四年级下4B unit5 课件

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四年级下4B unit5 课件

Unit 5 Seasons Period1 Story time About me ( 我的信息 ) I’m Miss zhou. I’m your new English teacher today. My English name is Summer . Because I like summer very much. spring summer autumn winter What else ? ( 你还知道什么季节? ) Season s 季节 What’s the weather like in every season? 每个季节的天气分别是什么样的? Task 1: Watch and answer 看动画回答问题 What’s the weather like in every season? 每个季节的天气分别是什么样的? In spring, it is . In summer, it is . In autumn, it is . In winter, it is . warm 温暖的 hot 炎热的 cool 凉爽的 cold 寒冷的 Seasons are beautiful and changeable. 季节是美丽又多变的。 Seasons are fun. 季节是有趣的。 Task 2: Read and line out 轻声读小诗,“ —— ”划出各个季节“人们进行的活动”词组。 H. go boating E. go climbing F. go skating G. go swimming A. have picnics B. make snowmen C. fly kites D. eat ice creams Can you match? 你能将下列短语安排到对应的季节图片中吗? Spring , spring , we like spring . Kites , kites , we fly kites . Boating , boating , we go boating . Can you chant? 跟同桌试一试用其他季节和活动替换。 Seasons are readable. 季节是可以用来颂读的。 In summer, it is hot. We eat ice creams. We go swimming. We like summer. In spring, it is warm. We fly kites. We go boating. We like spring. Task 3: Listen and repeat 跟读 In winter, it is cold. We make snowmen. We go skating. We like winter. In autumn, it is cool. We have picnics. We go climbing. We like autumn. Task 3: Listen and repeat 跟读 Can you read better than the tape? 你能比录音读的更好吗? Advice 建议 发音正确 ★ 声音响亮 ★ ★ 流畅 ★ ★ ★ 缓慢有感情 ★ ★ ★ ★ In spring, it is warm. We fly kites. We go boating. We like spring. In summer, it is hot. We eat ice creams. We go swimming. We like summer. In autumn, it is cool. We have picnics. We go climbing. We like autumn. In winter, it is cold. We make snowmen. We go skating. We like winter. I can read ! 4 人一组,选择最 喜欢的季节朗诵。 Try to recite 你能对照板书尝试背诵吗? Seasons are thinkable. 季节是值得用来思考的。 Think ( 动动脑 ): What color is it in each season? 每个季节都会呈现出什么样的颜色呢? Spring is . Summer is . Autumn is . Winter is . Seasons are colorful. 季节是多彩的。 Seasons are different in the world. 世界上不同地区的季节是不一样的。 Kunming 昆明 Singapore 新加坡 四季如春 Hainan 海南 Thailand 泰国 Africa 非洲 整年炎热 冬寒全年 Canada 加拿大 North pole 北极 澳大利亚 ( Australia ) 的四季时间与中国相反哦 ~ 澳大利亚的春天 —9 月至 11 月 澳大利亚的夏天 —12 月至 2 月 澳大利亚的秋天 —3 月至 5 月 澳大利亚的冬天 —6 月至 8 月 Homework Read and try to recite the poem. 朗读并试着背诵小诗 . 2.Try to describe your favourite season to your parents. 试着把你最喜欢的季节描述给爸爸妈妈听 . 3.Try to make a new poem about seasons. 试着编一首关于季节的新诗 . Unit5 seasons Period2 Fun time&Cartoon time 1.I can talk about the four seasons. 我会谈论四季。 2.I can talk about activities in each season. 我会谈论四季的活动。 3.I can read and act the cartoon time . 我能读并表演卡通内容。 (本课目标) Talk about four seasons 谈论四季 Summer In summer , it is hot . We eat ice creams . We go swimming . We like summer . Chapter 2 In … it is... We .... We … . We like... Talk about four seasons 谈论四季 In … it is... We … . We … . We like … Talk about four seasons 谈论四季 In … it is... We … . We … . We like … Talk about four seasons 谈论四季 Enjoy a rhyme 欣赏儿歌 Winter It is winter. It is cold . I go skating . I make snowmen too . I like winter . 四人一组,选择喜欢的季节,并把它改编成新的儿歌吧! Every season is colourful ! Season card My season card Learn to make Make a season card 做季节卡片 1 、根据自己喜欢的季节,选择相应 的活动图片,并把它们贴在你的 season card 上面。 2 、贴完图片,向你的同桌介绍 你的 season card 。 Show in class 展示季节卡片 What happened to them? Guess! 他们发生了什么事呢? 