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Unit 1 What does she look like? ‎ ‎ (The first period)‎ Teaching aims: ‎ ‎1.Learn the new words: tall, short, long hair, round face, young, old.‎ ‎2. Master the following patterns: what does she look like? She is...     She has...‎ Teaching main and difficult points: ‎ ‎1 the adjectives of general description.‎ ‎2 describe people's looks.‎ Teaching steps:‎ Step1. Warming-up ‎ Games: Robert Dance目的在于活跃气氛,调动学生的积极性,减少学生的紧张情绪。加之五官属于人的长相的范畴,所以与此课人物外貌相关连,这样引入就能自然过渡到本节课的内容。人物前活动用于扫除学生的语言障碍,因此在教学上以激发学生的学习兴趣为主,通过活动让学生感知、操练语言,为下一步活动做好铺垫。‎ Rulers: I say touch your eyes/ears/ nose/mouth/shoulder/legs/arm. you should do it .If you are wrong, you have to sit down. The person who does it correctly is the winner.‎ after that we begin to study our lesson.‎ Step2. Presentation T: Do you like Miss Yan?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: Why?‎ Ss: Because you are beautiful.‎ T: Thank you. Do you like her?(图片展示)‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: OK, I know you think she is a beautiful girl, too. Today, we will learn Unit 1 What does she look like? ( 图片展示同时板书。)‎ Then teach the new words and new sentences pattern.‎ The teacher uses the pictures to lead and teach the new words and the new sentence pattern. And then ask the Ss to describe the classmates.‎ 先利用图片展示进行新单词句型的引入,让学生熟悉。接着要求其他同学描述三位外貌典型的同学,再小组练习。这样更形象,更贴近生活,学生更容易接受,加强了学生间的合作与交流。再按发形,身高,体重的类别练习以免混淆,同时加深记忆。在教学的过程中,我要求学生描述教室里听课的老师,学生们十分激动,想着能用英语描述自己的老师了,他们特别高兴。此时的气氛很活跃。‎ It’s the first day of new term. Lingling and Peter are talking about their new Chinese teacher. Now listen to the tape and then please tell me what does she look like. Which is their new Chinese teacher Picture A or B?‎ Listen again and read after the tape.‎ Role acting Step3. Pair work ‎ At first the teacher gives the Ss an example. Then ask Ss practice like this. ‎ A: What does he look like?‎ B: He has short hair. He is tall. He has a round face.‎ 这样完整地描述人的外表是为后面能安排、完成任务做铺垫,同时能检测学生的掌握情况,以便老师随时调控。‎ Step4. Practice Guessing game:‎ At first the teacher gives the Ss an example. Then ask Ss to describe anyone in the classroom. Let the others guess.‎ ‎ 这个游戏的安排目的是让学生通过他人的描述,去发现别人的外部特征。培养学生听、说以及辨别能力,同时可活跃课堂气氛。‎ Free talk: talk about any person who you like.‎ 这是一个任务教学,让学生描述自己的家人、朋友及喜爱的明星,增添他人对自己的了解。学生拿出事先准备好的自己最喜爱的电影、足球明星,在小组里轮流进行描述。然后在组与组之间进行资源共享,让学生在讲台上用投影仪进行展示。(通过这一活动,使学生在掌握一定的英语基础知识和基本技能,能与小组成员合作共同完成学习任务,发展语言的综合运用能力,并创造性地使用英语表达自己的思想)。‎ Describe and draw Ask Ss to describe “What do you look like when you are 20 years old and draw a picture of it.‎ 设计这个任务目的在于让学生能学有所用,想象设计一下自己20岁风华正茂时的样子,并画出来,让此堂课别开生面,乐趣横生。同时这培养学生的多种能力,让其能动手动口。‎ 在学生掌握好的前面的知识的基础上再处理学习书上的知识,就化难为简,学生才能得心应手,同时让学生整体回顾本节课的重点内容。‎ ‎ Motto;Never judge a book by its covers.‎ 此格言的安排是为了培养学生尊重他人的品德,不以貌取人。‎ Step5. Homework ‎1. Copy the sentences in grammar focus.‎ ‎2. Describe your friend, your parent, your teacher or any other person, and then write it down in your exercise book 通过以上几步的语言输入练习,让学生在进一步创造性活用所学语言,提高学生的写作能力。‎ ‎(The second period)‎ 能力目标 : 1.学完本课,学会描述人物外貌。 2.能积极思维,运用所学单词,短语及句型,结合实际生活进行灵活运用。‎ 情感目标: 让学生学会友好地描述别人的形象。 (二)教学重点: 掌握本课新单词、句型和怎样描述一个人的外貌。 (三)教学难点: 掌握运用动词have和be描述人物外貌的方法。‎ Teaching steps:‎ Step1. Warming-up ‎ Free talk:‎ 让学生描述自己的家人、朋友及喜爱的明星,增添他人对自己的了解。学生拿出事先准备好的自己最喜爱的电影、足球明星,在小组里轮流进行描述。‎ S1: I like Yao Ming very much. He is very tall. He has a big face...‎ S2: Li Na is a good tennis player. She is beautiful. She has a round face...‎ Step 2 Let’s Practice.‎ Show the pictures of teachers and then ask some students to talk about their teachers’looks.‎ S1: My Chinese teacher is Ms Huang. ‎ S2: What does she look like?‎ S1: She’s not very tall. She has big eyes and a round face.‎ S2: That’s Ms Huang.‎ Step 3 Let’s Read.‎ Read the E-mails and then please fill in the chart.‎ Please tell me something about Nancy’s maths teacher and Jane’s English teacher.‎ Then write an E-mail to your friend and tell them something about your teacher’s looks.‎ Step 4 Let’s Write.‎ Write about your English teacher. And then talk about it with your partners.‎ Step 5 Let’s Have Fun Listen to the tape.‎ Next, read after the tape.‎ Then, read it together.‎ Have a performance.‎ Step 6 Homework Write an E-mail to your pen-pal about your family members’looks.‎ Unit 2 I’d like a hamburger Teaching aims:‎ ‎1. Knowledge aims ‎ Learning the new words and sentences just like cold drink/ bun/ feel hungry/ I’d like a cold drink./ would you like some buns?/ I feel hungry and so on.‎ ‎2. Ability aims ‎ Improve the students oral English and let students know something about like or dislike something, know some words of things and drink and so on.‎ ‎ Let the students can make communication with each other.‎ ‎3. Moral aims ‎ We must attend the class seriously.‎ Teaching methods:‎ ‎ Reading. /Listening. /Talking. /Singing.‎ ‎ Play Games.‎ ‎ Making actions.