六年级英语上册Lesson 16课件冀教版

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六年级英语上册Lesson 16课件冀教版

Unit 3 Winter in Canada 冀教版 · 六年级上册 Lesson 16 Lead-in What are they doing? They are skating. Can you skate? New words think 认为;以为;想;思考 can 能;会 (过去式为 could ) Can you skate? Danny is going to teach Li Ming to skate. But Danny is late. “Look! There’s Danny! ” says Jenny. “Sorry, I’m late, ” says Danny. “That’s okay, ” say Jenny and Li Ming. “I’m going to teach you to skate, Li Ming, ” says Danny. “Can you stand up on the ice? ” asks Danny. “Yes, I can, ” says Li Ming. “Look, Danny! I’m standing! ” “Good!” says Danny. Danny stands up, too. “Can you skate? ” asks Danny. “I think I can, ” says Li Ming. “Come on, Danny!” “Oops! ” says Danny. He fell down. Li Ming skates over to Danny. “How did I do, Danny? ” he asks. “You learn fast, Li Ming!” says Danny. Oops! “Oops! ” says Danny. He falls down again. “Can you stand up?” asks Jenny. “No, I can’t, ” says Danny. I fell down again! Language points Can you stand up on the ice? 你能在冰上站起来吗? can 是一个情态动词,表示“能;会;可以”,后面跟动词原型,没有人称和数的变化。 询问别人是否能做某事 的句型结构: — Can + 主语 + 动词原型? — Yes, 主语 + can. /No, 主语 + can’t. 例句:你能倒立吗? 我想我能。 你会打篮球吗? 是的,我会。 Can you stand on head? I think I can. Can you play basketball? Yes, I can. Let’s do it! 1. Read Part 1 and answer the questions. a. What is Danny going to do? _________________________________ b. Is Danny early or late? _________________________________ He is going to teach Li Ming to skate. He is late. c. Can Li Ming stand up on the ice? _________________________________ d. Does Li Ming learn fast ? _________________________________ e. What happened to Danny? _________________________________ Yes, he can. Yes, he does. Danny fell down again and again. 2. Ask and answer. Then write. Can you stand on one foot? Yes, I can. Can Jenny swim? Yes, she can. Can they play ping-pong? Yes, they can. Can Danny ride a bike? Yes, he can. Can Danny skate? Yes, he can. Can Jenny fly a kite? Yes, she can. I can stand on one foot. I can __________________________. I can __________________________. I can __________________________. I can… dance skate fly a kite Play roles Can you play basketball? Yes, I can. Can you dance? Yes, I can.

