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剑桥小学英语词汇汇总 一:关于本词汇表的说明:‎ A、百度文库和网络上有非常多的小学英语词汇资源,但都是以中文解释的。本词汇表全部引用英英词典对单词的解释,非常有助于学生、家长或者教师查询(可以不用查询英英词典,一本朗文英英词典真重!);‎ B、采用英英对单词的解释的意义或者作用这里就不用多说,只讲一点:如果将小学生送到英美留学,他接触不到中英词典,只会找到英英词典,也只会找到英英解释;‎ C、可能最开始时,还不能用英英解释的方式去理解,但这是方向;‎ D、希望本文作者分享的这份资源对小学生能够学会英语思维、在英语学习之路的过程中有一定的帮助!‎ E、本词汇表采用alphabet的排序方式 (从A-Z)。‎ F、如果想获取带有中文解释的词汇表,请发信索取,邮箱为2487452826@qq.com。‎ 二:关于小学英语学习的建议及分析:‎ 在中国,小学生很早就开始学习英语;实际上在非英语国家,他们的小学生和我国一样。在学习一门外语时,自己的母语对外语学习的最大障碍,在中国尤其严重,因为东方文化和东西文化基本是冲突的。‎ 但英语,我们却一定要学,而且要花的时间少,效率高,学的好。为了这个简单的目标,以下是在小学生学习英语的基本建议(仅仅是作者给出的建议,如认可,可以参考):‎ A、相对于字母,小学习对图片的兴趣会更大。小时候读小人书,有时可能不认识字,但能够看的懂图画,也读的津津有味。‎ ‎ 对于单词学习也是一样,如果一个单词一幅图片,直接将单词和图片关联,减少母语的影响,对快速形成英语思维,提高兴趣有非常大的帮助; ‎ B、关于单词的发音。即使学会了英文音标,也可能不能够正确的读出某个单词的发音,更有可能连英文教师的读音也不一定准确。‎ 所以在开始时,尽可以听原版的英文单词发音。‎ 关于以两项,由于其它方面的原因,不能在本文档中提供。同时,我们还有一份关于小学生如何学习英语的建议,以上 如有需要,请与我联系。‎ 除此之外,我们还有非常多的小学生学习的资源可以分享给大家,请发信至2487452826@qq.com索取。‎ 希望本文作者分享对你或者你的孩子在小学英语的学习过程中有一定的帮助!‎ Word pronunciation property explanation above ‎/ə'bʌv/‎ adj ‎ refer to something mentioned in an earlier part of the same piece of writing above ‎/ə'bʌv/‎ adv, prep in a higher position than something else ahead ‎/ə'hed/‎ adv in front or in or into the future am ‎/m, əm strong æm/‎ verb the first person singular of the present tense of the verb be ant ‎/ænt/‎ noun a small insect that lives in large groups apple ‎/'æpəl/‎ noun a hard round fruit that has red, light green, or yellow skin and is white inside April ‎/'eɪprəl/ ‎ noun the fourth month of the year, between March and May artist ‎/'ɑːtɪst US 'ɑːr-/ n noun someone who produces art, especially paintings or drawings or a singer, dancer athlete ‎/'æθliːt/ ‎ noun someone who competes in sports competitions, especially running, jumping, and throwing August ‎/'ɔːgəst US 'ɔː-/‎ noun the eighth month of the year, between July and September baboon ‎ /bə'buːn US bæ-/ ‎ noun a type of large monkey found in Africa and Asia, which has a long pointed face like a dog and large teeth back ‎/bæk/‎ noun the part of your body that is opposite to the front, from your shoulders to your bottom back ‎/bæk/‎ noun the inside or outside part of an object, vehicle, building, etc. that is furthest from the front back ‎/bæk/‎ adv in, into or towards a previous place or condition, or an earlier time banana ‎/bə'nɑːnə US -'næ-/ ‎ noun a long curved tropical fruit with a yellow skin bandage ‎/'bændɪdʒ/‎ noun,verb a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body bat ‎/bæt/‎ noun a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night bat ‎/bæt/‎ noun,verb a specially shaped piece of wood used for hitting the ball in many games or to hit a ball with a bat bathroom ‎/'bɑːθrum, -ruːm US 'bæθ-/‎ noun a room where there is a bath or shower, a basin, and sometimes a toilet bear ‎/beə US ber/‎ verb accept, tolerate or endure especially something unpleasant bear ‎/beə US ber/‎ noun a large, strong wild mammal with a thick furry coat that lives bear ‎/beə US ber/‎ verb formal to give birth to a baby bear ‎/beə US ber/‎ verb to carry and move something to a place bed ‎/bed/‎ noun,verb a large rectangular piece of furniture, often with four legs, which is used for sleeping on bedroom ‎/'bedrum, -ruːm/‎ noun a room for sleeping in bee ‎/biː/‎ noun a yellow and black flying insect which makes honey and can sting you behind ‎/bɪ'haɪnd/‎ adv,prep at the back of or responsible for or the cause of beside ‎/bɪ'saɪd/‎ perp at the side of, next to or compared to another person or thing between ‎/bɪ'twiːn/‎ perp among two or more people or things between ‎/bɪ'twiːn/‎ perp,adv in or into the space which separates two places, people or objects bike ‎/baɪk/‎ noun,verb a bicycle or ride a bicycle bird ‎/bəːd US bəːrd/‎ noun a creature with wings and feathers that can usually fly. Many birds sing and build nests, and female birds lay eggs. ‎ birthday ‎/'bəːθdeɪ US 'bəːr-/ ‎ noun the day that is exactly a year or number of years after a person was born black ‎/blæk/‎ adj,noun,verb the darkest colour there is, like night without light or put a black substance on something ‎ blackboard ‎/'blækbɔːd US -bɔːrd/‎ noun a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing on with chalk blazer ‎ /'bleɪzə US -ər/ ‎ noun a type of jacket,sometimes with the special sign of a school, club etc on it blouse ‎/blauz US blaus/‎ noun a shirt for a woman or girl blue ‎/bluː/‎ adj,noun having the colour of the sky or the sea on a fine day blue ‎/bluː/‎ adj feeling or showing sadness board ‎/bɔːd US bɔːrd/‎ verb get onto or allow people to get onto a boat, train or aircraft board ‎/bɔːd US bɔːrd/‎ noun the group of people who are responsible for controlling and organizing a company or organization board ‎/bɔːd US bɔːrd/‎ noun a flat wide piece of wood, plastic etc that you can use to show information board ‎/bɔːd US bɔːrd/‎ noun a thin