‎ Teaching aids:‎ ‎ a tape recorder / brush Main points and difficulties:‎ New words ‎ Expressions and sentences Period 1‎ Step 1. Revision ‎1. Greetings.‎ Good morning. /Afternoon everyone. / How are you? /Who is on duty today? What’s the weather like today?‎ ‎2. What fruit/food/drink do you like?‎ Step 2.Presetation ‎1. Have a match between boys and girls, to see who can say out more fruits/drink words. ‎ Learn the new words and phrases: cold drink/ feel/ hungry/ bun/ help.‎ T take an apple and ask: would you like an apple? Help Ss answer the question in this way: Yes, I’d like one./ No, thank you. ‎ Ask Ss practice the dialogue with other things.‎ Step 3. Drills ‎1. Listen to the tape.‎ ‎2. Read after the tape.‎ ‎3. Read out the words and sentences according to the computer.‎ Check up the result.‎ Act the text.‎ Step 4. Exercise ‎1. Remember the words.‎ ‎2. Read Part A after class. ‎ Period 2‎ Step 1. Revision ‎1. Greetings.‎ Good morning. /Afternoon everyone. / How are you? /Who is on duty today?‎ ‎2. Go over the words and sentences in part A and B.‎ Step 2.Presetation ‎1. Show some cards of food and fruits and ask Ss look and say out the words quickly. ‎ Make sentences according to the pictures giving. Can use the sentences learnt last class.‎ Learn to say the sentence pattern:‎ Do you have any drink/fruit cards?‎ Yes, I have. / No, I don’t.‎ Step 3. Practice:‎ ‎1.   Draw and make the cards.‎ Play the cards game.‎ Ask and find the cards, which can collect the whole cards of one thing, who can win the game.‎ ‎3. Read out the words and sentences according to the computer.‎ ‎4. Check up the result.‎ Step 4. Exercise ‎1. Remember the words.‎ ‎2. Read Part A after class. ‎ Period 3‎ Step 1. Greetings and Revision T: Class begins.‎ S: Stand up. Good morning/afternoon teacher.‎ T: Good morning/afternoon. Sit down please.‎ S: Thank you!‎ Revision.‎ ‎1. Words: feel hungry /cold drink /bun /buy /water /soup /vegetables /breakfast /lunch /pepper /salt /forget /remember /tomorrow /borrow ‎2. Sentences: I’d like some cakes/buns/…. Would you like …?‎ I’m hungry, I’d like ….‎ ‎3. Understand the text of part D. ‎ ‎4. Lead the students to finish the exercise in part E and F..‎ Step 2. Presentation.‎ ‎1. Learn Part D: ask Ss the text by themselves, find out the new words and sentences.‎ Ask student to explain the meaning of the text.‎ Finish the exercises.‎ Step 3. Drills ‎1. Read Part D after the teacher.‎ ‎2. Prates by themselves.‎ ‎3. Look at the pictures and finish part F.‎ Step 4. Exercises ‎1.Do the exercises book’s Part C and part D Try their best to recite A and B.‎ Unit 3 Do you want some rice?‎ Teaching aims:‎ ‎1. Knowledge aims Learning the new words and sentences just like water / soup/ vegetables/ breakfast/supper/lunch/pepper/salt/ Do you want some soup? /Yes, please./No, thank you.‎ ‎2. Ability aims ‎ Improve the students oral English and let students know something about like or dislike something, know some words of food.‎ ‎ Let the students can make communication with each other.‎ ‎3. Moral aims ‎ We must attend the class seriously.‎ Teaching methods:‎ ‎ Reading. /Listening. /Talking. /Singing.‎ ‎ Play Games.‎ ‎ Making actions.‎ Teaching aids:‎ ‎ a tape recorder / brush Main points and difficulties:‎ New words ‎ Expressions and sentences Period 1‎ Step 1. Revision ‎1. Greetings.‎ Would you like to say “hello” to you friends?‎ ‎2. What food do you like?‎ Step 2. Presentation ‎1. Have a match between boys and girls, to see who can say out more fruits/drink/food words. Learn the new words and phrases: water / soup/ vegetables/ breakfast/supper/lunch/pepper/salt ‎ T take an apple and ask: Do you want an apple? Help Ss answer the question in this way: Yes, please/ No, thank you. ‎ Ask Ss practice the dialogue with other things.‎ Step 3. Drills ‎1. Listen to the tape.‎ ‎2. Read after the tape.‎ ‎3. Read out the words and sentences according to the computer.‎ Check up the result.‎ Act the text.‎ Step 4. Exercise ‎1. Remember the words.‎ ‎2. Read Part A after class. ‎ Period 2‎ Step 1. Revision ‎1. Greetings.‎ Good morning. /Afternoon everyone. / How are you? /Who is on duty today?‎ ‎2. Go over the words and sentences in part A and B.‎ Step 2.Presetation ‎1. Show some cards of food and fruits and ask Ss look and say out the words quickly. ‎ make sentences according to the pictures giving. Can use the sentences learnt last class.‎ learn to say the sentence pattern:‎ Do you want some salt?‎ Yes, please.‎ No ,thank you.‎ Step 3. Practice:‎ ‎1.   Draw and make the cards.‎ Play the cards game.‎ Ask and find the cards, who can collect the whole cards of one thing, who can win the game.‎ ‎3. Read out the words and sentences according to the computer.‎ ‎4. Check up the result.‎ Step 4. Exercise ‎1. Remember the words.‎ ‎2. Read Part A after class.