小学六年级上册英语课件Lesson 10-1 ppt

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小学六年级上册英语课件Lesson 10-1 ppt

Lesson 10 How Many Are There? There is a stamp. How many stamps are there? There are twelve stamp s . There is a pencil. How many pencil s ? There are five pencil s . There is a cat. There are four cat s . This is an apple. These are many apple s . 1 .一般 名词复数 是在名词后面加上“ s” ,如 map→maps , bag→bags 等; 2 .以 s , sh , ch , x 等结尾的词加“ es” ,如 bus→buses , watch→watches 等; 3 .以 辅音字母 + y 结尾的词,变 y 为 i 加 es ,如 baby→babies 等;以 元音字母 + y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加 s 变复数,如 monkey→monkeys , holiday→holidays ; 4. 以 o 结尾的名词,有些加 es: Negroes, heroes, tomatoes, potatoes. 其它加 s: radios, zoos, pianos, photos. 5. 不规则 This is a dish. There are many dish es . This is a bus. Here are many bus es . man -men woman -women child -children Practice( 找出错误 ) I have three pencil. She eats a bananas. We see six monkey in the zoo. There are twenty desk in the classroom. My mother buys two skirt for me. There are many bus in the city. The woman are in the shop. I see five girl are dancing. 例: This is a bus.----These are buses. This is a apple. This is a dish. This is a man. This is a woman. This is a kitchen. These are apples. These are dishes. These are men. These are women. These are kitchens. Homework 1. 名词变复数 book girl boy desk school teacher eraser pencil pen arm ear eye leg hand finger apple banana orange skirt car bicycle cat dog duck chicken letter stamp 2. 翻译 两辆公共汽车 五个男人 六支铅笔 三个孩子