flat piece of cut wood or other hard material used for a particular purpose boat ‎/bəut US bout/ ‎ noun a small vehicle for travelling on water,a ship book ‎/buk/‎ noun set of printed pages that are held together in a cover so that you can read them book ‎/buk/‎ verb arrange to have a seat, room, entertainer, etc. at a particular time in the future bookcase ‎/'buk-keɪs/‎ noun a piece of furniture with shelves to hold books bookshelf ‎/'bukʃelf/‎ noun a shelf on which you keep books boss ‎/bɔs US bɔːs/‎ noun,verb the person who employs you or who is in charge of you at work or tell people to do things bread ‎/briːtʃ/‎ noun food made from flour, water and usually yeast, mixed together and baked bus ‎/bʌs/‎ noun,verb a large vehicle that people pay to travel on or take by bus ‎ butterfly ‎/'bʌtəflaɪ US -ər-/‎ noun a type of insect that has large wings, often with beautiful colours by ‎/baɪ/‎ prep according to a particular rule, method, or way of doing things by ‎/baɪ/‎ prep not later than; at or before by ‎/baɪ/‎ prep show or describe the person or thing that does something by ‎/baɪ/‎ prep show how something is done by ‎/baɪ/‎ prep,prep near, beside or (in distance or time) past,during cake ‎/keɪk/‎ noun a sweet food made with a mixture of flour, eggs, fat and sugar or cake shape canteen ‎/kæn'tiːn/‎ noun BrE a place in a factory, school etc where meals are provided, usually quite cheaply cap ‎/kæp/‎ noun protective covering that put on the end or top of an object cap ‎/kæp/‎ noun ‎ a type of flat hat that has a curved part sticking out at the front, and is often worn as part of a uniform car ‎/kɑː US kɑːr/‎ noun a road vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a small number of people cardigan ‎/'kɑːdɪgən US 'kɑːr-/ ‎ noun a sweater similar to a short coat, fastened at the front with buttons or a zip chair ‎/tʃeə US tʃer/‎ noun a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, which has a back, a seat, and four legs chair ‎/tʃeə US tʃer/‎ noun the position of being in charge of a meeting or committee, or the person who is in charge of it cheese ‎/tʃiːz/‎ noun a solid food made from milk, which is usually yellow or white in colour, and can be soft or hard cheetah ‎/'tʃiːtə/ ‎ noun a member of the cat family that has long legs and black spots on its fur, and can run extremely fast cherry ‎/'tʃeri/‎ noun a small round red or black fruit with a long thin stem and a stone in the middle chicken ‎/'tʃɪkɪn/‎ noun a type of bird kept on a farm for its eggs or its meat, or the meat of this bird which is cooked and eaten chimpanzee ‎/,tʃɪmpæn'ziː, -pən-/ ‎ noun an intelligent African animal that is like a large monkey without a tail classroom ‎/'klɑːs-rum, -ruːm US 'klæs-/‎ noun a room that you have lessons in at a school or college clock ‎/klɔk US klɑːk/‎ noun,verb an instrument that shows what time it is, in a room or outside on a building clown ‎/klaun/ ‎ noun an entertainer who wears funny clothes and a large red nose and does silly things to make people laugh coat ‎/kəut US kout/‎ noun an outer piece of clothing with sleeves which is worn over other clothes, usually for warmth coat ‎/kəut US kout/‎ verb a piece of clothing with long sleeves that is worn over your clothes to protect them or to keep you warm coat ‎/kəut US kout/‎ noun the fur, wool, or hair that covers an animal's body coat ‎/kəut US kout/‎ noun thin layer of a paint or other substance pread thinly over the surface corn ‎/kɔːn US kɔːrn/‎ noun plants such as wheat, barley, and oats or their seeds cousin ‎/'kʌzən/‎ noun a child of a person's aunt or uncle, or, more generally, a distant relative cow ‎/kau/‎ noun a large female farm animal kept to produce meat and milk or Large female adult mammals crab ‎ /kræb/‎ noun a sea animal that has five pairs of legs and a round flat body covered by a shell, or its flesh eaten as food crayon ‎/'kreɪən, -ɔn US -ɑːn, -ən/‎ noun a stick of coloured wax or chalk that children use to draw pictures crocodile ‎/'krɔkədaɪl US 'krɑː-/‎ noun a large reptile with a long mouth and many sharp teeth that lives in lakes and rivers in hot wet parts of the world crow ‎/krəu US krou/ ‎ noun a large shiny black bird with a loud unpleasant cry crow ‎/krəu US krou/ ‎ verb if a cock crows, it makes a loud high sound cyclist ‎/'saɪklɪst/‎ noun someone who rides a bicycle dance ‎/dɑːns US dæns/ ‎ verb,noun a series of movements and steps that are usually performed to music dancer ‎ /'dɑːnsə US 'dænsər/ ‎ noun someone who dances either as a job or for pleasure dark ‎/dɑːk US dɑːrk/‎ adj,noun with little or no light or nearer to black than white in colour December ‎/dɪ'sembə US -ər/‎ noun the 12th month of the year, between November and January deer ‎/dɪə US dɪr/‎ noun a large wild animal that can run very fast, eats grass, and has horns desk ‎/desk/‎ noun a type of table that you can work