‎ Period 3‎ Step 1. Greetings and Revision T: Class begins.‎ S: Stand up. Good morning/afternoon teacher.‎ T: Good morning/afternoon. Sit down please.‎ S: Thank you!‎ Revision.‎ Words: water / soup/ vegetables/ breakfast/supper/lunch/pepper/salt ‎ ‎2. Sentences: Do you want some rice?‎ ‎ Yes, please.‎ ‎ No, thank you.‎ ‎3. Understand the text of part D. ‎ ‎4. Lead the students to finish the exercise in part E and F..‎ Step 2. Presentation.‎ ‎1. Learn Part D: ask Ss the text by themselves, find out the new words and sentences.‎ Ask student to explain the meaning of the text.‎ Finish the exercises.‎ Step 3. Drills ‎1. Read Part D after the teacher.‎ ‎2. Precise by themselves.‎ ‎3. Look at the pictures and finish part F.‎ Step 4. Exercises ‎1. Do the exercises book’s Part C and part D Try their best to recite A and B.‎ Unit 4 Can I use your pencil, please?‎ Teaching aims:‎ ‎1. Knowledge aims ‎ Learning the new words and sentences just like borrow /thing /schoolbag /forget /bring /remember /tomorrow /Can I borrow a pencil? /Can I have a pencil? /You’re welcome. /draw a line. /clean the blackboard and so on.‎ ‎2. Ability aims ‎ Improve the students oral English and let students know something about borrow /thing /schoolbag /forget /bring /remember /tomorrow /Can I borrow a pencil? /Can I have a pencil? /You’re welcome. /draw a line. /clean the blackboard and so on.‎ ‎ Let the students can make communication with each other.‎ ‎3. Moral aims ‎ We must attend the class seriously.‎ Teaching methods:‎ Reading‎. /Listening. /Talking. /Singing.‎ ‎ Play Games.‎ ‎ Making actions.‎ Teaching aids:‎ ‎ a tape recorder /comb/brush Main points and difficulties:‎ New words ‎ Expressions and sentences Teaching steps:‎ Period 1‎ Step 1. Revision ‎1. Greetings.‎ Good morning. /Afternoon everyone. / How are you? /Who is on duty today?‎ ‎2. Go over lesson 2.‎ Step 2. Presentation ‎1. Turn on the computer and learn the words according to the pictures: forget /remember /tomorrow /borrow /bring /thing /brush ‎ ‎2. Learn the sentences according to the words and pictures: Can I borrow a pencil, please? /Can I have a pencil, please? /what do you want? /You’re welcome. ‎ Step 3. Drills ‎1. Listen to the tape.‎ ‎2. Read after the tape.‎ ‎3. Read out the words and sentences according to the computer.‎ ‎4. Check up the result.‎ Step 4. Exercise ‎1. Remember the words.‎ ‎2. Read Part A after class. ‎ Period 2‎ Step 1. Revision ‎1. Greetings.‎ Good morning. /Afternoon everyone. / How are you? /Who is on duty today?‎ ‎2. Go over lesson 2.‎ Step 2.Presetation ‎1. Turn on the computer and learn the words according to the pictures: forget /remember /tomorrow /borrow /bring /thing /brush ‎ ‎2. Learn the sentences according to the words and pictures: Can I borrow a pencil, please? /Can I have a pencil, please? /what do you want? /You’re welcome. ‎ Step 3. Drills ‎1. Listen to the tape.‎ ‎2. Read after the tape.‎ ‎3. Read out the words and sentences according to the computer.‎ ‎4. Check up the result.‎ Step 4. Exercise ‎1. Remember the words.‎ ‎2. Read Part A after class. ‎ Period 3‎ Step 1. Greetings and Revision T: Class begins.‎ S: Stand up. Good morning/afternoon teacher.‎ T: Good morning/afternoon. Sit down please.‎ S: Thank you!‎ Revision.‎ ‎1. Words: feel hungry /cold drink /bun /buy /water /soup /vegetables /breakfast /lunch ‎ /pepper /salt /forget /remember /tomorrow /borrow ‎2. Sentences: Can I borrow a pencil, please? /Can I have a pencil, please? /You’re welcome. /What do you want?‎ ‎3. What are you making? ‎ ‎4. Lead the students to learn the new knowledge.‎ Step 2. Presentation.‎ ‎1. Learn Part D: What are you making, Mingming?‎ I’m making a kite. Oh, dear! I forget to bring my glue. Can I borrow your glue?‎ ‎2. Ask student to use the knowledge they have learnt to finish the exercises work.‎ Step 3. Drills ‎1. Read Part D after the teacher.‎ ‎2. Precise by themselves.‎ ‎3. Play some games.‎ Step 4. Exercises ‎1. Do the exercises book’s Part C and part D ‎2. Try their best to recite A and B.‎ Unit 5 Can I have a pet?‎ Aims and demands:‎ ‎1. Have the students know how to ask someone’s pets and how to express their favorite pets. ‎ ‎2. Have the students use the words such as kitten / lovely / pet / basket /cage / expensive / puppy / hold / rabbit / touch /flat…‎ ‎3. Have the students to learn these new sentences: Can I have a puppy? / Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. / You can do sth but you can’t do sth.‎ Teaching methods ‎ Reading. /Listening. /Talking. /Singing.‎ ‎ Play Games.‎ ‎ Making actions.‎ Teaching aids:‎ CAI Tape recorder.‎ Period 1‎ Step 1. Warming-up.‎ ‎1. The teacher and the students making a greeting with each other.‎ ‎2. Let the students sing an English song together.‎ ‎3. Revise some new words by playing the game: Look and say.