猜一猜 Watch and choose What happened to them ? A. Sam’s mother lost ( 丢了 ) her bag. B. Sam lost ( 丢了 ) his jacket. (他们发生了什么事情呢?) (看动画并选择) Whose bag is this? Miss Dog Sam’s mother A. B. ( 谁的包) Read and answer ( 阅读并回答) What’s the weather( 天气) like? It’s fine , but very cold . Mum,it’s a fine day today. It’s very cold . Learn to say 2. Read together.( 齐读 ) 4 人一组为单位,选择一种 喜欢的方式读一读课文。 Learn to say Read the story 读一读 1. Read after one. ( 跟一个学生读 ) 3.Read in roles.( 分角色读 ) Homework 1. Read and act ‘ Cartoon time ’ . 朗读并表演卡通故事。 2.Introuduce your season card to your friends. 向你的朋友展示你的季节卡。 Unit5 seasons Period3 Sound time&Song time&Checkout time&Ticking time Where is the spring? The spring is coming. The trees are growing. The flowers are blooming. Let’s dance and dance. Let’s sing and sing. Let’s share happiness and everything. Say a rhyme Spring It’s warm in spring. I go rowing in spring. … Brain storming winter 30 seconds non-stop talking Brain stroming summer 30 seconds non-stop talking Brain stroming autumn 30 seconds non-stop talking Brain stroming 用这些句子在组内核对答案吧! Try to say more (试试再说几句) : I like it because… I drink / eat/ use … I often/ sometimes … … Match and say I can talk about the four seasons. I can talk about activities in each season. 我能谈论四季。 我能谈论每个季节中的活动。 I know the sound of the letter ‘i’. 我知道字母“ i” 的发音。 is for “ ” . / ai / t i me Tom Mike Mary Sound time M i ke l i ke k i te t i me wh i te Ch i nese 仔细观察这些单词,你发现什么规律了吗? b i ke f i ve r i ce sc i ence n i ne Sound time I can sing the song A sunny day. I can write poems about the four seasons. 我能唱 A sunny day 这首歌。 我能写有关四季的小诗。 组内互评:能读准发音并且能说出类似单词的得 ☆ ☆ ☆ 能读准书上单词和句子的得 ☆ ☆ 仍然需要好好努力的得 ☆ A sunny day It’s a sunny day. It’s a sunny day. Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry (快点) , Sunny day. Let’s fly kites. Let’s fly kites. Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry (快点) , On a sunny day. Song time A summer day It’s a summer day. It’s a summer day. Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, Summer day. Let’s go swimming . Let’s go swimming . Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, On a summer day. Song time A day It’s a day. It’s a day. Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, day. Let’s . Let’s . Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, On a day. Song time Song time I can sing the song A Sunny Day. 组内互评:能读改编歌词并演唱歌曲的得 ☆ ☆ ☆ 能按原词演唱歌曲的得 ☆ ☆ 仍然需要好好努力的得 ☆ 想一想,如果要写季节,可以写哪些方面呢? seasons weather (天气) activities (活动) food &drink& clothes (食物、饮料 和饮料) … Writing time Make a collection of poems (制作小组诗集) 别忘记写诗的格式哦! 转行 每行首字母大写 诗歌美感 Writing time Make a collection of poems (制作小组诗集) Spring is a good season. I like the beautiful colours in spring. The sky is blue. The trees are green. The flowers are red, yellow, purple, pink… I draw pictures of spring. I love spring. I love summer very much. Why ? I can drink ice lemon tea. I can have a lot of ice creams. I can eat a big waterlemon. And the chocolate milkshake, too. Haha, yummy! food and drink Autumn is coming! It’s not hot, but very cool. My mum wears boots. My dad wears a jacket. I wear a new coat. My dog wears a sweater. How cool he is! clothes Do you like winter? I do. I go skating. Come with me! I go skiing. Come with me! I make snowmen. Come with me! I enjoy every day. Come on and enjoy winter with me. activities colours I can sing the song A Sunny Day. I can write poems about the four seasons. 小组合作完成诗集创作。 搜集更多符合 Sound Time 部分规律的单词,了解 中文意思,读一读,并记下来。 3. 演唱 A sunny day ,也可以按自己改编的歌词演唱。 4. 如 Ticking time 没有达到 3 星要求,有针对性的进行 改进练习。 Homework

