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my your his her my your his her Our their our their Let’s sing my your his her my your his her Our their our their Let's review 我 你 他 她 我们 你们 他们 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 +名词 It’s my card. It’s .mine It’s his card.his s The card is . It’s her card. The card is . her s It’s their classroom. The classroom is . their s They’re our books. The books are . our s They’re their desks.their s The desks are . my your his her our your their mine yours his hers ours yours theirs Whose pencil is this ? It’s mine . 谁的 It’s my pencil. Whose book is that ? It’s Mike’s . 谁的 It’s his. Let's talk dog, his cat, hers rabbit, ours pig, theirs Whose dog is this ? It’s his. that Whose books are these? They are mine . 这些 They are my books. those 那些 Whose pictures are these? They are Amy’s . 图画 They are hers. Sarah and Mike are talking about their pictures. What are they saying? Let’s go ! Let's talk 北京的图画 Yes, they are . The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? 都Let's talk It’s Zhang Peng’s . Wow ! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is it? Let's talk It’s Yifan’s. Look! There is a picture of Shanghai,too. Oh , yes ! It’s his. Let's talk Chen Jie: the yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Mike: Yes, they are. Chen Jie: Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is it? Mike: It’s Zhang Peng’s . Chen Jie: Look! There is a picture of Shanghai, too. Mike: It’s Yifan’s. Chen Jie: Oh, yes! It’s his. Let's talk Guessing climb climbingclimbing They are climbing. 爬 Let's learn eat eatingeating Look! The rabbit is eating. 吃 Let's learn Guessing drink drinkingdrinking Look! He is drinking. 喝 Let's learn Guessing jump jumpingjumping Look! The rabbits are jumping. 跳 Let's learn Guessing sleep sleepingsleeping Look! The rabbits are sleeping. 睡觉 Let's learn Guessing play playingplaying Look! They are playing with each other. 互相 玩 每一个 其他 Let's learn Guessing climb  climbing eat  eating drink  drinking play  playing jump  jumping sleep  sleeping do  fly  look  walk  read dance  run  swim  doing flying looking walking reading dancing running swimming 经常做 正在做 动词加ing的规则 1、直接加ing 2、去e加ing 3、双写加ing Fido is climbing. climbing drinking Fido is drinking. eating Fido is eating. playing They’re playing with each other. sleeping They’re sleeping. jumping They’re jumping. Game 1 Bomb Game 活动: 他(们)在做什么? What are they doing? climbing Is Fido climbing? Yes, he is. Fido is climbing. No, he isn’t. 变疑问,is前提 Is Fido climbing? No, he isn’t. He is drinking. Is Fido eating? Yes, he is. They are sleeping. Are they sleeping? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 变疑问,are前提 变疑问,be 前提 Are they sleeping? No, they aren’t. They are jumping. Are they playing? Yes, they are. They’re playing with each other. Let’s talk What are they talking about? They are talking about Chen Jie’s dog. Let’s talk Where is Fido now? He’s eating. What is Fido doing? He’s in the kitchen. Can Sam take Fido to the park? Yes, he can. Let’s talk Where is Fido now? He is in the kitchen. ( Sam is at Chen Jie’s home) Let’s talk Is he drinking water? No,he isn’t. He’s eating. Let’s talk Can I play with him now? yes. Can you take him to the park? 带 Let’s talk Of course! Fido, come here! Woof, woof ! 1、和同桌操练Let's talk中的对话。 2、有兴趣的同学可以收集名人拍卖的 珍藏品。(选做) Unit 6 Work quietly! 复习课 特殊疑问句、陈述句 1.你正在干什么?我正在看书。 2.她正在干什么?她正在听音乐。 3.他们正在干什么?他们在吃午饭。 4.那只小猴子在干什么?它在和妈妈玩耍。 What are you doing? I’m reading a book. What is she doing? She’s listening to music. What are they doing? They’re eating lunch. What’s the little monkey doing? It’s playing with its mother. 一般疑问句 • 1.你正在练武术吗?是的。 • 2.他正在做早操吗?不,没有。 • 3.他们正在上课吗?是的。 Are you doing kungfu? Yes, I am. Is he doing morning exercises? No, he isn’t. Are they having class? Yes, they are. 祈使句 • 1.靠右! • 2.保持你的课桌干净。 • 3.小声讲话! • 4.按顺序来! • 5.安静地工作! Keep to the right. Keep your desk clean. Talk quietly! Take turns. Work quietly. Unit 5 Whose dog is it? • 物主代词(有名则形,无名则名) • 1.This is ____ computer. The computer is ____(I) • 2. Is that _____school? Is that school ____ ?(you) • 3.Those are Sarah's socks. Those socks are ___. • 4.This is John's bag. This bag is ______. • 5.These are _______ rabbits. These rabbits are __________(they) • 6.Look! This is _____ new school. This new school is ______.(we) • 7.I have a cat.Mimi is _____name. (it) my mine your yours hers his their theirs our ours its • 1.那幅黄颜色的画是我的。 • 2.这些都是我们的吗?是的。 • 3.这是谁的?是张鹏的。 • 4.他在喝水吗?不,他在吃东西。 翻译 The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Yes, they are. Whose is it? It's Zhang Peng's. Is he drinking water? No, he isn't. He's eating.