‎ ‎ Step 2. Presentation ‎1. Tell the students I like pet. Tell a story with a rabbit/ a puppy / a kitten. According this story help the students to learn these new words: kitten / lovely / pet / basket /cage / expensive / puppy / hold / rabbit / touch /flat…‎ ‎2. Let the students to read these new words after the teacher. ‎ Ask the students to remember how to pronounce it. ‎ ‎3. Play the game: Drive the train. Have every student say the similar sentences: Can I have a puppy?‎ Step 3 Practices.‎ ‎1. Write Can I have a puppy? / Yes, you can. / No, youcan’t. / You can do sth but you can’t do sth. down on the Bb.‎ Ss read the sentence after me . Then have them practice in pairs.‎ ‎2. Play a guessing game to practice the sentences.‎ ‎ Step 4. Consolidations.‎ ‎1. Let the students listen to the tape three times. Then ask the students to read after the tape.‎ ‎2. Play a game: Chant!‎ Can I have a puppy? Yes, you can.‎ Can I have a kitten? No, you can’t.‎ Can I have a cage? Yes, you can.‎ Can I have a basket? No, you can’t.‎ ‎ Period 2‎ Step 1. Warm-up ‎1. The teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.‎ ‎2. Play a game: Chant!‎ ‎ Can I have a puppy? Yes, you can.‎ Can I have a kitten? No, you can’t.‎ Can I have a cage? Yes, you can.‎ Can I have a basket? No, you can’t.‎ ‎3. Do and say.‎ ‎4. Free talk:‎ A: Can I have a puppy? ‎ B: Yes, you can.‎ Step 2. Presentation. (CAI)‎ ‎1. Teach the words: kitten / lovely / pet / basket /cage / expensive / puppy / hold / rabbit / touch /flat…to teach the students how to write these words and remember these words.‎ ‎2. Play some games to practice the words like this: ①Bomb ②High and low ③Guessing game ④Pointing game Step 3. Practices.‎ ‎1. Listen to the tape and read after the tape three times.‎ ‎2. Practice Part C in two groups. Then practice it in pairs.‎ Step 4. Consolidations.‎ ‎1. Play a game: Chant!‎ Can I have a puppy? Yes, you can.‎ Can I have a kitten? No, you can’t.‎ Can I have a cage? Yes, you can.‎ Can I have a basket? No, you can’t.‎ ‎2. Finish Part D and ticking the best answer.‎ ‎3. Do Part E: listen and write.‎ Period 3‎ Step 1. Warming-up.‎ The teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.‎ Play some games.‎ Step 2. Revision.‎ Ask some Ss: Can I have a puppy?‎ Do you have any pets?‎ And let the students have a talk with each other freely.‎ Step 3. Presentations.‎ ‎1. Ask a student: Do you have any pets? In this step we can repeat this steps several times. Then let the Ss practice in pairs.‎ ‎2. Revise the words using these interesting games:‎ Game 1: Look and say Game 2: Guessing game ‎3. Revise the Part A: ‎ ‎① guessing game.‎ ‎② Telephone game.‎ ‎③ Act the dialogue (Group competition)‎ ‎ Step 4. Practices.‎ ‎1. Play some games:‎ Guessing game.‎ Telephone game.‎ Act the dialogue.‎ Step 5. Consolidations.‎ Do some exercises in the class.‎ Unit 6 Which one do you want?‎ Teaching aims and demands ‎1. Students learn how to ask others to choose something when shopping and how to choose. Use this sentence structure: ‎ ‎ Which one do you want, the long one or the short one? The long one, please?‎ ‎2. Learn some new words, such as: a raincoat, a thick book, a cheap T-shirt, a hard rock, a soft pillow, a long ladder, a thin book.‎ ‎3. Revise some opposite words, such as: long-short, big - small, fat - thin, thick - thin, tall - short, beautiful - ugly, dirty - clean, hot - cold, warm - cool, hard - soft, cheap - expensive, interesting - boring, etc. ‎ ‎3. Try to read a story.‎ ‎4. Learn an English chant.‎ Teaching difficulties and importance Which one do you want? And the opposite words.‎ Teaching aids Word cards.‎ Teaching steps and contents Period 1‎ Warming up ‎1. Greetings between the teacher and the students.‎ ‎2. Show the word cards which have been learned in the last class, let students read them quickly.‎ Presentation ‎1. Teacher show the students a thick dictionary, and ask them what it is. Then teacher show them a thin English book, and ask them what it is. Then ask them if there is anything different between these two books, let student say their different points. Yes, one book is thick, the other one is thin. Then lead to read the two words, thick and thin.‎ ‎2. This time teacher show a picture of rock and a picture of pillow, and also ask them what it is, and if there is anything different between these two things, maybe the students will say one is hard and the other one is soft in Chinese, then the teacher write these two words on the blackboard, hard and soft, and teach them how to ‎ pronounce these two words. ‎ ‎3. Then teacher write the word cheap on the blackboard, let student find the opposite word for cheap, and after the students say out the word expensive, teacher write the word on the blackboard.