.How much 9.How many 10.Here you are 六、 C B D B A 七、 参考范文: My Day I’m a boy,and I’m a pupil.I go to school from Monday to Friday.I have no class on Saturdays and Sunday.I often get up at six o’clock.I go to school at seven o’clock.I have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.I go home at five.I do my homework at home.

