冀教一起六上Lesson I Like Winter

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冀教一起六上Lesson I Like Winter

‎《Lesson 14: I Like Winter!》教学设计 迎秋里实验学校 冯喆 一、教材分析:‎ 本节复习课围绕“季节”主题展开,并以讨论冬季活动为主,教材设计与我们现实生活正好一致。这样学生们在身边真实环境下能够切身感受到所学内容,体现出教材的真实、生活化。基于本课在教材中的位置,我设计的复习内容尽量含概17-21课所有重点,让学生夯实全面知识并且让学生在读、写、说、组句成文等方面的能力加以提高。让课堂“活”起来,激发学生的兴趣。‎ 二、学情分析:‎ 本班学生聪明好学,活泼可爱,绝大部分学生对英语这门学科有浓厚的学习兴趣,并且已经掌握了一定的单词,句型与语法,基础知识相对牢固,口头与书面表达能力均不错,但个别学生仍有待提高。‎ 三、教学目标:‎ ‎1. 知识目标:‎ ‎(1)复习和区分四会单词 :snowy/ snow, rainy/ rain, sunny/ sun, windy/ wind ‎(2)掌握句子:What is your favourite season?‎ My favourite season is ______.‎ Why ?   ‎ Because ______ .‎ ‎2. 能力目标:能听,说,读并理解课文,能综合运用所学知识进行仿写。‎ ‎3. 情感目标:‎ ‎ 感受一年四季的美好,热爱自然,热爱生活,同时在学习过程中体验到英 语学习的兴趣。‎ 四、教学重难点:‎ 重难点:会说课本中四个单词和两个句型,能听,说,读并理解课文。‎ 三、教学媒体:‎ 录音机、磁带、多媒体、调查表格 四、教学过程:‎ Ⅰ. Class opening ‎1. Greeting Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you!‎ How’s the weather today?‎ ‎2. Review and distinguish(CAI: sunny and sun, snowy and snow, rainy and rain, windy and wind, cloudy and cloud)‎ It’s sunny/... today.(picture of weather)‎ Is this sunny/...(or the sun/...)?‎ Read two by two: sunny/ sun; It’s sunny./ This is the sun.‎ ‎3. Free talk It’s sunny/... today. The temperature is cool. What season is it now?‎ We know that:‎ a. How many seasons are there in a year?‎ b. What are they? Winter, spring, summer and autumn are seasons.‎ c. How’s the weather in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter?‎ ‎ What clothes do you put on in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter?‎ d. Danny likes to skate on the ice in winter.‎ ‎ Danny likes to ski on the snow in winter.‎ Ⅱ. New concept ‎1.Lead in: I like winter. And my favourite season is winter. What’s your favourite season?找4生答,带读板书 ‎ ‎2.Game: Who is the first?‎ Ask and answer one by one in a line. When the last boy/ girl finish the answer, stand up. Please speak loudly, clearly and quickly.‎ Summary: I think ______’s line is the first. Why? Because this line speaks loudly, clearly and quickly.‎ My favourite season is winter. Why? Because I like to play on the snow.(CAI sentences and picture)→ why, because(practise to read)→ read the small passage together to understand.‎ ‎3. Ask and answer:(T write Ss’ answer to fill in the chart)‎ T: What’s your favourite season?‎ S: My favourite season is __________.‎ T: Why?‎ S: Because I like to ____________________.‎ Name Favourite season Why?‎ ‎______’s favourite season is __________.‎ Because he/ she likes to ____________________.‎ ‎4. Make a survey:‎ a. Show some other verb phrases(CAI), and practise to read fly kites in the wind walk in the rain ride a bike look at flowers sit in the sun eat ice cream swim play on the beach play in the wind climb the mountain fly kites in the wind ride a bike ‎ skate on the ice ski on the snow make a snowman throw snowballs b. Make a survey, just like T, four children a group. Ask and answer, and then fill in the chart, present.‎ Ⅲ. Text ‎1. Watch and follow Part 1, and then answer Qs:‎ a. What does Jenny like to do in winter / spring/ summer/ autumn?‎ b. What’s her favourite season? Why?‎ Mark the key points.‎ ‎2. “The Seasons Song”: listen and number; sing together Ⅳ. Activity: ‎ ‎1. Activity book: P31 3.‎ ‎2. Enjoy a cartoon song’s video from Disney Ⅴ. Homework: writing“My favourite season”‎ My favourite season There are four seasons in a year. My favourite season is winter. It’s cold and snowy.I put on my hat, scarf, mittens, winter jacket and winter boots. I like to play on the snow,make a snowman and throw snowballs. I love winter.‎ Ⅵ. Blackboard designing Lesson 14: I Like Winter!‎ A: What’s your favourite season?‎ B: My favourite season is __________.‎ A: Why?‎ B: Because I like to ____________________.‎ http://6.cn/watch/3930682.html http://user.qzone.qq.com/643145411/infocenter