‎ ‎4. This time, teacher ask the students to find other pairs of opposite words, and write them on the blackboard. And at last, ask the students to copy them down on their own notebook, and read them out loudly. ‎ ‎5. Teacher show two books, tell them one is 15 yuan and the other one is 50 yuan, ask them which one do they want.‎ ‎6. Teacher play the tape of Part A, let students try to understand its meaning, and then read after it. ‎ ‎7. Then read the text again, and finish the questionnaire.‎ ‎ Ling ling’s raincoat Long Short Thick Thin Yellow Red Consolidation ‎1. Give the students three minutes to practice the conversation by themselves, then ask some pairs of students to act their dialogue in the class.‎ ‎2. Find some pairs of opposite words, such as: ‎ long - short, cheap - expensive hard - soft, clean - dirty interesting - boring, old - young,‎ new - old, tall - short, ‎ hot - cold, beautiful - ugly,‎ thick - thin, good - bad ‎ Ask the students to find more opposite words.‎ Period 2‎ Warming up ‎1. Sing the song together, How much is the doggie in the window?‎ ‎2. Ask the student to make a duty’s report.‎ ‎3. Revise the opposite words.‎ Presentation ‎1. Ask and answer some questions, such as: Which ruler do you want, a new one or an old one? ‎ S1: I want a new one.‎ T: Which books do you want, a thick one or a thin one?‎ S2: I want a thin one.‎ ‎2. Give the students three minutes to read the story in Part D by themselves. Ask them to circle the difficult words. Then try to answer these questions, such as:‎ ‎ How many people are there in the conversation?‎ ‎ Who are they?‎ ‎ What are they shopping for?‎ ‎ What did they buy?‎ ‎ Did Peter want a long scarf or a short one?‎ ‎3. The teacher play the tape of Part D, and ask the students to translate it into Chinese sentence by sentence.‎ ‎4. Play the tape again, this time ask the students to imitate after the tape.‎ ‎5. Finish the exercises in Part E, and then correct the answers in the class.‎ Consolidation ‎1. Learn to say the chant in Part F.‎ ‎2. Do the exercises in the Workbook.‎ Period 3‎ Teaching aims and demands ‎1.  Listen, read and write the words.‎ ‎2.  Read the dialogue Ability Aims:‎ ‎1. Can use the words and sentences of Unit ‎5 in daily life.‎ Teaching difficulties and importance ‎1. Read the dialogue and write the words.‎ ‎2. Use the sentences of Unit 15‎ Teaching aids A tape recorder/some cards Teach steps and contents StepⅠ Greetings and sing a song StepⅡ Warming-up ‎1. Have a dictation.‎ ‎2. Ask Ss some questions about the sentences of Unit5‎ ‎3. Act the Dialogue of Last period.‎ StepⅢ Presentation ‎1. Listen to the tape and read it, try to understand the short essay and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.‎ ‎2. Let’s write ‎3. Let’s have fun StepⅣ Revision ‎1. Read the words and sentences of this Unit.‎ ‎2. Do some exercises in exercise books.‎ Unit 7 What time do you get up?‎ 教学目标 能听懂会说新单词a timetable, get up, go to bed 能听懂会说本课对话 能用句型 “What time do you _____?”询问他人的作息情况,及对此询问做出回应 教学重点及难点 重点 理解并正确运用课文A部分中对话就有关他人的作息情况进行回答。‎ 难点 理解 “have English / breakfast /…”中have的用法及意义,理解句子 “This timetable is about your day.”‎ 教学准备 一面挂钟,单词卡片,教学挂图,教学磁带等。‎ Period 1‎ 教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候 复习时间的表达(出示挂钟)‎ T: Look! What’s this?‎ S: It’s a clock.‎ T: (拨动指针到正点)What’s the time, please?‎ S: It’s one / two / three /… o’clock.‎ T: (拨动指针到非整点)What time is it, please?‎ S: It’s 8:20 / 10:40 /…‎ Step 2 Presentation and drill 在黑板上绘制一个作息时间表。‎ T: OK! Now, may I ask you some questions?‎ ‎ (出示单词卡片get up, 做动作)‎ ‎ What time do you get up?‎ S: I get up at 6:20.‎ T: (做出背着书包上学的样子)‎ What time do you go to school?‎ ‎ S: I go to school at half past 7.‎ ‎ T: What time do you come home?‎ ‎ S: I come home at 4 o’clock.‎ ‎(出示单词卡片go to bed)‎ ‎ T: (做动作)What time do you go to bed?‎ S: I go to bed at 9:30.‎ T: OK, this is a timetable about your day.‎ 教学新单词 用刚制作的作息时间表教单词timetable.‎ 伸出手臂做起床的动作 T: Get up. I get up at 6:20.‎ 让学生们分组练读.‎ 用同样的方法教短语go to bed.‎ 听课文A部分录音,完成表格。‎ Step 3 Practice 听课文A部分录音,跟读。‎ 有感情的大声朗读课文A部分。‎ 同桌分角色表演。‎ Step 4 Consolidation 描述Ling ling的作息情况。‎ T: Books closed. Try to say a short story about Ling ling’s day.‎ 让学生们相互询问彼此的作息情况,并制作作息时间表.然后请几名学生向大家描述。‎ 评价 Period 2‎ 教学目标 能听懂会说新单词及短语;‎ 能用所学单词及短语绘制作息时间表;‎ 能熟练的就他人的作息情况进行会话。‎ 教学重点及难点 重点 掌握新单词及短语 难点 单词Mathematics的读音,正确运用课文C部分对话进行交流。‎ 教学准备 单词卡片,教学磁带等 教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候 表演诵读已学英语歌谣。‎ 游戏---Dragon game T: What time do you get up?‎ S: I get up at 6:30. What time do you go to school?‎ Step 2 Presentation and drill T: What’s the time now?‎ S: It’s 9:00.‎ T: We often have English at 9:00.‎ 板书短语have English,带读。‎ 出示一本音乐书。‎ T: Who is your music teacher? What time do you have Music?‎ 板书短语have Music,带读。‎ 以同样的方式教单词Chinese, computer class, Mathematics.‎ 利用闹钟教短语half past one。‎ Step 3 Practice 听课文C部分录音,跟读。‎ 两人一组朗读课文C部分 与同桌一起表演课文C部分 同桌交流.模仿课文,根据实际情况进行问答。‎ What time do you do your homework?‎ What time do you have your music class?