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PEP 小学英语五年级下册第一次月考试卷 一、选择填空(40 分) ()1.When do you get up? A.At 6:30 a.m. B.Yes,I do. ()2.What do you do on the weekend? A.At 10:00 p.m. B.I often visit my grandparents. ()3.Can I ask you some questions? A.Yes,I am. B.Sure. ()4.Thank you for telling me about your day. A.You are welcome. B.No,thanks. ( )5.What do you do? A.I am a student. B.I am from Canada. ( )6.Let's go shopping together next Saturday. A.Yes,I do. B.Great. ( )7.I can't go hiking,___________. A.too B.either ( ) 8.I eat breakfast _________ 7:00 in the morning. ( )9.I__________ play sports at 4:30 in the afternoon. A. Is ( )10.----When do you go to school? ----At 7:00.___________ you? A.What about B. How are C. Why do ()11.We have Chinese, English and PE ______ the morning. B.on ( ) 12.----_______do you like sping? ----Because I can plant trees. A.Why B.What C.When ( )13.I like summer,________I can swim. A.but B.because C.either ( )14.I can _____in winter. A.plant trees B.swim C.skate ()15.--Which season do you like best? -- __________ . A, winter B. trees C. swim ( )16.It’s cold and snowy__________. A. on winter winter C.about winter ()17.- _________________________ - I usually play sports at 5:00. A. What do you play sports? B. Do you play sports? C, When do you play sports ? ( )18. Winter is good.,_______I like spring best. A.and B .but C.or ()19.I usually go ________ with my mother. A、shop B、shoping C、shopping ()20.______ is your favourite season? A. What’s B. What C. Who’s D. When 二、根据标点符号,把单词组合成完整的句子。(10 分) 1.climb you mountains do when(?) _____________________________________________________________________ at I exercises 8:30 morning usually(.) _____________________________________________________________________ 3、Sunday togethe r let’s hiking next go . ____________________________________________ sometimes the I piano(.) _____________________________________________________________________ 5、a I time because long sleep can 四、找出不的同类的单词。(10 分) 1.( ) A:Saturday B:Sunday C:Thursday D:weekend 2.( ) A:go hiking B:visit grandparents C:go shopping D:rain 2.( ) A:go to school B:go home C:get up D:in the morning 4.( ) A:usually B:often C:snow D:sometimes 5.( ) A:when B:what C:why D:winter 五、阅读短文,然后回答问题。(10 分) My name is Tim. I am a student. I usually get up at 6:30. I eat breakfast at 7:00, then I go to school at 7:30. I often play sports at 4:00. I go home at 4:30. At 6:30 I eat dinner. I watch TV at 7:00. I go to bed at 9:00. ( )1. What does Tim do? A: He is a student. B: He is a policeman. C: He is a teacher. ( )2. Tim usually________ at 6:30. A: eats breakfast B:goes to school C:gets up ( )3. ________ Tim eats dinner. A: At 4:30 B: At 7:00 C: At 6:30 ( ) 4.When does Tim go to bed? A: At 9:00. B: At 7:30. C: At 6:30. ( )5.Tim _________ at 4:00. A: watches TV B: plays sports C: goes home 六、选择正确的答句,并将序号写在括号里。(10 分) ( )1.When do you go to school? A: Winter. ( )2.Do you often go hiking on Saturdays? B: Sure. ( )3.What do you do on the weekend? C: Usually I watch TV. ( )4.Can I ask you some questions? D: No,he isn't. ( )5.Which season do you like best? E: I’m a teacher. ( )6.What do you do? F: No,but sometimes. ( )7.Why do you like spring? G: Mr Liu. ( )8.What do you have on Mondays? H :I go to school at 7:00. ( )9.Who's your math teacher? I: Because I can plant trees. ( )10.Is your brother tall? J: We have English,P.E. and Art. 七、阅读理解。对的写“T”错的写“F”。(10 分) My name is Danny. I’m a student in Class Two, Grade Six. I am twelve. David is my good friend at school. He and I are the same age. I go to school by bike. Sometimes we go home together. He often climbs mountains and visits his grandparents on the weekend. I often climb mountains and play football with my brother. ( ) 1、Danny is a student in Class Six, Grade Two. ( )2、David is twelve ,too. ( )3、They both like climbing mountains. ( )4、Sometimes they go home together. ( )5、Danny likes playing football.