at, often one with drawers dessert ‎/dɪ'zəːt US -əːrt/‎ noun sweet food served after the main part of a meal detective ‎/dɪ'tektɪv/‎ noun a police officer whose job is to discover information about crimes and catch criminals dictionary ‎/'dɪkʃənəri US -neri/‎ noun a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them dining room ‎0‎ noun a room used mainly for eating meals in dining room ‎0‎ noun a room where you eat meals in a house or hotel divider ‎ /dɪ'vaɪdə US -ər/ ‎ noun AmE a piece of land that separates traffic travelling in opposite directions on a main road,British Equivalent: reservation doctor ‎/'dɔktə US 'dɑːktər/‎ noun someone who is trained to treat people who are ill doctor ‎/'dɔktə US 'dɑːktər/‎ noun someone who holds the highest level of degree given by a university donkey ‎/'dɔŋki US 'dɑːŋki/‎ noun a grey or brown animal like a horse, but smaller and with long ears door ‎/dɔː US dɔːr/‎ noun a flat object, often fixed at one edge, that is used to close the entrance of something ‎ driver ‎/'draɪvə US -ər/‎ noun someone who drives a car, bus etc eagle ‎/'iːgəl/‎ noun a large strong bird with a curved beak which eats meat and can see very well eggplant ‎/eggplant/‎ noun a large vegetable with smooth purple skin eight ‎/eɪt/‎ noun the number 8‎ eighteen ‎/,eɪ'tiːn/‎ noun the number 18‎ eighth ‎/eɪtθ/‎ adj,noun ‎9th written as a word or one of eight equal parts of something eighty ‎/'eɪti/‎ noun the number 80‎ elephant ‎/'elɪfənt/‎ noun a very large grey animal with four legs, two tusks (=long curved teeth) and a trunk ‎ eleven ‎/ɪ'levən/‎ noun the number 11‎ eraser ‎/ɪ'reɪzə US -sər/‎ noun small piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a pencil February ‎/'februəri, 'febjuri US 'febjueri/‎ noun the second month of the year, between January and March fifteen ‎/,fɪf'tiːn/‎ noun the number 15‎ fifth ‎/fɪfθ/‎ adj,noun ‎5th written as a word fifty ‎/'fɪfti/‎ noun the number 51‎ first ‎/fəːst US fəːrst/‎ adj ‎(a person or thing) coming before all others in order, time, amount, quality or importance five ‎/faɪv/‎ pronoun,noun the number 5‎ flea ‎/fliː/ ‎ noun a very small insect without wings that jumps and bites animals and people to eat their blood flipper ‎ /'flɪpə US -ər/ ‎ noun a flat part on the body of some large sea animals such as seals, that they use for swimming floor ‎/flɔː US flɔːr/‎ noun one of the levels in a building floor ‎/flɔː US flɔːr/‎ noun the flat surface of a room on which you walk or a public space fly ‎/flaɪ/‎ noun a small flying insect with two wings fly ‎/flaɪ/‎ verb move or go quickly,wave or move about in the air ‎ fly ‎/flaɪ/‎ verb travel by aircraft, or to go somewhere or cross something in an aircraft forever ‎/fər'evə US -ər/‎ adv for all time,for all future time forty ‎/'fɔːti US 'fɔːrti/‎ noun the number 40‎ four ‎/fɔː US fɔːr/‎ pronoun, noun the number 4‎ fourteen ‎/,fɔː'tiːn US ,fɔːr-/‎ pronoun, noun the number 14‎ fourth ‎/fɔːθ US fɔːrθ/‎ adj coming after three other things in a series fox ‎/fɔks US fɑːks/‎ noun a wild animal like a dog with reddish-brown fur, a pointed face, and a thick tail Friday ‎/'fraɪdi, -deɪ/‎ noun ‎(of air) clean and cool; found outside rather than in a room,in a natural condition ‎ friend ‎/frend/‎ noun someone who you know and like very much and enjoy spending time with frog ‎/frɔg US frɑːg, frɔːg/‎ noun a small green animal that lives near water and has long legs for jumping genius ‎/'dʒiːniəs/‎ noun a very high level of intelligence, mental skill, or ability, which only a few people have genius ‎/'dʒiːniəs/‎ noun someone who has an unusually high level of intelligence, mental skill, or ability glasses ‎/'glɑː.sɪz/ US /'glæs.ɪz/‎ noun two small pieces of special glass or plastic in a frame worn in front of the eyes to improve sight goat ‎/gəut US gout/‎ noun an animal which is related to sheep, which usually has horns gold ‎/gəuld US gould/‎ noun,adj ‎(of) a yellowish colour, like the colour of gold gold ‎/gəuld US gould/‎ noun,adj a valuable, shiny, yellow metal used to make coins and jewellery granddaughter ‎/'græn,dɔːtə US -,dɔːtər/‎ noun a daughter of your son or daughter grandfather ‎/'grænd,fɑːðə US -ər/‎ noun the father of your father or mother grandmother ‎/'græn,mʌðə US -ər/‎ noun the mother of your mother or father grandparents ‎/'græn,peərənt US -,per-/‎ noun one of the parents of your mother or father grandson ‎/'grænsʌn/‎ noun the son of your son or daughter grape ‎/greɪp/‎ noun a small round purple or pale green fruit that you can eat or make into wine gray ‎/greɪ/‎ noun having the colour of dark clouds, neither black nor white,AmE grey green ‎/griːn/‎ adj of a colour between blue and yellow; of the colour of grass green ‎/griːn/‎ adj ‎(especially of fruit) not ripe enough to eat, or (of wood) not dry enough to use guide ‎/gaɪd/‎ noun someone whose job is to take tourists to