‎ Step 4 Consolidation 自由会话,介绍个人的作息情况。‎ 评价 练习 Period 3‎ 教学目标 能运用已学单词和句型完成课文D部分的写作练习;‎ 能正确完成课文E部分听力练习;‎ 能理解并掌握am和pm的用法。‎ 教学重点及难点 重点 运用已学单词和句型完成简单的写作与听力练习。‎ 难点 独立完成课文E部分的写作练习。‎ 教学准备 一面挂钟,单词卡片,教学磁带等。‎ 教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候,游戏---Quick response 教师将挂钟拨至不同的时间,学生快速说出时间。‎ Step 2 Presentation and drill 教师背对学生拨动时钟,学生猜教师的作息时间。‎ T: What time do I get up / have breakfast / have English lesson / go home /…?‎ S: You get up at 6:30…‎ ‎ (出示时钟)‎ ‎ T: Yes, I get up at 6:30 am.‎ I have breakfast at 7:30 am.‎ I go home at 6:00 pm.‎ 板书句子,解释说明am表示上午,pm表示下午。‎ 根据课文D部分图画自由会话。‎ Mr Zhao bathes / takes a bath at 6:30 am.‎ He cooks / prepares breakfast at 7:00 am.‎ He combs his hair / gets dress / gets ready for work at 7:30 am.‎ He starts work at 8:30 am.‎ Step 3 Practice 完成课文D部分的写作练习。‎ 完成课文E部分听力练习。‎ Step 4 Consolidation 根据所填表格内容,讲一个小故事。‎ 评价,给故事讲得精彩的学生授予 “故事大王”的称号,并推荐给校园英语电视台。‎ Unit 8. Lingling helps her parents .‎ Period 1‎ 教学目标 ‎  Enable Ss to learn and say the dialogue in Part A.‎ ‎  Enable Ss to learn to say these words: a sign, a cinema, No mobile phone, No talking, No fishing, Do not go in, No picking of flowers, No spitting.‎ 教学重点难点 ‎  Teaching focal points: Learn to read the phrases: cook a meal, iron clother, water plants, have a meal ‎  Teaching difficult points: S can use the phrases make new sentences.‎ 教学准备 Tape—recorder, tape, CAI 教学过程 ‎  Step1. Greetings & warming up ‎  Step 2 Presentation Greetings:‎ ‎  T: Hello! Everyone!‎ ‎  Nice to see you!‎ ‎  New phrases.‎ ‎  CAI: T: Look. Let’s talk about the pictures.‎ ‎  Picture 1: She cooks a meal. Picture 2: He iron clothes.‎ ‎  Picture 3: We have a meal. Picture 4: I water plants.‎ ‎  Teach:. cook a meal, iron clothes, have a meal, water plants ‎  Listen to the tape and point.‎ ‎  T teach to read it. S spell it. Row by row read it.‎ ‎  Step3. Practic ‎  1.Listen to the tape. 2.Listen and repeat.‎ ‎  3.Pair work: read and read. 4.Make new sentences.‎ Period 2.‎ ‎  教学目标 ‎  1. Review the phrases in Part B.‎ ‎  2. Learn to read the new dialogue ‎3. Ss can act the dialogue.‎ ‎  教学重点难点 ‎  1.Teaching focal points: Learn to read the new dialogue.‎ ‎  2.Teaching difficult points: Ss can act the dialogue.‎ ‎  教学准备 ‎  Tape—recorder, tape, CAI ‎  教学过程 ‎  Step1. Greetings & Warming up ‎  Step 2 Presentation ‎  1. Game—A little master—hand ‎  The teacher provides the word card, brief on the pronunciation of a part of the vowel, students read words, see who reads fast the most accurateliest, choose “A little master—hand"‎ ‎  2. New dialogue.‎ ‎  CAI Talk about the pictures. T: My mother makes the bed. I help her.‎ ‎  S1: My mother irons the clothes. I help her.‎ ‎  S3: My father water the plant, I help him.‎ ‎  Step3. Practic ‎  1. Listen to the tape, then repeat. 2. Free talk.‎ ‎  3. Pair work. 4. Learn to the dialogue.‎ ‎ ‎ Period 3.‎ ‎  教学目标 ‎  1.Review Part A.‎ ‎  2.Ss can act the dialogue.‎ ‎  3. Ss can practice Part C.‎ ‎  教学重点难点 ‎  Teaching focal points: Review Part A.,Ss can practice Part C ‎  Teaching difficult points: Ss can act the dialogue.‎ ‎  教学准备 ‎  Tape—recorder, tape, CAI ‎  教学过程 ‎  Step1. Greetings & warming up ‎  Step 2 Presentation ‎  Game—Little parrot.‎ ‎  T: Makes the bed. S: Makes the bed.‎ ‎  S1: Irons the clothes. S: Irons the clothes. Act dialogue:‎ ‎  S2: Do you help your mother and father at home every Sunday?‎ ‎  S3: Yes, I help them.My mother makes the bed. I help her. My mother irons the clothes. I help her. My father cleans the windows. I help him. My mother cooks a big meal. I help her.‎ ‎  Step3. Practic ‎  1.Listen to the tape, then repeat.‎ ‎  2.Free talk.‎ ‎  3.Pair work ‎  4. Say rhyme.‎ Unit 9 What’s your hobby?‎ Aims and demands:‎ ‎1. Have the students know how to ask someone’s hobbies and how to express their own hobbies.‎ ‎2. Have the students use the words such as collecting stickers, roller-balding, making handicrafts, etc correctly. ‎ Period 1‎ Teaching steps:‎ Step 1. Warming–up Sing an English song.‎ Revise some verbs by playing the game: Look and say.‎ ‎ Step 2 .Presentation Tell the students I like swimming. Swimming is my hobby. I like singing. Singing is my hobby. Then ask the students What does hobby mean?‎ Ask the students : Do you have any hobbies? Help the Ss answer I like singing . Singing is my hobby. Etc.‎ Play the game: Drive the train. Have every student say the similar sentences.‎ Write Do you have any hobbies? down on the Bb. Ss read the sentence after me . Then have them practice in pairs.‎ Play a guessing game to practice the sentences.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Period 2‎ Teaching steps:‎ Step 1. Warm-up Do and say.‎ Free talk:‎ ‎ A: Do you have any hobbies?‎ B: I like ….