人教版PEP英语五年级下册课课练 Unit 1 第三课时

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人教版PEP英语五年级下册课课练 Unit 1 第三课时

第三课时 一、判断下列单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。 ‎ ‎( )1. A. clock B. cloudy C. clever ‎ ‎( )2. A. please B. player C. eggplant ‎ ‎( )3. A. clear B. please C. class ‎ ‎( )4. A. clothes B. close C. clean ‎ ‎( )5. A. plate B. plant C. close ‎ 二、将下列单词按画线部分的发音分类。‎ A. clean B. eggplant C. please D. class ‎ E. clever F. play G. plate H. clear clock /kl/: ‎ player /pl/: ‎ 三、看图连线。‎ ‎1. 2. 3. 4.‎ class clean clock play 四、读一读,找出含有与画线部分相同读音的单词,并写下来。‎ There are five players in the class.‎ They often play football on the playground.‎ Let them clean the classroom now.‎ plate clear 答案:‎ 一、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 二、clock /kl/:A D E H player /pl/:B C F G 三、1—clean 2—class 3—play 4—clock 四、plate:players play playground clear:class clean classroom

