2020冀教版英语五年级上unit 3 Again, please!课件

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2020冀教版英语五年级上unit 3 Again, please!课件

Unit 3 A travel Plan 冀教版·五年级上册 Again, Please! Review love to travel interesting places call sb. by plane from ... to ... 喜欢旅行 名胜 给某人打电话 乘飞机 从……到…… 去……旅行 努力学习 对……说话 和……谈话 乘火车 travel to work hard speak to talk to take a train 旅行计划 回家 为……做准备 离……远 到达 travel plan go home get ready for far from arrive in 1. 表达自己爱好的句型:主语+love to do sth. 例句:我爱旅行! I love to travel! 2. 描述想法的句型:主语+want sb. to do sth./主语+want to do sth. 例句:我想让丹尼和詹妮也一起去。 I want Danny and Jenny to come, too. 3.描述某地有某物的句型:There + be动词+人/事/物+地点. 例句:在北京有许多有趣的地方。 There are many interesting places in Beijing. 4. 请求允许的句型及其答语: —May I+动词原形+其他? —Yes, you may. /No, you may not. 例句:妈妈,我可以去北京旅行吗? 是的,你可以去。 Mum, may I travel to Beijing? Yes, you may. 5. 表示委婉拒绝的句型:I’m afraid not. 恐怕不行。 —Mum, may I travel to Beijing? —To Beijing? I’m afraid not. 6. 电话用语:This is... 例句:你好。这是史密斯夫人。 Hello. This is Mrs. Smith. 7. 描述将来打算的句型: 主语+will/be (am, is, are) going to+动词原形+其他. 例句:我和李明要去北京旅行。 Li Ming and I are going on a trip to Beijing. 8. 表达建议的句型:Let’s+动词原形+其他. 例句:妈妈,让我们乘飞机去北京吧! Let’s go to Beijing by plane, Mum! 9. 询问两地距离的句型及其答语: —How far is it from...to...? —It’s+距离. 例句:从石家庄到北京有多远?278千米。 How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing? It’s 278 kilometers. Listen and circle. Listen. Tick or cross. 1. Mike doesn’t like to travel. 2. Mike will go to Canada in January. 3. Mike will go to Canada with his parents. 4. Mike will not travel in June. 5. Mike will go to China this year. 6. Mike will go to the U.K. × × √ × √ × Listen and write. Where to go: _______ When: Jan. 10 How far: ________ How to go: by plane Where to go: the Great Wall When: ______________ How far: 61 km How to go: ___________ Xi’an 511 km February 3 by bus/take a bus Look and write. 1. May I go to Tian’anmen Square? ______, ______ ______. 2. May I play computer games? ______, ______ ______ ______. Yes you may No you may not 3. Do you want to travel by bus? No, I want to go by _______. 4. What is the first day of the week? It’s __________. train Sunday Read and write. Li Li: Xi’an is an old city. May I _______ to Xi’an, Dad? Dad: Yes, you may. Li Li: You can ______, too. _______ is it _____ Shijiazhuang ______ Xi’an? plane fast come travel how far train from... to... travel come How far from to plane fast come travel how far train from... to... Dad: It is about 923 kilometres. Li Li: Can we go to Xi’an by______? The plane is ______. Dad: No. Let’s go to Xi’an by ______. plane fast train Complete the dialogue. A. May I speak to Tim? B. We can go there by bus. C. At 10:00 in the morning. D. Can you come? Tom: Hello. This is Tom. ______ Tim: This is Tim. Tom: I want to go to the zoo this Sunday. ______ Tim: Sure. What time will we go there? Tom: ______ Tim: How can we go there? Tom: ______ Tim: Okay. Let’s meet at the bus stop at 9:50. Tom: Great. Bye. See you at 9:50. Tim: See you! B A D C Read and follow the directions. Hi! I’m Bob. I live in Canada. I love to go on trips. I have seven days for a trip to Beijing. There are many interesting places in Beijing. Here is my travel plan. On Monday, May 1, I will go to Beijing by plane. On Tuesday, May 2, 1 will go to the Palace Museum. On Wednesday, May 3, I will go to the Great Wall. On Thursday, May 4, I will go to Tian’anmen Square. On Friday, May 5, I will go to a restaurant to eat Beijing Duck. On Saturday, May 6, I will go shopping on Wangfujing Street. On Sunday, May 7, I will go home by plane. 1. Look and write. Monday May 1 ________ May 2 Tuesday ________ May 3 Wednesday ________ May 4 Thursday ________ May 5 Friday ________ ________ ________ ________ Saturday May 6 Sunday May 7 a. How many days does Bob have for his trip? _______________________________________ b. Where will Bob go on Wednesday? _______________________________________ c. What will Bob do on Friday? _______________________________________ d. When will Bob go home? _______________________________________ 2. Answer the questions. Seven. The Great Wall. He will go to a restaurant to eat Beijing Duck. May 7. Talk about your travel plan. Where do you want to go? How do you want to go there? Do you want to go with your friends? Call your friends to go with you. Talk about the interesting places there. Play roles I want to go to Shanghai. I want to go there by train. I will go with my friends John and Alice. I want to go to Beijing. I want to go there by plane. I will go with my parents. I will go to the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and Tian’anmen Square. How am I doing? Listening Speaking Reading Writing Total stars At school At home I am... A 10~12☆ B 7~9☆ C 1~6☆ 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家 来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