a place and show them around half ‎/hɑːf US hæf/‎ noun, pronoun exactly or about 51% of an amount, time, distance, number etc hamburger ‎/'hæmbəːgə US -bəːrgər/‎ noun a sandwich consisting of a fried cake of minced beef served on a bun, often with other ingredients hamster ‎/'hæmstə US -ər/ ‎ noun a small animal that looks like a mouse with no tail handbag ‎/'hændbæg/‎ noun small bag for money, keys, etc., carried especially by women handkerchief ‎/'hæŋkətʃɪf US -kər-/‎ noun a square piece of cloth used for cleaning the nose or drying the eyes when they are wet with tears hare ‎/heə US her/ ‎ noun an animal like a rabbit but larger, which can run very quickly hat ‎/hæt/‎ noun a covering for the head that is not part of a piece of clothing helicopter ‎/'helɪkɔptə US -kɑːptər/‎ noun a type of aircraft with large metal blades on top which turn around very quickly to make it fly helmet ‎/'helmɪt/‎ noun a strong hard hat that covers and protects the head hen ‎/hen/‎ noun an adult female chicken,a fully grown female bird here ‎/hɪə US hɪr/‎ adv in, at, or to this place hero ‎/'hɪərəu US 'hɪrou/‎ noun the man who is the main character in a book, film, play etc hero ‎/'hɪərəu US 'hɪrou/‎ noun a man who is admired for doing something extremely brave heroine ‎/'herəuɪn US -rou-/‎ noun woman who is admired for doing something extremely brave hobby ‎/'hɔbi US 'hɑː-/‎ noun an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time horse ‎/hɔːs US hɔːrs/‎ noun a large strong animal that people ride and use for pulling heavy things hot dog ‎/'hɒt.dɒg/ US /'hɑːt.dɑːg/‎ noun a cooked sausage in a long piece of bread how ‎/hau/‎ adv used in questions which ask what an experience or event was like how ‎/hau/‎ adv in what way; by what methods hundred ‎/'hʌndrɪd/‎ determiner, noun, pronoun the number 100‎ hunter ‎/'hʌntə US -ər/‎ noun a person who hunts wild animals, or an animal that hunts other animals for food husband ‎/'hʌzbənd/‎ noun the man that a woman is married to in ‎/ɪn/‎ preposition during part or all of a period of time in ‎/ɪn/‎ preposition, adverb inside or towards the inside of a container, place or area in ‎/ɪn/‎ preposition involved or connected with a particular subject or activity in front of ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ close to the front part of something ink ‎/ɪŋk/‎ noun,verb coloured liquid used for writing, printing and drawing jacket ‎/'dʒækɪt/‎ noun a short, light coat January ‎/'dʒænjuəri, -njuri US -njueri/‎ noun the first month of the year, between December and February jeans ‎/dʒiːnz/‎ noun trousers made of denim (=a strong, usually blue, cotton cloth) which are worn informally jeep ‎/dʒiːp/‎ noun a type of car made for travelling over rough ground jet ‎/dʒet/‎ noun an aircraft with a jet engine, which is able to fly very fast jet ‎/dʒet/‎ noun a thin stream of something, such as water or gas, which is forced out of a small hole:‎ July ‎/dʒu'laɪ/‎ noun the seventh month of the year, between June and August June ‎/dʒuːn/‎ noun the sixth month of the year, between May and July kangaroo ‎/‚kæŋgə'ruː/‎ noun ‎ a large Australian animal with a strong tail and back legs, that moves by jumping kid ‎/kɪd/‎ noun a child or a young animal kitchen ‎/'kɪtʃɪn/‎ noun the room where you prepare and cook food ladybug ‎/'leɪdibʌg/ ‎ noun a small red beetle which is round and has black spots,UK ladybird leopard ‎/'lepəd US -ərd/‎ noun a large animal of the cat family, with yellow fur and black spots, which lives in Africa and South Asia light ‎/laɪt/‎ noun the brightness that comes from the sun, fire, etc. and from electrical devices light ‎/laɪt/‎ verb,noun start to burn or to make something start to burn light ‎/laɪt/‎ adj a light colour is pale and not dark light ‎/laɪt/‎ verb,adj produce light which makes an object or area bright or easy to see light ‎/laɪt/‎ adj not heavy,not great in strength,not serious ,not servere lion ‎/'laɪən/‎ noun a large wild animal of the cat family with yellowish brown fur ‎ living room ‎ ‎ noun the main room in a house where people relax, watch television etc(= lounge)‎ living room ‎ ‎ noun the main room in a house where people relax, watch television etc (UK ALSO sitting room, AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH ALSO lounge room)‎ man ‎/mæn/‎ noun the human race man ‎/mæn/‎ noun an adult male human being mango ‎/'mæŋgəu US -gou/ ‎ noun a tropical fruit with a thin skin and sweet yellow flesh march ‎/mɑːtʃ US mɑːrtʃ/‎ noun an organized event in which many people walk together to express their ideas March ‎/mɑːtʃ US mɑːrtʃ/‎ noun the third month of the year, between February and April mask ‎/mɑːsk US mæsk/‎ noun something that covers all or part of your face, to protect or to hide it mask ‎/mɑːsk US mæsk/‎ verb prevent something from being seen or noticed May ‎/meɪ/‎ noun the fifth month of the year, after