人教版PEP小学五年级下册英语教学课件-A Lets learn

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人教版PEP小学五年级下册英语教学课件-A Lets learn

Unit 6 Work quietly A Let’s learn do morning excerises doing morning excerises It's 6:00. She’s doing morning excerises. have class having class It's 9:00. They are having class. eat lunch eating lunch It's 11:30. They are eating lunch. read a book reading a book It's 4:00. They are reading a book. listen to music listening to music It's 7:30 pm. They are listening to music. Let’s chant Chen Jie is doing, doing morning excerises. Sarah is having, having class. Mike isreading, reading a book. Dad is eating, eating lunch. Group work: A:What is Xiao Li doing ? B:He is watching TV. Summary 1. listening to music doing morning excerise having class reading a book 2.What is your mother/father doing? She/he is washing the clothes. Homework: Make a survey(调查表) What is he / she doing? He / She is … . listening to music reading a book father √ mother √ sister brother grandpa

