江苏省译林英语4B 第三单元

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江苏省译林英语4B 第三单元

My day ( Period 3 ) Unit 3 Song time When do you … ? I …at … Let ’ s talk. 1.When you get up every day, Bobby? 2.What time is it now? At six. It’s seven o’clock. Let ’ s repeat. 跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化! 跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化 。 Watch and answer Where are Bobby and Sam? What can Bobby see? 1. Where are Bobby and Sam? A. At school B. In the park C. In the desert( 沙漠 ) A. His school B. A big cake C. His pillow ( 枕头 ) Watch and answer 2. What can Bobby see? Let ’ s repeat. 跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化 。 Can Bobby eat the cake? Yes, he can. No, he can’t. 默读故事,回答问题 。 Bobby had a dream about desert adventure . Bobby 做了个关于沙漠探险的梦。 Read and answer. Why? 为什么 Let ’ s repeat. 跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化! 跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化 。 Let ’ s repeat. 跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化 。 Let ’ s repeat. 跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化 。 When do you m ee t Miss Li? W e m ee t Miss Li at thr ee . P e ter , Peter , who are they? Tom, Jack and m e . P e ter m e m ee t thr ee W e m ee t Miss Li at thr ee . Who are w e ? Tom, Jack and m e . Sound time e, ee Try to distinguish 归类 gr ee n r e d tr ee d e sk e vening h e b e d sl ee p p e n Chin e se l e sson wh e n thirt ee n g e t Sound time The tr ee is gr ee n. h e H e and sh e usually read Chin e se in the e vening. Sound time gr ee n tr ee e vening Chin e se sh e Try to make sentences 造句 Try to read 读 j ee p b ee f ee t n ee d sh ee p s ee n t ee th kn ee Sound time Exercise 一、根据情境选择,将序号写在括号中: ( ) 1. 想问朋友什么时候起床: A. What day is it today? ( ) 2. 想问现在几点: B. What can you do? ( ) 3. 想问今天星期几: C. What time is it now? ( ) 4. 想问对方会干什么: D. When do you get up? ( ) 5. 想问上午有什么课: E. What lessons do we have in the morning? Exercise 二、用适当的介词填空 (at, in, behind, on, after, ...) 1. I get up six every day. 2. Let’s go and play football Sunday. 3. Su Hai has a skating lesson school. 4. Where’s my football? It’s the door. 5. I have a basketball match the afternoon. 6. We can see many stars( 星星 ) night.