‎ ‎ Step 2. Presentation (CAI)‎ Teach the words: roller-blading, collecting stickers, a sticker album, making handicrafts, reading stories, cycling by showing the pictures. ‎ Play some games to practice the words:①Bomb②High and low③Guessing game④Pointing game ‎ Step 3. Practice ‎① Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.‎ ‎② Practice Part C in groups.‎ ‎③ Do Part D: listen and write.‎ ‎④ Do Part E: look and write.‎ Period 3‎ Step 1. Revision Ask some Ss: What do you like?‎ Do you have any hobbies?‎ ‎ Step 2. Presentation Ask a student: What do you like? Then ask the other Ss: What does he like? Help the Ss answer: He/She likes ….‎ Repeat this steps several times. Then Ss practice in pairs.‎ Teach Does he/she have any hobbies? in the same way.‎ Listen and read: answer the questions①What does Peter like?‎ ‎②What does Anne like? ③Does Lingling have any hobbies?‎ ‎⑤   What does Mingming like?‎ Listen and repeat. ‎ ‎ Step 3. Practice Guessing game.‎ Telephone game.‎ Act the dialogue.‎ ‎ Step 4. Consolidation A survey:‎ Ask several Ss: Do you have any hobbies? and fill in the blanks.‎ Names reading cycling making handicrafts collecting stickers ‎4. Revision ‎ ‎1. Revision ‎ Revise the words:‎ Game1: Look and say Game2: Guessing game Revise the sentences:‎ ‎1. Free talk: A: Do you have any hobbies?‎ B: I like swimming. Swimming is my hobby.‎ ‎2. Play a remember game to practice: Does he/she have any hobbies? He/She likes cooking. Cooking is his/her hobby. ‎ ‎2. Revision Revise Part A: ① Guessing game.‎ ‎ ② Telephone game ‎③ Act the dialogue (Group competition)‎ ‎3. Exercises ‎ Postscript:‎ Unit 10 What does that sign mean?‎ Aims and demands: Have the Ss know the meaning of the signs.‎ Teaching aids: some pictures ‎ Teaching methods:Games, Direct methods, ‎ Reading Period 1‎ Teaching steps:‎ ‎1.  Warm-up Chant: Reading, reading, I’m reading.‎ ‎ Singing, singing, she is singing.‎ ‎ Walking, walking, he is walking.‎ ‎ Talking, talking, they are talking.‎ ‎2.  Presentation ‎① CAI shows some pictures and T will tell the Ss They are signs. Ss guess the meaning of sign.‎ ‎② Show a sign of No cycling and ask What does this sign mean? Get the Ss to guess the meaning of it .Help the Ss answer it means No cycling. Teach No fishing, No talking, No spitting. in the same way.‎ Say to the Ss Look, this is a mobile phone. I can’t use the mobile phone here. Ss say after me: No mobile phone.‎ ‎3. Practice Play some games to practice the words: Game1 Sharp eyes.‎ Game 2 Guessing game.‎ Game 3 put the pictures on the right pictures.‎ Game 4 Pointing game.‎ ‎4.  Let’s draw.‎ Draw the right pictures according to the teacher’s words.‎ Period 2‎ ‎1.Revision Revise the words by playing some games: ①Sharp eyes.②Guessing game.③Group work.‎ ‎2. Presentation Show a park to the Ss and tell the Ss this is a park. We can park here. Then show sign of No parking. And tell the Ss Here no parking. Teach No parking.‎ Teach Do not go in. Do not turn left. You can go out from there by using the pictures.‎ ‎3. Practice Ss read the words row by row, group by group, one by one.‎ ‎ Play the game: Pointing game.‎ ‎ Ask and answer: What does that sign mean?‎ ‎ It means….‎ Period 3‎ Teaching steps:‎ ‎1.  Revision Revise the signs by playing some games: ‎ ‎①Guessing game ‎ ‎②Sharp eyes ‎③Group work ‎2.  Presentation Get the Ss to read Part A and fill in the blanks. ‎ Who When Where What ‎3. Listen to the tape and read after it .‎ ‎4. Guessing game.‎ ‎5. Practice in pairs.‎ ‎6. Ex. ‎ Teaching postscript:‎ Unit 11 I am sorry.‎ Teaching aims:‎ ‎1, Knowledge aim ‎ Learning the new words and sentences just like angry/frightened/happy/proud/sad/shy/tired/The boy feels sorry/The girl feels sad /The boy is angry/The boy is proud /The girl feels shy/The boy feels frightened/The ‎ boy is tired/The girl is happy and so on.‎ ‎2, Ability aim ‎ Improve the students Oral English and let students know something about expressing feelings.‎ ‎ Let the students can make communication with each other.‎ ‎3, Moral aim ‎ We must attend the class seriously.‎ Teaching methods ‎ ReadingListening/writing/speaking.‎ ‎ Games ‎ Making actions ‎ Role play of part A Teaching aids ‎ Computer/TV/a tape recorder /pictures Main points and difficulties ‎ New words ‎ Expressions and sentences Period 1‎ Teaching steps Step 1, Revision ‎1. Greetings,‎ Good morning/afternoon everyone/ how are you/Who is on duty today?‎ ‎2. Go over lesson 11.‎ Step 2.Presetation ‎1. Turn on the computer and learn the words according to the pictures: feel sorry happy ‎2. Learn the sentences according to the words and pictures of part A.‎ ‎3. Watching TV.‎ Step3.Drills ‎1. Follow the tape.‎ ‎2. Read after the teacher.‎ ‎3. Read out the words and sentences according to the computer ‎4. Check up the result.‎ ‎5. Make a role-play under the teacher’s directions.‎ Step4.Exercise ‎1. Remember the words.‎ ‎2.read Part A after class and practice the role-play. ‎ Period 2‎ Step1.Greetings.Revision T: Class begins S: Stand up. Good morning/afternoon teacher.