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人教版 PEP 五年级英语上册期末试卷含答案 笔试部分(80 分) 四、选出每组中不同类的单词。(10 分) ( )1. A.Tuesday B. week C. Friday D. Monday ( )1. A.play B. do C. read D. tree ( )3. A.dance B. young C. sing D. speak ( )4. A.wonderful B. plant C. clock D. cartoon ( )5. A.Salad B. hot C. fresh D. thirsty 五、情景搭配,请将 B 栏中的答句写在 A 栏相应的问句中。(10 分) A B ( ) 1.What can you do? A. No, there aren’t. ( )2.What do you have on Tuesdays? B. I can make the bed ( )3.What's your favourite food? C. He is strong. ( ) 4. What's he like? D. We have math and P.E.. ( )5. Are there any fish in the river? E. Sandwich. 六、根据图片提示,填写单调或短语补全下列句子。(10 分) 1.She can _______________ _______________ _____________. 2.Tom wants to ___________ ________________. 3.I often___________ ____________on the weekend. 4.Alice often___________ _______ _______on Friday. 七、单项选择。(10 分) ( )1.—Can he play ______ piano? ---- Yes, He can. A. a. B. the C. / ( )2. Are there __________rivers in the village ? A. Some B. any C. Yes, He can ( )3.—______________is behind the tree ? ----It’s a cat A. What B. Where C. How ( )4.—I s there a river in front of the mountain ? ----__________ A. Yes, there are B. Yes, there is C. Yes, it is ( )5.—____________ ----A sandwich, please. A. Do you have a sandwich? B. What would you like to eat? C. What would you like to drink ( )6.—What ______he do? A. He likes singing B. He can sing C. He sings a song. ( ) 7.There________two bedrooms, a kitchen and living room in my house. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 8.Can he go ____us A. and B. with C. to ( )9.There is a duck _________the lake. A. over B. of C. on ( )10.He often _______football and _________TV A. play; watch B. plays; watches C. playing; watching 八、连词成句(10 分) 1.English, sing, songs, can, I (.) 2. there, so, picture, here, many, are (.) 3. buildings, are, there, all, nature, tall, in, park the,,(?) 4.is, there ,a, bed, big (.) 5. like, what, to, would, eat , you (?) 九、选择词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次。(10 分。) Amy is my _________ classmate. She’s 10. She often has ________at school. She’s _______ USA. Her favourite ________ is Sunday. Because s ometimes Amy and I can go _______ the nature park on Sunday. There are many _______ and a _ _______in it. The ________ is clean. The ________is fresh. We like the nature park. _ _____pretty. 十、阅读短文判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分) My name is Zhang Peng. I am eleven years old. I ’ m short and fat. Chicken is my favourite food. I like all kinds of meat. But I don’t like vegetables and fruit. So I am very fat. I have mutton(羊肉)and pork(猪 肉)today. I want to keep fit. What should I do ? ( )1. Zhang Peng is 12 years old. ( )2. Zhang Peng is short and heavy. ( )3. Zhang Peng’s favourite food is chicken. ( )4. Zhang Peng likes to eat vegetables and fruit. lunch, day, new, trees , river , It’s, air , water, to, from, for ( )5. Zhang Peng has mutton and pork today. 笔试部分 五、看图写出下面的单词(10 分)新 课 标 第 一 网 1. My sister can _______________ _______________ _____________. 2.Tom wants to ___________ ________________. 3.I often___________ ____________on the weekend. 4.Alice often___________ ______________on Friday. 5.There is a ___________on the wall. 六、单项选择。(10 分) ( )1.—Can he play the piano? ----__________ A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, He is C. Yes, He can ( )2. Are there __________desks beside the bed? A. Some B. any C. Yes, He can ( )3.—______________is behind the tree ? 新| 课 |标| 第 |一| 网 A. What B. Where C. How ( )4.—I s there a river in front of the mountain ? ----__________ A. Yes, there are B. Yes, there is C. Yes, it is ( )5.—____________ ----A sandwich, please. D. Do you have a sandwich? E. What would you like to eat? F. What would you like to drink 七、连词成句(10 分) 1.English, sing, songs, can, I (.) 2. there, so, picture, here, many, are (.)xK b 1 .Com 3. buildings, are, there, all, nature, tall, in, park the,,(?) 4.is, there ,a, bed, big (.) 