April and before June may ‎/meɪ/‎ modal verb used to ask or give permission may ‎/meɪ/‎ modal verb f something may happen or may be true, there is a possibility that it will happen or be true but this is not certain medicine ‎/'medsən US 'medɪsən/‎ noun a substance used for treating illness, especially a liquid you drink milk ‎/mɪlk/‎ noun,verb a white liquid produced by cows or produced by female animals and women ‎ mirror ‎/'mɪrə US -ər/‎ noun a piece of special glass that you can look at and see yourself in mirror ‎/'mɪrə US -ər/‎ verb if one thing mirrors another, it is very similar to it and may seem to copy or represent it model ‎/'mɔdl US 'mɑːdl/‎ noun a small copy of a building, vehicle, machine etc, especially one that can be put together from separate parts model ‎/'mɔdl US 'mɑːdl/‎ noun someone whose job is to show clothes, hair styles etc by wearing them at fashion shows or for photographs model ‎/'mɔdl US 'mɑːdl/‎ noun a particular type or design of a vehicle or machine Monday ‎/'mʌndi, -deɪ/‎ noun the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday monkey ‎/'mʌŋki/‎ noun a small brown animal with a long tail, which uses its hands to climb trees mosquito ‎/mə'skiːtəu US -tou/‎ noun a small flying insect that sucks the blood of people and animals, sometimes spreading the disease malaria motorbike ‎/'məutəbaɪk US 'moutər-/‎ noun especially BrE a small fast two-wheeled vehicle with an engine neighbour ‎/'neɪbə US -bər/‎ noun someone who lives next to you or near you next to ‎0‎ prep very close to someone or something, with nothing in between nine ‎/naɪn/‎ determiner, pronoun, noun the number 9‎ nineteen ‎/,naɪn'tiːn/‎ determiner, pronoun, noun the number 19‎ ninety ‎/'naɪnti/‎ determiner, pronoun, noun the number 90‎ ninth ‎/naɪnθ/‎ adj pron coming after eight other things in a series notebook ‎/'nəutbuk US 'nout-/‎ noun a book of plain paper or paper with lines, for writing on November ‎/nəu'vembə, nə- US nou'vembər, nə-/‎ noun the eleventh month of the year, after October and before December now ‎/nau/‎ adv,noun immediately,at the present time, not in the past or future nowadays ‎/'nauədeɪz/‎ adv now, compared with what happened in the past nurse ‎/nəːs US nəːrs/‎ noun a woman employed to look after a young child nurse ‎/nəːs US nəːrs/‎ noun,verb someone whose job is to look after people who are ill or injured, usually in a hospital October ‎/ɔk'təubə US ɑːk'toubər/‎ noun the tenth month of the year, between September and November officer ‎/'ɔfɪsə US 'ɔːfɪsər, 'ɑː-/‎ noun a position of authority in the army,the government,a member of the police on ‎/ɔn US ɑːn, ɔːn/‎ prep about a particular subject on ‎/ɔn US ɑːn, ɔːn/‎ prep show that something is in a position above something else and touching it on ‎/ɔn US ɑːn, ɔːn/‎ adj,adv used to say that someone continues to do something or something continues to happen, without stopping on ‎/ɔn US ɑːn, ɔːn/‎ adj,adv if a machine, light etc is on, it is operating on ‎/ɔn US ɑːn, ɔːn/‎ adj,adv if you have something on, you are wearing it on foot ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ walking, standing opposite ‎/'ɔpəzɪt US 'ɑːp-/‎ adj,noun as different as possible from something else opposite ‎/'ɔpəzɪt US 'ɑːp-/‎ adj,prep being in a position on the other side or directly away from someone or something; facing ‎ orange ‎/'ɔrɪndʒ US 'ɔː-, 'ɑː-/‎ adj colour that is between red and yellow orange ‎/'ɔrɪndʒ US 'ɔː-, 'ɑː-/‎ noun a round fruit that has a thick orange skin or a colour between red and yellow ostrich ‎/'ɔstrɪtʃ US 'ɔː-, 'ɑː-/‎ noun a large African bird with long legs, that runs very quickly but cannot fly owl ‎/aul/‎ noun a bird with a flat face, large eyes, and strong curved nails, which hunts small mammals at night pad ‎/pæd/‎ verb to fill or cover something with a soft material in order to protect it or make it more comfortable pad ‎/pæd/‎ noun a thick flat object made of cloth or rubber, used to protect or clean something, or to make something more comfortable pad ‎/pæd/‎ verb to walk softly and quietly pancake ‎/'pænkeɪk/‎ noun thin flat round cake that has been cooked in a flat pan panda ‎/'pændə/‎ noun a large black and white animal that looks like a bear and lives in the mountains of China pants ‎/pænts/ ‎ noun especially AmE a piece of clothing that covers you from your waist to your feet and has a separate part for each leg,British Equivalent: trousers parrot ‎/'pærət/‎ noun a tropical bird with a curved beak and brightly coloured feathers that can be taught to copy human speech peach ‎ /piːtʃ/‎ noun a round fruit with juicy sweet yellow flesh, slightly furry red and yellow skin peanut ‎ /'piːnʌt/‎ noun a pale brown nut in a thin shell which grows under the ground,= groundnut pear ‎/peə US per/‎ noun sweet juicy fruit that has a round base and is thinner near the top pencil ‎/'pensəl/‎ noun,verb