陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 4 Part C 优质课件

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陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 4 Part C 优质课件

Unit 4 Let’s Go on a Picnic 陕旅六年级上册 Part C Lead-in Do you often go on picnic ? Tell us about your picnic. Listen and match 同学们,在做听力题目之前我们要先浏览题干和图片,并能用熟悉的动词短语来描述每幅图片,这样听的时候目的性就更加明确了。 mountain a boat table tennis see a film go on a picnic Peter Tina Kevin Sun Yang Nancy 听力原文 1. A:Peter, what shall we do this afternoon? B:How about seeing a film ? A:Good idea! 2. A:Hi, Tina. Let’s go on a picnic this weekend. B:Great. But where shall we have it? A:Near the river. B:Great ! 3.A:Kevin, shall we go skating tomorrow? B:I wouldn’t like to do that. Why not go boating ? A:OK. 4.A:Hi, Sun Yang. Let’s play tennis. B:Sorry. I can’t play tennis. How about playing ping-pong ? A:OK. 5.A:Nancy, where shall we go next Sunday? B:Let’s go to climb the mountains . A:Great! Look and write 1.A:Shall we____________ in the park next Saturday? B:Good idea. 2.We can ___________ but we shouldn’t pick flowers. 3.A:Why not ____________ and get the kite? B : Sorry , I can’t. go on a picnic take photos climb the tree 4.A:When shall we_____________ ? B:We’d better go right now. I need some crayons. 5.A:Let’s _______________ at half past nine. B:OK! go shopping meet at the gate Order and talk in pairs ( 1 )Are you free tomorrow , Amy? ( )Let’s go skating. ( )Let’s meet at the park gate at ten o’clock. ( )Oh , I can’t skate. How about going on a picnic? ( )OK ! When and where shall we meet? ( )Yes. What’s up? 3 6 4 5 2 Choose, complete and act a. What shall we do for the old people? b. Why not play games with them? c. What time shall we meet? d. What shall we do this weekend? e. Shall we meet at the school gate? Kitty : Hi , Wu Chen!_____________ Wu Chen : How about going to the Old People’s Home? Kitty : Good idea. But how shall we get there? It’s a little far. Wu Chen : Let’s go by bike. Kitty : Great.___________ Wu Chen : We can clean rooms and read books for them. d a Kitty:_____________ Wu Chen : Sounds good. The old people will be very happy. Kitty : Sure.________________ Wu Chen : Yes. Kitty:________________________ Wu Chen : Let’s meet at eight o’clock. Kitty : OK. See you then. b e c Questions: 1. Where do they go on this weekend? 2. How do they go get to there? 3. When and where do they meet? 4. What do they do for the old people? They go to the Old People’s Home. By bike. At school gate at 8:00. Clean rooms, read books and play games. 小练笔: 请参考下面的词汇,用英语写一篇作文,介绍一下自己的野餐经历,用一般现在时态来写,不少于 5 句话。 ( 参考词汇: go on a picnic ,meet at the gate ,go to the park ,put into ,take out of 等 ) 【 方法指导 】 1. 时态: 围绕野餐的话题来写作,应该选用一般现在时态。 2. 写作思路: 在写野餐经历的时候,可以从这几个方面着手 —— 时间、地点、人物、事件。然后再写每个人都分别带了什么东西以及如何到达目的地。最后总结,并写出自己去野餐的心情。 【 参考范文 】 I go on a picnic with my friends today. We meet at the gate of our school at 9:00. Then we go to the park. In the park, we take the food and fruits out of the bags. And we put the fruits into the water and wash them. We come back early. We are very happy today. 户外运动知多少 户外运动主要包括自行车、徒步旅游、登山、徒手攀登、野外露营、定向越野等。这种回归大自然、远离城市喧嚣的生活方式正受到越来越多人的欢迎。户外运动主要有以下三点益处: 一是开阔自己的视野。当人们离开了满是高楼大厦的城市,怀着恬静的心情步入大自然的怀抱,看到蓝天白云、青山绿水等美景,他们的眼界会更加开阔。 拓展延伸

