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‎4B Unit 3 《My day》‎ 一、 教学内容 ‎4B Unit 3 《My day》 Revision 二、 教学目标 ‎1、在听、说、读、写的练习中,复习本单元的单词和词组:usually, go to school, in the morning,have lunch, in the afternoon,play football, go home, homework, watch TV, have dinner,go to bed,in the evening,at night.‎ ‎2、在听、说、读、写的训练中复习“When do you...?”这个句型及其回答形式。‎ ‎3、用英语书写表达一天中的各项活动。‎ ‎4、通过交际的过程中,培养学生自主学习的能力和合作的能力。‎ 三、 教学重难点 ‎1、在听、说、读、写的练习中,复习本单元的单词和词组:usually, go to school, in the morning,have lunch, in the afternoon,play football, go home, homework, watch TV, have dinner,go to bed,in the evening,at night.‎ ‎2、在听、说、读、写的训练中复习“When do you...?”这个句型及其回答形式。‎ ‎3、用英语书写表达一天中的各项活动。‎ 四、 教学准备 PPT、板书 五、教学过程 1、 Sing a song 《When do you get up?》‎ T:If you can,please sing it loudly.‎ 2、 Quick respond Review the phrases of Unit 3‎ 3、 Ask and answer T: When do you go to school?‎ S:I go to school at ....‎ Work in pairs: S1:When do you ...?‎ ‎ S2:I ... at ....‎ 4、 Look and say T:I know when you go to school.What about Mike?Let’s look and say.‎ Mike goes to school at _______ .‎ Mike plays football at ________.‎ Mike goes home at __________.‎ Mike has dinner at ___________.‎ Mike watches TV at __________.‎ Mike goes to bed at __________.‎ 1、 Look、retell and read ‎ T:Look at the pictures and the sentences, then try to retell the story.‎ 2、 Read and write ‎ Finish the exercises book Page 11 Part C I usually ___________ at seven forty.‎ I _______________ at twelve.‎ I_______________at four.‎ I_______________at four forty.‎ I ______________at seven in the evening.‎ I ______________at nine every day.‎ 3、 Listen and write ‎ T: We know Mike’s day, do you want to know Miss Yu’s day? Now let’s listen to the tape, then finish Miss Yu’s timetable.‎ My Day Time get up have breakfast ‎7:10‎ ‎11:05‎ go home ‎5:30‎ go to bed 1、 Think and talk T:You konw my day.Can you talk about your days.‎ S: I ... at ....‎ 2、 Write and say T: Wrtie down your day and then talk with your friends.‎ 3、 Enjoy Tom’s day T: According to the context,fill in the blanks.‎ 4、 Read and judge T:Read the passage,and judge the following sentences is true or false.‎ ‎( )1. It's Saturday today.‎ ‎( ) 2. I have the drawing lesson at nine in the morning.‎ ‎( ) 3. I don't do my homework on Sunday.‎ ‎( ) 4. The fruit salad is for my mother.‎ ‎( ) 5. I have dinner at six ten in the evening.‎ 5、 Everyday English T: Today you did a good job.Now Miss Yu’s will give you three wishes. I hope we all have a free day,do what we like,and have a good sleep then have a sweet dream.‎ 6、 Homework 1. Recite the story. ‎ 2. Introduce Mike’s day to your friends or your parents.‎ 3. Design your own timetable and introduce your day.‎ Blackboard writing:‎ ‎ My day ‎ ‎ When do you ......?‎ ‎ I ..... at ....‎ ‎ get up ‎ go to school ‎ have breakfast ‎ have lunch ‎ .......‎ 教后反思:‎ ‎ 本单元主要围绕一天中什么时候起床、上学、上课、吃饭、睡觉而展开、涉及到的重点句型是:When do you...?I have/do/play/go to/....本节课开始前让学生唱When do you get up?带动一下课堂气氛。课上一开始我通过设计quick respond这一游戏环节复习了本单元的主要单词词组,再由go to school这张图片引入师生对话,让学生就ask and answer复习操练本单元的主要句型。通过说、读、写的不同形式帮助学复习了storytime,但是在练习册的习题书写过程中耗时太多还让学生校对,导致后面环节来不及,所以这一环节让学生直接拼读即可。随后让学生听录音填写我一天的时刻表,锻炼培养学生在听写方面的能力。在用英文书写表达我的一天这一环节中,培养了学生自主学习的能力和合作的能力,增进了师生、生生之间的友谊。本课最后我设计了欣赏Tom的一天,阅读短文完成习题来作为学生能力提升的锻炼,通过讲解也帮助学生学会如何做阅读理解这一类的题目。‎

