江苏省译林英语4BUnit7第三课时 new

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江苏省译林英语4BUnit7第三课时 new

What's the matter? Unit7 Cartoon time , Sound time & Ticking time 牛津小学英语译林版四年级下册 feelings 感觉、感受 ... happy hungry thirsty tired scared 害怕的 angry 生气的 sad sleepy 困的 cold hot ill 尝试加上动作哦。 Play a game Magic telescope ( 魔幻望远镜) Tips: Make up a new sentence with the words! 大声读出你看到的单词,再把这些单词组合成一句话! Play a game Play a game hungry am I I am hungry. Magic telescope Play a game you Are tired Are you tired ? Magic telescope Play a game a have pie Can I have a pie? Magic telescope I Can Play a game I’m thirsty not I’m not thirsty. Magic telescope Play a game some water Here’s Here’s some water for you. Magic telescope you for Play a game the matter What’s What’s the matter? Magic telescope Play a game Magic telescope Let's chant. Mike, Mike, what's the matter? Hot, hot, I'm hot. Fan,fan,here's a fan. Wang Bing,Wang Bing, what's ...? Thanks, thanks, thanks a lot. ..., ..., I'm ... ..., ..., have a ... Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. follow me. 跟我学。 四人一组,编出有关王兵的chant. Look and say What’s the matter? I’m thirsty. Thank you, Mum. Here’s a glass of water for you. Look and say … … … … … Look and say Rhyme time Who What baby Bill ill sitting still Rhyme time baby Bill ill My Is sitting still If you’re My baby Bill Is sitting still . If you’re ill , pill Take this pill . 药片 如果 Rhyme time My baby Is sitting . If you’re , Take this . Is he ill ? still ill pill Is he ill ? Bill Bill still ill pill Sound time Joe close go open home nose Rose , , and show your . Go home Joe Rose nose o / ə ʊ / Sound time note Can you say more words? o / ə ʊ / Can you read the new words? bone pose hope Sound time o / ə ʊ / Let’s do some exercise. ( ) 1. A. n o se B. c o ffee C. cl o se B ( ) 2. A. c o ld B. n o C. h o t C ( ) 3. A. o pen B. b o x C. s o B ( ) 3. A. s o me B. h o me C. o ver A What’s the matter? Is he happy or sad? Why is he not happy? What’s the matter with Bobby? Bobby cold hot thirsty ill hungry tired Watch and answer What’s the matter with Bobby? Look and answer What’s the matter with Bobby? Bobby cold hot thirsty ill hungry tired √ Look and answer What does his mother bring? Listen and choose A cake. A hamburger. √ Have a cake. Thank you, Mum. Tip: Use different intonations to read the dialogues. (亲切的,不高兴的,有礼貌的,担心的) Listen and read What’s the matter, Bobby? Are you ill? No, I’m not. Are you cold? No. Hello, Mrs Mouse. This is Mrs Fox speaking. Are you all right, Bobby? I’m hungry, Mum. Have a cake. Thank you, Mum. Ha! Ha! He’s happy now. 分角色朗读要求: 4 人一组分角色朗读课文,轮到自己角色时请 起立 大声朗读,注意模仿语音语调哦,读完 坐下 。 Read in roles 表演要求: 4 人一组,每人扮演一个角色,看谁模仿的语音语调最棒 , 别忘了 表情还有动作 哦! Act the story Ticking Time 3. I can enjoy and act out the cartoon. 能借助图片进行表演 能借助图片有表情、有动作的进行表演 能不看图片有表情、有动作的进行表演 Tip: 1. 四人小组表演。( Sam, Bobby, Mrs Fox and Mrs Mouse ) 2. 用适当的 表情 和 动作 演绎完整的故事情节。 Read and say I get up at four in the morning. I’m . 2. I have a lot of homework. I’m . 3. My dress is so beautiful. I’m . Ticking time I can talk about feelings. 我能说说表达感受或感觉的词汇。 I can use" What's the matter? " 我能用“ What's the matter? ”进行交流。 I can enjoy and act out the cartoon. 我能喜欢并表演出动画。 Homework Read and act the cartoon with your partners. Read Sound time.

