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Unit 4 What can you do? A Let’s learn Dog, dog, what can you do? I can run after you . Panda, panda, what can you do? I can eat so much bamboo . Mouse, mouse, what can you do? I can hide in the shoe . Mike, Mike, what can you do? I can draw animals in the zoo! Let's chant Animals can do many things. What about you ? ( 动物都能做很多事情,你们呢?) What can you do ? open the door turn on the light sweep the floor clean the window put up the picture clean the board Can you guess who is she ? ? ? sweep the floor I’m helpful ! I can… clean the bedroom I’m helpful ! I can… ? cook the meals I’m helpful ! I can… ? water the flowers I’m helpful ! I can… ? empty the trash I’m helpful ! I can… ? Be Helpful ! I’m helpful ! I can … I can … Wanted (招聘) 高 薪 聘 请 “ 小 管 家 ” Name sweep the floor cook the meals clean the bedroom empty the trash water the flowers Amy Group work What can you do,Amy? You’rehelpful! I can sweep the floor, cook the meals and empty the trash. √ √ √ ☆ (1) When you cook the meals, remember to switch off the gas. ( 烧饭别忘关煤气 , 否则是很危险的 .) (2) When you empty the trash, remember to pick out the batteries. ( 倒垃圾时把垃圾归类,废旧电池不能乱扔,否则会污染环境。 ) (3) When you do the dishes, remember to rinse off the detergent. ( 洗碗筷要将洗洁精冲净,否则对身体有害 ) (4) When you wash the clothes, remember to separate the coloured clothes from the white ones. ( 洗衣服易褪色衣服要分开洗 , 否则会相互染色,损坏衣服。 ) 幻灯片 2 温馨小提示 Look and match Go to the kitchen . Go to the living-room. Go to the be Look and match droom. Go to the garden. Go to the outside. Sweep the floor. Clean the bedroom. Cook the meals. Empty the trash. Water the flowers. Dear Mom: Thank you very much! I’m helpful now. I can_________________________________________________________________and_____________ . yours, ___________ Thanksgiving Day( 感恩节) 1 1 月的第四个星期四是感恩节 ! Homework: Write the 5 phrases five times. (每个短语写五遍) sweep the floor clean the bedroom cook the meals water the flowers empty the trash well done kids ! Thank you !

