2020冀教版英语五年级上Lesson 23课件

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2020冀教版英语五年级上Lesson 23课件

冀教版 · 五年级上册 Lesson 23 Unit 4 Jenny and Danny Come to China Lead-in What clothes do you like? What clothes do you dislike? New words those 那些 that 那;那个 Let’s get ready! Li Ming: Tomorrow we will go to Beijing. Let’s get ready! Jenny: We need train tickets from Shijiazhuang to Beijing. Danny: We need some food. Mrs. Li: We need a camera. Li Ming: I need some clothes. I want to take my favourite clothes. I like these red trousers. Red is my favourite colour! I don’t like those trousers. I like this blue sweater. It’s new. I don’t like that orange sweater. I like these shoes. I don’t like those shoes. They are small. All done! Language points 1. Let’s get ready! 让我们做好准备吧 ! get ready 意为“做好准备”,此处 get 用作系动词,意为“变得”, ready 用作形容词,意为“准备好的”。 【例句】天气变暖了。 The weather gets warm. 拓展 : get ready 还可以用作如下结构: a. get ready for , for 后面接名词、动名词或者代词作宾语, 意指“为 …… 做准备”。 b. get ready to do sth. 准备做某事。 c. get sth. ready 把某物准备好。 2. We need some food. 我们需要一些食物。 本句中 need 用作 实义动词 ,意为“需要”。后面可以接名词、代词和动名词作宾语, 有人称和数的变化 。 【例句】她需要一些帮助。 She needs some help. 3. I need some clothes . 我需要一些衣服。 clothes 表示身上穿的具体的一件件的衣服,是一个没有单数形式的复数名词。 【例句】我想在北京买一些衣服。 I want to buy some clothes in Beijing. 4. I like these red trousers. I don’t like those trousers. 我喜欢这条 红色 裤子。我不喜欢那条裤子。 these 和 those 是指示代词,其中 these 用来指代或者修饰 距离说话人较近 的复数人或者事物,而 those 用来指代或者修饰 距离说话人较远 的复数人或者事物。 5. I want to take my favourite clothes. 我想要带上我最喜欢的衣服。 本句中 take 意为“带走,带上”,后面常搭配介词 to ,强调把某人或者某物从说话的地方带到其它地方去。 【例句】你能带我去公园吗? Can you take me to the park? Let’s chant! This is near. That is far. This is my ear. That is a star. I have these. You have those. These are my knees. Those are your toes. This, that, these, those. Near, far, now we know! Let’s do it! Look and write. I like ... I don’t like ... I like this ______________. I don’t like that _________. sweater T-shirt Look and write. I like ... I don’t like ... I like these ______________. I don’t like those_________. trousers shorts Look and write. I like ... I don’t like ... I like this ______________. I don’t like those _________. sweater shorts Look and write. I like ... I don’t like ... I like these ______________. I don’t like that _________. trousers T-shirt Letters and sounds ow oa o kn ow c oa t n o se sl ow b oa t h o me elbow 肘;肘部 road 路 rose 玫瑰