‎ T: Good morning/afternoon. Sit down please.‎ S: Thank you!‎ Revision Ask some Ss to make the role-play again to review the following:‎ ‎1. Words: feel sorry angry happy ‎2. Sentences: I am sorry… ‎ Lead students to the new knowledge.‎ Step 2. Presentation.‎ ‎1. Learn Part B: Let us learn.‎ ‎2. Draw a table on the Bb.‎ ‎3. Ask student to use the knowledge they have learnt to finish the table.‎ Step3 Drills ‎1. Read Part B after the teacher for twice.‎ ‎2. Precise by themselves.‎ ‎3. Ask students to make actions before the teacher’s desk.‎ Step 4 Exercises ‎1. Ask parents: What they do every day after work.‎ ‎2. Try their best to recite A and B.‎ Period 3‎ Step1 ‎ Learn Part D: Let us write Step2‎ Do the exercises and check the answers.‎ Step3‎ Let’s have fun.‎ Step4‎ Watch VCD. ‎ Postscript: ‎ Unit 12 The Spring Festival 一.教学目标:‎ ‎1.能掌握中国传统佳节——春节的一些风俗的表达方法;‎ ‎2.培养学生的阅读能力。‎ 二.教学重点及难点 ‎1.重点:描述春节的情景。‎ ‎2.难点:掌握与春节有关的词汇。‎ 三.教学准备 红包、花炮、春联、福字等实物或单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。‎ 四.教学步骤 Period 1‎ Step 1 Warming up ‎1.师生问候。‎ ‎2.自由对话。‎ T: What’s the date today?‎ Ss: …‎ T:(出示春联) What’s this ?‎ Ss: 春联.‎ T: When do you put this on your door?‎ Ss: We often put them on the door before “chunjie”‎ T: Spring Festival is “chunjie”. Today we’ll learn something about the Spring Festival.‎ 板书课题.‎ Step 2 Presentation and drill ‎1.T: The Spring Festival is an important festival in China. It is the same as Christmas in America. Do you like the Spring Festival?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: But why? Who can tell me some customs during the Spring Festival? What do you do during the Spring Festival? ‎ 鼓励学生大胆表达。‎ T: You are very clever. But do you know how to say these in English?‎ 通过实物或单词卡片呈现新单词和短语 a family dinner, exchange red packets ,burn firecrackers, lion dance, dragon dance.板书单词并带读。‎ ‎2.让学生快速阅读课文A部分,了解文章大意。‎ T: Different people have different ways to celebrate the Spring Festival. Now please read the text to find out how the Li’s family celebrate the Spring Festival.‎ Step 3 Practice ‎ ‎1. 听课文A部分录音,回答问题。‎ What is the Li’s family doing?‎ ‎2.再次阅读课文,讨论并完成以下问题。‎ What is the Li’s family shopping for?‎ What does Mingming enjoy doing?‎ Who will come to Mingming’s house on the eve of the Spring Festival?‎ Who enjoy the Festival most? Why?‎ What do children receive?‎ What do they do during the day?‎ Step 4 Consolidation ‎1.两人一组根据关键词(shop for, enjoy shopping, on the eve of the Spring Festival, have a meal, wear, receive, burn firecrackers, watch, have great fun )复述课文。‎ 选几位同学分别表演调皮学生和老师,表演课文A部分。要求表演夸张,幽默,不出声。另选一位学生为他们的表演配音。‎ ‎2.评价。‎ ‎3.练习。‎ ‎4.家庭作业。‎ Period 2‎ 教学目标 ‎1.能掌握有关春节的词汇;‎ ‎2.让学生搜集素材,了解不同的人是怎样过春节的。‎ 教学重点及难点 重点:掌握有关春节的词汇并熟练地运用于描述春节的一些风俗。‎ 难点:理解及运用词汇。‎ 教学准备 红包、日历卡片等实物,学生所查资料,教学挂图,单词卡片,教学磁带等。‎ 教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up ‎1.师生问候。‎ ‎2.自由会话。‎ 出示一张母亲节日历卡片。‎ T: What day is today?‎ S: It’s Sunday.‎ T: Yes, and today is Mother’s Day .‎ 用同样的方式介绍中国的春节、元宵节、端午节、中秋节以及西方的圣诞节、感恩节和万圣节等节日。‎ Step 2 Presentation and drill.‎ ‎1.T:The night on December 24th is called the Christmas Eve, then how do we call 年三十?‎ 帮助学生回答:Eve of Spring Festival.然后出示单词卡片eve of Spring Festival ,鼓励学生自由联想并大胆说出与春节除夕有关的一切事物,用中英文说出均可(red packets, a family reunion dinner, burn firecrackers, cleaning, 吃饺子,贴对联,拜年等)培养学生的发散性思维。想象力丰富且知识面广的学生可获奖励。‎ ‎2.听课文C部分录音,跟读。‎ Step 3 Practice.‎ ‎1.两人一组,练习课文C部分对话。‎ 游戏——Super little hero (超级小英雄)‎ 将学生分成两大组进行比赛。首先各组派出代表回答必答题;然后进行抢答。抢到的问题可以自己回答也可以把问题留给对方回答。答对了加分,答错减分。积分多的为超级小英雄。所问问题可以是有关东方节日的也可以是有关西方节日的。‎ Why do people exchange oranges?‎ Who give the children red packets?‎ What other customs does Lingling have?‎ What customs do American people following during the Christmas?‎ ‎2.学生互相交换搜集的资料,并将有趣的信息讲述给大家听。培养学生的研究性学习的能力。‎ Step 4 Consolidation ‎1.创设情景,自由会话。‎ ‎ 情景:过年。(让学生自由讨论自己家过年的情形。)‎ ‎ S: Before the Spring Festival, my family is always … ‎ ‎3.评价。‎ ‎4.练习。‎ ‎5.家庭作业。‎ Period 3‎ 教学目标 ‎1.通过小型新年联欢晚会,达到熟练运用语言的目的;‎ ‎2.能熟练诵读课文F部分的英语歌谣;‎ ‎3.介绍自己家乡的新年风俗,并邀请同学合作完成一项新年的活动。‎ 教学重点及难点 重点:在活动中熟练运用语言。‎ 难点:熟练的使用语言进行口头、笔头交际。‎ 教学准备 单词卡片、英语歌曲Happy new year!、教学磁带等。‎ 教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up ‎1.师生问候。‎ ‎2.演唱英语歌曲Happy new year!‎ Step 2 Presentation and drill 课文D部分 T: Now Spring Festival is coming. Many people buy flowers and put them in their homes. Please read Part D and tell me:‎ What do people say when they meet?‎ What can children get from their parents, uncles and aunties?‎ 让学生快速阅读课文然后回答问题。‎ Step 3 Practice ‎1.听课文D部分录音,跟读。然后完成笔头练习。‎ ‎2.学习课文F部分英语歌谣。‎ Step 4 Consolidation 全班一起举行一个小型的新年晚会。教师首先放音乐Happy New Year!,让学生感受节日的气氛。然后,由学生们一起诵读课文F部分英语歌谣.‎ T: The Spring Festival is coming. Let’s spend the time together and share the happiness.‎ S1: The Spring Festival is here, everybody is happy. Let’s sing and dance.‎ ‎2.创设情景,自由会话。‎ 情景:过年。让学生们自由组合,组成家。各家讨论如何欢度即将到来的春节。然后挑选其中一家,将他们过年的情形表演出来。‎ ‎3.评价。‎ ‎4.练习。‎

