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Module6 Unit 1I went there last year.‎ ‎ ‎ 一、教学内容:‎ ‎《英语》新标准(三年级起点)第六册Module 6 Unit 1‎ 二、教学目标:‎ ‎1. 知识目标:掌握单词photo, stay, week及句型When did you go to……?I went there in …… Did you go with your mother? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 并能表示出某地在中国的方位。‎ 能力目标:能听懂并描述Lingling的照片.‎ 情感目标:通过Lingling的旅游经历及同学的旅游经历,让学生体会读万卷书,行万里路的意义。‎ 三、教学重点:‎ ‎1、能够听懂并理解课文,并用特殊问词when, where, who, how long 来理解并回答课文问题。‎ ‎2、听课文并选出正确的单词或词组。‎ 教学难点:听后询问别人的旅游经历。‎ 四、教学过程:‎ Step1: Warming up.‎ 1、 Greeting. ‎ 2、 Divide the class into Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan, Xinjiang groups. ‎ 3、 ‎(设计意图:通过将班里同学分成Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan, Xinjiang 组,引出方位词:west, east, south, north)‎ ‎2、Sing a song “Where did you go?”‎ Step2: Presentation ‎(Show some pictures of the teachers’ traveling in Sanya.)‎ T: Look! This is me. I went to Sanya with my son last year. We saw beautiful sea and moon. (引出生词moon). ‎ T: There are lots of beautiful places to go in China. Let’s guess what cities are they? (通过幻灯片出示Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan, Xinjiang.) Where did you go for your holiday?(Ask some students about their holiday.)‎ ‎(设计意图:通过自己的游历引出今天的主题。通过出示不同的旅游城市,激发学生对祖国河山的热爱。)‎ T: Amy and John are also talking about their holiday. Do you want to know where did John go for his holiday? And how did he get there? Let’s listen and find out the answers. ‎ a. Where did John go for his holiday?‎ b. How did he go there?‎ Step3:New lesson T: Lingling has got some interesting photos.(幻灯片出示Lingling的照片)Do you want to see them?‎ Ss: .......‎ T: Ok. Now let’s go back into Lingling’s photos to see what happen by this time plane. Please fasten your seat belt, Now let’s go!‎ ‎(设计意图:通过创设听前的情景,激发学生听得兴趣。)‎ (1) Listen and choose the right answers. (The first picture)‎ T: Oh, what’s this place? Where did Lingling go? And who did she go with? So as to know the answers, let’s just listen and choose the right answers. ‎ a.Where did Lingling go for her holiday?‎ She went to _______(Xinjiang/ Beijing)‎ b. When did Lingling go there?‎ She went there_______ (last year/last week)‎ c. Who did she go with?‎ She went there with her_____ ( parents/uncle)‎ d. How long did she stay with her grandma?‎ She stayed with her grandma for _____(a week/ a month)‎ ‎(出示选项的同时引出生词parents)‎ T: Now let’s continue to go back by time plane. (PPT出示时空穿梭) Wow, what is this place? Who is the man in this photo? Let’s listen and choose the right answers. ‎ (2) Listen and choose the right answers. (The second picture)‎ T: Let’s continue to go into Lingling’s photo by this time plane. Are you ready? Go! (穿梭到玲玲的照片里) Oh, what is this place? Who is that man in the photo? Do you want to know? So, let’s listen and choose the right answers. ‎ a.Who is the man in the photo? Where does he live?‎ He is Lingling's ______( uncle/ father)‎ He lives in ______( Shanghai/ Hainan)‎ b. When did Ms. Smart meet them? Are they Li People or Miao people?‎ She met them in _____(June.六月/July 七月) ‎ They are________( Li people/ Miao people) ‎ ‎(引出生词,June, July.) ‎ ‎(设计意图: 通过听选的方式进行听力训练,可以减低听的难度,明确听的任务。)‎ Step 4 Practice ‎(I am an interviewer)‎ 同桌之间互相用以下问题进行采访问答。‎ 1. Where did you go for your holiday?‎ 2. Who did you go with?‎ 3. When did you go there?‎ ‎(设计意图: 通过小记者的环节来检测学生的听的效果)‎ Step 5 Summary Retell the photos. ‎ This is Xinjiang. Lingling went there last year. She went there with her parents. She stayed there for a week.‎ ‎ This is Hainan. Lingling’s uncle lives there. He lives there with his three children. They are Li people. Ms. Smart met them in June Step 6. Home work.‎ ‎1、Tell your frends your holiday.‎ ‎2、Write something about your travelling.‎ ‎ My travel I went to _____ last year. I went there in______. It’s in the ____ of China. I went there with my _____. I went there by______. I had a great time.‎ 附:‎ 1、 板书设计 评价方式 ‎ ‎

