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期末评估测试卷 ( 二 ) ( 时间 :60 分钟 满分 :100 分 ) 一、听录音 , 选择与你所听内容相符的图片。 (10 分 ) ( A ) 1 . ( A ) 2 . ( B ) 3 . ( A ) 4 . ( A ) 5 . 二、听录音 , 选择正确的答案。 (10 分 ) ( B ) 1 .The dog is     .   A.Mike’s    B.John’s    C.Amy’s ( C ) 2 .The birthday is in     .   A.May B.June C.September ( A ) 3 .Mike usually     on the weekend.   A.does his homework B.goes shopping C.cleans his room ( B ) 4 .I’ll     for my mum on Mother’s Day.   A.tell a story B.make a card C.sing a song ( C ) 5 .The students are     at 9 o’clock.   A.eating lunch B.doing morning exercises C.having an English class 三、听录音 , 判断正 (T) 误 (F) 。 (10 分 ) ( T ) 1 .I usually finish my class in the morning. ( F ) 2 .It is in October.We will go to the Great Wall. ( F ) 3 .My birthday is on April 4th. ( F ) 4 .Is he reading a book? ( T ) 5 .Keep your desks clean, children. 四、火眼金睛选不同。 (10 分 ) ( C ) 1 .A.breakfast B.dinner    C.have ( B ) 2 .A.spring B.July C.summer ( C ) 3 .A.pick apples B.go swimmingC.weekend ( A ) 4 .A.Monday B.June C.March ( C ) 5 .A.jumping B.running C.dance 五、根据句意选择合适的单词。 (10 分 ) 1 .The sports meet is usually in (in/on) September or October. 2 .—Is this Chen Jie’s bag? —No, the white one is hers .(hers/her) 3 .Our house can be very cold in winter .(autumn/winter) 4 . May (October/May) is the fifth month of a year. 5 .Grandpa is sleeping.Please talk quietly . ( take turns/talk quietly)   六、选出正确的答案。 (10 分 ) ( B ) 1 .—Wow!What a beautiful painting!Is it     ? —No.It’s     .   A.your; his B.yours; hers C.her; his ( C ) 2 .—Can we use your eraser, Mary? —      A.Thanks. B.No, you don’t. C.OK.Take turns. ( B ) 3 .When you are walking on the street, you should     .   A.talk quietly B.keep to the right C.keep your desk clean ( B ) 4 .—     picture is this?   —It’s Zhang Peng’s. A.Who     B.Whose     C.Which ( B ) 5 .—Which     do you like best?   —Blue. A.year B.colour C.week 七、选择正确的答语。 (10 分 ) ( D ) 1 .When is your birthday? ( C ) 2 .Are these books yours? ( E ) 3 .What are they doing? ( A ) 4 .Do you like the music? ( B ) 5 .Whose photo is this? A.Yes, it’s very beautiful. B.It’s Zhang Peng’s. C.Yes, they are mine. D.It’s on May 1st. E.They’re eating dinner. 八、补全对话。 (10 分 ) A.That sounds like a lot of fun B.Why are you shopping today C.You are so busy D.So what do you do on the weekend E.Can I help you Tom: 1 .   E   , Sarah?   Sarah:Yes, I’d like some carrots and tomatoes. Tom:Six yuan, please.Here you are. Sarah:Thanks. Tom: 2 .   B   ?   Sarah:My mum worked last night.So I’m shopping today. Tom:Good girl! 3 .   D   ?   Sarah:I often watch movies and play sports with my father. Tom: 4 .   A   .  Sarah:Yes, but I’m also hard-working.I usually wash my clothes.Sometimes I cook dinner. Tom: 5 .   C   !You need a robot to help you!   九、阅读短文 , 判断正 (T) 误 (F) 。 (10 分 ) My name is Tim.Today is Wednesday.My parents and I go to the zoo.I see many animals.Monkeys are climbing.Bears are sleeping.A dog is running.It’s very happy.This dog is mine.I love it.Today I’m happy.Because today is my birthday.It’s on June 6th. ( T ) 1 .Tim’s birthday is on June 6th. ( T ) 2 .Today is Wednesday. ( F ) 3 .The monkeys are running. ( T ) 4 .The dog is Tim’s. ( T ) 5 .The bears are sleeping. 十、按要求写一写。 (10 分 ) 看 , 动物园里真热闹啊 ! 它们都在干些什么呢 ? 请根据表格提示的信息写一篇 50 词以上的小短文吧 ! 可能用到的句子 :It’s Sunday today.I go to the zoo with my parents.There are many animals here.Look, the monkey is... It’s Sunday today.I go to the zoo with my parents.There are many animals here.Look, the monkey is climbing.The elephant is walking.The tigers are running.The duck is swimming.The birds are flying.  

