陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 8 part A优质课件

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陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 8 part A优质课件

Unit 8 New Year’s Party 陕旅六年级上册 Part A Lead-in Let’s have a party! New words laugh cry joke tell a joke act act a play 笑;大笑 哭 笑话 讲笑话 演;扮演 演话剧 guitar play the guitar win win a gift funny everyone 吉他 弹吉他 赢得;获得 赢得礼物 搞笑的;滑稽的 每个人 New words balloons candies toys flower gifts colorful lights Look and match Look and tick What do you usually do at a birthday party ? eat cake sing songs do homework play the guitar play games drink tea Let’s learn Let’s learn laugh cry The boy’s joke made everyone laugh . Listen! The boy is crying . Can you tell a joke at the party? She acted a play at the party. tell a joke acted a play play the guitar win a gift He plays the guitar very well. I want to win a gift . Kitty: What do you think of our party? Su Nan: It was great. Kitty: Do you like Li Shan and Wu Chen’s short play? Su Nan: Sure. They acted well. Kitty: And what do you think of Liu Zhaoyang’s joke? Su Nan: It was funny. Did you play games at the party? Kitty: Yes, I did. And I won a gift. Su Nan: Me, too. I think everyone had a good time. Read again and answer the questions. Let’s talk Questions: 1.Does Su Nan like Li Shan and Wu Chen’s short play? 2.What does Su Nan think of Liu Zhaoyang’s joke? Yes, she does. She thinks it was funny. 1. What do you think of our party? 你觉得我们的派对怎么样? What do you think of…? 这个句型意为“你认为 …… 怎么样?” , 常用于询问对方的的看法。 think of 意为“对 …… 有某种看法;认为”。用来询问对方的看法。 Language points 你觉得这本书怎么样? What do you think of the book? 此句型可以转换为“ How do you like...? 你觉得这本书怎么样? How do you like the book? 2.Do you like Li Shan and Wu Chen’s short play? 你喜欢李珊和吴晨的短剧吗? 本句中有一个名词所有格: Li Shan and Wu Chen’s short play 。这里的“’ s” 只加在 Wu Chen 后面,表示李珊和吴晨共同参演的短剧。 如果表示两者各自的所属关系,则要在每个名词词尾都加上“’ s” 。 一、连线。 1.cry 2.win a gift 3.tell a joke 4.act a play 5.play the guitar 6.laugh Exercise 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1.What do you ____ our party? A. thinks of B. think of C.to think ( ) 2.Do you like ____ short play? A. Li Shan and Wu Chen’s B. Li Shan’s and Wu Chen C. Li Shan’s and Wu Chen’s ( ) 3.They acted it ____ . A. good B. well C. bad B A B