5. like, what, to, would, eat , you (?) 八、情景搭配,请将 B 栏中的答句写在 A 栏相应的问句中。(10 分) A B ( ) 1.What can you do? A. No, there aren’t. ( )2.What do you have on Tuesdays? B. I can make the bed ( )3.What's your favourite food? C. He is strong. ( )4. What's he like? D. We have math and P.E.. X|k | B | 1 . c |O |m ( )5. Are there any fish in the river? E. Sandwich. 九、选择词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次。(10 分。) Amy is my _________ classmate. She’s 10. She often has ________ at school. She’s _______ USA. Her favourite ________ is Sunday. Because sometimes Amy and I can go _______ the nature park on Sunday. There lunch, day, new, trees , river , It’s, air , water, to, from, for are many _______ and a ________in it. The ________ is clean. The ____ ____is fresh. We like the nature park. ______pretty. 十、阅读短文,判断正(Y)误(N)(10 分)新| 课 |标| 第 |一| 网 I am Sarah .i am in Class One ,Grade Five. Mr. Zhang is my PE teacher. He’s tall and strong. He is Funny. He can play basketball and do some Kungfu. His favourite food are noodles. Miss White is my English teacher. She is helpful. I like her very much. She can sing English songs and play the pipa. On the weekend, she often goes to the park. ( )1.Sarah’s PE teacher is Mr.Zhang. ( )2.Mr.Zhang is tall and strong. ( )3.Mr.Zhang can sing English songs. ( )4.Sarah’s English teacher is helpful ( )5.Miss White often plays basketball on the weekend. 笔试部分(60 分) 六、看图,把句子补充完整,每条横线填写一个单词。(10 分) 1. It’s very in winter. 2. My clothes are because I washed them. 3. We don’t have any . 4. My father’s brother is my . 5. Jenny needs some to fix the hang glider. 6. My is in August. 7. May is April. 8. Yesterday I English at school. 9. I my grandfather this morning. 10. Last Saturday, my mother the windows. 七、选择题。(15 分) ( )1. The bedroom clean now but it dirty before. A. is was B. was is C. was was ( )2. ----Do you have paper? ----Yes, I have new paper. A. some any B. any some C. some some ( )3.----What’s the date today? ----It’s . A. It’s Monday. B. It’s June 21st. C. It’s ten o’clock. ( )4. Listen! The birds are in the trees. A. singing B. sings C. sang ( )5. Did you basketball yesterday afternoon. A. play B. plays C. played ( )6. , I visited my grandma with my parents. A. Tomorrow B. Today C. Yesterday ( )7. It’s cool and windy in . A. summer B. fall C. winter ( )8. ----What does your aunt do? ---- . A. She’s my friend. B. She’s nice. C. She’s a farmer. ( )9.----When’s summer holiday? ---- . A. It’s in January. B. It’s in July and August. C. It’s in October. ( )10. Ben is thirsty. He some juice. A. need B. have C. needs 八、给图片选择合适的句子。(10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. The weather is sunny and hot today. B. Gogo doesn’t have any fork, he needs a fork. C. She painted a beautiful picture last year. D. Children’s Day is June 1st. E. My father uses a computer to work every day. 九、连词成句。(10 分) 1. your is birthday when (?) 2. today is weather what the like (?) 3. rainy is and cloudy it today (.) 4. my floor on morning books were the this (.) 5. evening to I yesterday listened music (.) 十、阅读,选择。(4 分) Lily is coming back from school now. She is very hungry. She needs some food. She is thirsty. So she needs some water, too. Now, she is drinking. After she drinks, she watches TV. ( )1. Lily is a . A. farmer B. nurse C. student ( )2. Lily is . A. hungry B. thirsty C. hungry and thirsty ( )3. Lily wants to have some . A. food B. water C. food and water ( )4. Lily at last. A. watches TV B. drinks C. eats 十一、阅读,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。(5 分) Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You're a good boy," said the mother proudly(骄傲地). "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells(卖) the candy." ( )1.Robert asked his mother for candy. ( )2.Mother gave some money to Robert yesterday. ( )3. Robert gave the money to an old woman. ( )4. The mother was proud for his son. ( )5. Robert is a good boy. 十二、依照例句,用过去时写一写你做过的三件事,别忘了写上时间哦。(6 分) 例句:I watched TV yesterday.

