陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 5 Part B优质课件

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陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 5 Part B优质课件

Unit 5 Can You Tell Me the Way to the Supermarket? 陕旅版五年级上册 They will get to China this afternoon. New words 到达;抵达 New words Let’s learn more Policeman : Can I help you? Children : Yes. How can we get to the Children’s Park? Policeman : Oh. You can take a bus at the bus stop and get off at Park Road. 我能帮助你们吗? 是的。我们怎样才能到达儿童公园呢? 哦。你们可以在公共汽车站乘公共汽车,然后在公园路下车。 Children : Park Road? Policeman : Yes. You can see a cinema there. The Children’s Park is beside it. 公园路? 是的。你们在那儿能看到一个电影院。 儿童公园就在它的旁边。 Children : I s there a shop near the park? We want to buy some water. Policeman : Yes. There is a shop between the school and the park. Children : Thank you. Policeman : You are welcome. 公园附近有商店吗?我们想买一些水。 是的。 在学校和公园之间有一个商店。 谢谢你。 不客气。 1.Where are they going? 2.How can they get there? Children’s Park. They can take a bus at the bus stop and get off at Park Road.Then they can see a cinema there. The Children’s Park is beside it. Language points 1. How can we get to the Children ’ s Park? 我们怎样才能到达儿童公园呢? 这是由特殊疑问词How引导的用来问路的特殊疑问句 句型结构是:How can + I / we + get to + 地点? 意为“我 / 我们怎样能到……去?” 我怎样才能到芙蓉街去? How can I get to Furong Street? 2. You can take a bus at the bus stop and get off at Park Road. 你们可以 在公共汽车站 乘公共汽车 ,然后在公园路下车。 take a bus 意为“乘公共汽车”。 take表示“乘(车、船等)”的意思,其后可加交通工具构成动词短语,表示“搭、乘某种交通工具”。 如: take a car乘小汽车,take a plane乘飞机,take a ship乘轮船等,在句中可以作谓语。 Look, find and answer A : Where is the supermarket/bookstore/cinema/school? B : It’s ... A : Where is the supermarket? B : It’s beside the bus stop. A : Where is the school? B : It's between the bookstore and the park. A : Where is the bookstore? B : It’s between the supermarket and the school. A : Where is the park? B : It’s beside the school. A : Where is the cinema? B : It’s behind the bookstore. Look and talk Boy : Excuse me. Aggie : Yes? Can I help you? Boy : Can you tell me the way to ...? How can I get to ...? I want to ... Aggie : ... Boy : Excuse me. Aggie : Yes? Can I help you? Boy : Can you tell me the way to the bookstore? I want to buy a book. Aggie : Go along the Jiahua Street, then you can see it. Read and discuss Brown : I’m very tired. I’d like to sleep for a minute. 我很累。我想要睡一会儿。 Man : Excuse me. Brown : What can I do for you? Man : How can I get to the supermarket? Brown : It’s beside the hospital. 打扰了。 我能为你做点什么? 我怎么才能到超市? 它在医院旁边。 Woman : Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the supermarket? Brown : It’s beside the hospital. 打扰了。你能告诉我去超市的路吗? 它在医院旁边。 Grandma : Do you want to buy something? The supermarket is beside the hospital! 你想买东西吗?超市就在医院旁边! Doesn’t the man in the car know the way? 车里的男人不认识路吗?