an instrument that you use for writing or drawing, consisting of a wooden stick pencil box ‎/'penslbɔks/‎ noun a bag or box to carry pens and pencils in pencil case ‎ ‎ noun a bag or box to carry pens and pencils in perch ‎/pəːtʃ US pəːrtʃ/ ‎ verb to sit or to make sb sit on sth, especially on the edge of it perch ‎/pəːtʃ US pəːrtʃ/ ‎ noun a branch or stick where a bird sits pig ‎/pɪg/‎ noun a large pink, brown or black farm anima, kept for its meat pilot ‎/'paɪlət/‎ noun,verb a person who flies an aircraft pineapple ‎ /'paɪnæpəl/ ‎ noun a large yellow-brown tropical fruit or its sweet juicy yellow flesh pink ‎/pɪŋk/‎ noun,adj a pale red colour plane ‎/pleɪn/‎ noun a vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and at least one engine plane ‎/pleɪn/‎ noun a tool that has a flat bottom with a sharp blade in it, used for making wooden surfaces smooth plaster ‎/'plɑːstə US 'plæstər/‎ noun a piece of thin material that is stuck on to the skin to cover a small wound,American Equivalent: bandaid plaster ‎/'plɑːstə US 'plæstər/‎ noun a substance used to cover walls and ceilings with a smooth, even surface. It consists of lime, water, and sand.‎ player ‎/'pleɪə US -ər/‎ noun someone who takes part in a game or sport or plays a musical instrument plum ‎/plʌm/‎ noun a small round juicy fruit which is dark red, purple, or yellow and has a single hard seed, or the tree that produces this fruit policeman ‎/pə'liːsmən/‎ noun a member of a police force pony ‎/'pəuni US 'pou-/‎ noun a small type of horse potato ‎/pə'teɪtəu US -tou/‎ noun a round white vegetable with a brown, red, or pale yellow skin, that grows under the ground pupil ‎/'pjuːpəl/‎ noun the small black round area in the middle of your eye pupil ‎/'pjuːpəl/‎ noun especially BrE someone who is being taught, especially a child purple ‎/'pəːpəl US 'pəːr-/‎ noun,adj a dark colour that is a mixture of red and blue purse ‎/pəːs US pəːrs/‎ noun a small container for money, usually used by a woman quarter ‎/'kwɔːtə US 'kwɔːrtər/‎ noun,verb one of four equal,cut something into four parts quarter ‎/'kwɔːtə US 'kwɔːrtər/‎ noun a period of 15 minutes rabbit ‎/'ræbɪt/‎ noun a small animal with long ears and soft fur, that lives in a hole in the ground rat ‎/ræt/‎ noun an animal is larger than a mouse, which has a long tail and is considered to be harmful red ‎/red/‎ adj,noun of the colour of fresh blood rice ‎/raɪs/‎ noun a food that consists of small white or brown grains that you boil in water until they become soft enough to eat rocket ‎/'rɔkɪt US 'rɑː-/‎ noun,verb a vehicle used for travelling or carrying things into space,move somewhere very fast rubber ‎/'rʌbə US -ər/‎ noun a substance used to make tyres, boots etc, which is made from the juice of a tropical tree or artificially ruler ‎/'ruːlə US -ər/‎ noun someone such as a king or queen who has official power over a country or area ruler ‎/'ruːlə US -ər/‎ noun a long flat straight piece of plastic, metal, or wood that you use for measuring things or drawing straight lines sandal ‎/'sændl/ ‎ noun a light shoe that is fastened onto your foot by bands of leather or cloth, and is worn in warm weather sandwich ‎/'sænwɪdʒ US 'sændwɪtʃ, 'sænwɪtʃ/‎ verb to be in a very small space between two other things sandwich ‎/'sænwɪdʒ US 'sændwɪtʃ, 'sænwɪtʃ/‎ noun two pieces of bread with cheese, meat, vegetables,etc between them Saturday ‎/'sætədi, -deɪ US -ər-/‎ noun the day between Friday and Sunday schoolbag ‎/sk'uːlbæg/‎ noun a bag for carrying school books and supplies scientist ‎/'saɪəntɪst/‎ noun someone who works or is trained in science seagull ‎/'siːgʌl/‎ noun a bird which lives near the sea and has short legs, long wings and white and grey feathers seal ‎/siːl/‎ noun a large sea animal that eats fish and lives around coasts seal ‎/siːl/‎ verb,noun to close an entrance or a container with something;close an envelope, etc. ‎ seaweed ‎/'siːwiːd/‎ noun a green, brown or dark red plant that grows in the sea second ‎/'sekənd/‎ determiner, pronoun, adjective, adverb the second person, thing, event etc is the one that comes after the first second ‎/'sekənd/‎ verb to formally support a suggestion made by another person in a meeting second ‎/'sekənd/‎ noun a unit for measuring time. There are 60 seconds in a minute September ‎/sep'tembə US -ər/‎ noun the ninth month of the year, between August and October seven ‎/'sevən/‎ number the number 7‎ seventeen ‎/,sevən'tiːn/‎ number the number 17‎ seventh ‎/,sevən'tiːn/‎ adj coming after six other things in a series seventy ‎/'sevənti/‎ number the number 70‎ shark ‎/ʃɑːk US ʃɑːrk/‎ noun a large sea fish with several rows of very sharp teeth that is considered to be dangerous to humans sheep ‎/ʃiːp/‎ noun a farm animal that is kept for its wool and its meat sheep ‎/ʃiːp/‎ noun do not think independently, but follow what everyone else does sheriff ‎/'ʃerɪf/‎ noun an elected law officer of a county in the US ship ‎/ʃɪp/‎ noun,verb a large boat for travelling on water, especially across the sea shirt ‎/ʃəːt US ʃəːrt/‎ noun a piece of clothing that covers the upper part of your body and your arms shorts ‎/ʃɔːts/ US /ʃɔːrts/‎ noun trousers that end above the knee or reach the knee, which are often worn in hot weather or when playing a sport silver ‎/'sɪlvə US -ər/‎ noun,verb,verb a valuable shiny white metal that is used for making utensils singer ‎/'sɪŋə US -ər/‎ noun someone who sings six ‎/sɪks/‎ determiner, pronoun, noun the number 6‎ sixteen ‎/sɪks/‎ determiner, pronoun, noun the number 16‎ sixth ‎/sɪksθ/‎ adj,noun coming after five other things in a series sixty ‎/sɪks/‎ determiner, pronoun, noun the number 60‎ skate ‎/skeɪt/‎ verb,noun one of a pair of boots with metal blades on the bottom, for moving quickly on ice ski ‎/skiː/‎ noun,verb one of a pair of long thin narrow pieces of wood or plastic that you fasten to your boots and use for moving on snow or on water skirt ‎/skəːt US skəːrt/‎ noun a piece of outer clothing worn by women and girls, which hangs down from the waist like the bottom part of a dress snail ‎/sneɪl/ ‎ noun a small soft creature that moves very slowly and has a hard shell on its back snake ‎/sneɪk/‎ noun,verb an animal with a long thin body and no legs,moves in long, twisting curves snowmobile ‎/'snəuməbiːl US 'snoumou-/ ‎ noun a small vehicle with a motor that moves over snow or ice easily sofa ‎/'səufə US 'sou-/‎ noun a comfortable seat with raised arms and a back, that is wide enough for two or three people to sit on soldier ‎/'səuldʒə US 'souldʒər/‎ noun a member of the army of a country, especially someone who is not an officer spaceship ‎ /'speɪs,ʃɪp/‎ noun a vehicle for carrying people through space space shuttle ‎0‎ noun a vehicle that is designed to go into space and return to Earth several times spaghetti ‎ /spə'geti/‎ noun a type of pasta in very long thin pieces, that is cooked in boiling water sparrow ‎ /'spærəu US -rou/‎ noun a small grey-brown bird which is especially common in towns spider ‎/'spaɪdə US -ər/‎ noun a small creature with eight legs, which catches insects using a fine network of sticky threads squid ‎/skwɪd/‎ noun a sea creature with a long soft body and ten arms around its mouth starfish ‎ /'stɑː,fɪʃ US 'stɑːr-/ ‎ noun a flat sea animal that has five arms forming the shape of a star stitch ‎/stɪtʃ/‎ noun a piece of special thread which has been used to sew the edges of a wound together strawberry ‎/'strɔːbəri US 'strɔːberi, -bəri/‎ noun a small juicy red fruit which has small brown seeds on its surface student ‎/'stjuːdənt US 'stuː-/‎ noun someone who is studying at a university, school etc subway ‎/'sʌbweɪ/‎ noun a railway system that runs under the ground below a big city,British Equivalent: underground suit ‎/suːt, sjuːt US suːt/‎ noun a set of clothes made of the same material, usually including a jacket with trousers suit ‎/suːt, sjuːt US suːt/‎ verb to be right for a particular person, situation or occasion suitcase ‎/'suːtkeɪs, 'sjuːt- US 'suːt-/‎ noun a large case with a handle, used for carrying clothes and possessions when you travel Sunday ‎/'sʌndi, -deɪ/‎ noun the day of the week after Saturday and before Monday sunglasses ‎ /'sʌn,glɑːsɪz US -,glæ-/ ‎ noun dark glasses that you wear to protect your eyes when the sun is very bright swallow ‎/'swɔləu US 'swɑːlou/‎ noun a small bird with pointed wings and a tail with two points, which flies quickly and catches insects to eat as it flies swallow ‎/'swɔləu US 'swɑːlou/‎ verb to make food or drink go down your throat and towards your stomach sweater ‎/'swetə US -ər/‎ noun a usually woollen piece of clothing with long sleeves which is worn on the upper part of the body table ‎/'teɪbəl/‎ noun a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs table ‎/'teɪbəl/‎ noun a list of numbers, facts, or information arranged in rows across and down a page tank ‎/tæŋk/‎ noun a large container for storing liquid or gas tank ‎/tæŋk/‎ noun a heavy military vehicle that has a large gun and runs on two metal belts fitted over its wheels taxi ‎/'tæksi/‎ noun a car and driver that you pay to take you somewhere teacher ‎/'tiːtʃə US -ər/‎ noun someone whose job is to teach, especially in a school ten ‎/ten/‎ number, noun ‎ the number 10‎ tenth ‎/tenθ/‎ adj,noun coming after nine other things in a series there ‎/ðeə, ðə US ðer, ðər/‎ pron,exclamation ‎(to, at or in) that place there ‎/ðeə, ðə US ðer, ðər/‎ adv used to introduce sentences, especially before the verbs be thief ‎/θiːf/‎ noun someone who steals things from another person or place third ‎/θəːd US θəːrd/‎ adj coming after two other things in a series thirteen ‎/,θəː'tiːn US ,θəːr-/‎ number the number 13‎ thirty ‎/'θəːti US 'θəːrti/‎ number the number 30‎ thousand ‎/'θauzənd/‎ determiner, pronoun, noun the number 1000‎ three ‎/θriː/‎ determiner, pronoun, noun the number 3‎ Thursday ‎/'θəːzdi, -deɪ US 'θəːrz-/‎ noun the day between Wednesday and Friday tie ‎/taɪ/‎ noun a long narrow piece of cloth tied in a knot around the neck, worn by men tie ‎/taɪ/‎ verb,noun fasten together two ends of a piece of string or other long thin material tie ‎/taɪ/‎ verb,noun relate to or connect to,special connections with places tie ‎/taɪ/‎ noun a strong relationship between people, groups, or countries tiger ‎/'taɪgə US -ər/‎ noun a large wild animal that has yellow and black lines on its body today ‎/tə'deɪ/‎ noun the present day,the present time tomato ‎/tə'mɑːtəu US -'meɪtou/‎ noun a round soft red fruit eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable tomorrow ‎/tə'mɔrəu US -'mɔːrou, -'mɑː-/‎ adverb,noun ‎ on or during the day after today tortoise ‎/'tɔːtəs US 'tɔːr-/‎ noun a slow-moving land animal that can pull its head and legs into the hard round shell that covers its body tourist ‎/'tuərɪst US 'tur-/‎ noun someone who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure tractor ‎/'træktə US -ər/‎ noun a strong vehicle with large wheels, used for pulling farm machinery train ‎/treɪn/‎ verb prepare or be prepared for a job or sport, by learning skills train ‎/treɪn/‎ noun a railway engine connected to carriages for carrying people or goods trousers ‎/'trauzəz US -ərz/‎ noun a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from the waist to the feet truck ‎/trʌk/‎ noun a railway vehicle that is part of a train and carries goods truck ‎/trʌk/‎ verb take something somewhere by truck truck ‎/trʌk/‎ noun,verb a large road vehicle used to carry goods or heavy objects T-shirt ‎/'tiː ʃəːt US -ʃəːrt/‎ noun a soft shirt with short sleeves and no collar Tuesday ‎/'tjuːzdi, -deɪ US 'tuːz-/‎ noun the day between Monday and Wednesday twelve ‎/twelv/‎ determiner, pronoun, noun the number 12‎ twentieth ‎/'twentɪɪθ/‎ noun,adj position 20 in a countable series of things twenty ‎/twelv/‎ determiner, pronoun, noun the number 20‎ twin ‎/twɪn/‎ noun,adj one of two children born at the same time to the same mother two ‎/tuː/‎ determiner, pronoun, noun the number 2‎ umbrella ‎/ʌm'brelə/‎ noun an object that you use to protect yourself against rain or hot sun. It consists of a circular folding frame covered in cloth under ‎/'ʌndə US -ər/‎ prep,adv below or at a lower level than something, or covered by something uniform ‎/'juːnɪfɔːm US -ɔːrm/‎ noun a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of organization vegetable ‎/'vedʒtəbəl/‎ noun,adj a plant that is eaten raw or cooked, such as a cabbage, a carrot vest ‎/vest/‎ noun a type of underwear, often with no sleeves, which covers the upper part of the body and which is worn for extra warmth wallet ‎/'wɔlɪt US 'wɑː-/‎ noun a small flat case, often made of leather, that you carry in your pocket, for holding paper money, bank cards etc,American Equivalent: billfold wardrobe ‎/'wɔːdrəub US 'wɔːrdroub/‎ noun ‎ a tall cupboard in which you hang your clothes, or all of the clothes that a person owns watermelon ‎/'wɔːtə,melən US 'wɔːtər-, 'wɑː-/‎ noun ‎ large round fruit with hard green skin, red flesh, and black seeds waterproof ‎/'wɔːtəpruːf US 'wɔːtər-, 'wɑː-/ ‎ adj not allowing water to enter Wednesday ‎/'wenzdi, -deɪ/‎ noun the day of the week after Tuesday and before Thursday whale ‎/weɪl/‎ noun a very large animal that lives in the sea and looks like a fish, but is actually a mammal when ‎/wen/‎ conjunction although,despite the fact that when ‎/wen/‎ adverb,conj,pron at what time; at the time at which where ‎/weə US wer/‎ adverb, conjunction to, at or in what place,in what situation white ‎/waɪt/‎ adj,noun of a colour like that of snow, milk or bone wife ‎/waɪf/‎ noun the woman that a man is married to window ‎/'wɪndəu US -dou/‎ noun one of the separate areas on a computer screen where different programs are operating window ‎/'wɪndəu US -dou/‎ noun a space or an area of glass in the wall of a building or vehicle that lets in light winner ‎/'wɪnə US -ər/‎ noun someone who wins a game, competition or election witch ‎/wɪtʃ/‎ noun a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people wolf ‎/wulf/‎ noun a wild animal that looks like a large dog and lives and hunts in groups woman ‎/'wumən/‎ noun an adult female human being woodpecker ‎/'wud,pekə US -ər/ ‎ noun a bird which uses its strong beak to make holes in tree trunks in order to find insects to eat year ‎/jɪə, jəː US jɪr/‎ noun a period of about 365 days or 12 months yellow ‎/'jeləu US -lou/‎ noun,adj ‎(of) a colour like that of a lemon or gold or the sun yesterday ‎/'jestədi, -deɪ US -ər-/‎ noun,adv on the day before today zebra ‎/'ziːbrə, 'ze- US 'ziːbrə/‎ noun an animal that looks like a horse but has black and white lines all over its body

