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Unit 15 Communication Lesson 87‎ 一、教学内容:‎ 复习第85和86课的主要内容,并在复习的基础上有新的扩展内容。‎ 二、教学目标与要求:‎ ‎1. 能听懂打电话的对话,并能够在教师的帮助下完成电话留言。‎ ‎2. 能熟练的在所设定的场景中就个人信息进行调查活动。‎ ‎3. 能读懂通知,并能够用打电话的方式邀请同学去看画展。‎ ‎4. 能读懂给笔友的一封, 并能正确判断句子正误。‎ 三、教学重难点:‎ ‎1. 运用本单元学过的语言与他人进行交流。‎ ‎2. Part A / Part C 四、教学过程:‎ Part A Listen and write ‎1. Show out the picture and ask “Who are they? What are they doing?”‎ ‎2. Listen to the tape, then fill in the gaps ‎3. Say out it Part B Do a survey ‎1. Teacher and student say the dialogue ‎ ‎2. Make some students tell their address and number ‎ ‎3. Look and listen to the dialogue, finish the survey.‎ Part C Read and talk ‎1. Make students read the notice , then ask some questions to understand the notice ‎2. Practice the dialogue ‎ A: Hello, May I speak to … , please?‎ B: This is … speaking. Who’s this?‎ A: This is … Would you like to go to the painting show with me?‎ B: Sure! When and where?‎ A: On Saturday, June 21. At Art Museum. You’ll have a good time. See you then.‎ B: See you.‎ ‎3. Act the dialogue out.‎ Part D Read and circle ‎1. Teacher introduce self message for students: name, age, hobby, telephone number, address ‎ Make students introduce themselves .‎ ‎2. Read the address and find out the important message.‎ ‎ Then answer questions: “ What’s his name? / Where is he from? / What does he do? / What’s his favorite subject?” ‎ ‎3. Finish the exercise ‎ 五、小结:‎

