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考点精练 1 译林英语 4 年级下册 Unit 5 A 卷 : 课堂点拨题 1. (1)It ’ s in winter in Harbin. A.cold B.hot C.cool (2)It ’ s in Yancheng in autumn. A.cold B.hot C.cool (3)【易错】 It ’ s in winter in kunming. A.cold B.cool C.warm (4)【易错】 Summer comes after . A.spring B.winter C.autumn 2. (1)We can in summer. A.go swimming B.go skating C. fly kites (2)-- you like autumn ? --Yes,I . A.Are ;am B.Do ;do C. Do;don’t 3. Tom usually goes after school. A.skate B.skating C. skates 4. 这儿冬天冷吗? it in ? 5. -- skirt is that over there ? -- It’ s Su Hai ’ s. A.Who B. Who ’ s C.whose 6. --Liu Tao , in winter ? --I can skate in the park. A.Can you skate B.What can you do C. What can you see 7. (1) Helen a nice cap. A.have B.has C.is (2)We many nice stickers. A.have B.has C.are B 卷 : 课后巩固题 一.选择 ( )1. winter , I can . A.on;make snowmen B.in; go skating C. in;go swimming ( )2.【易错】 do you like spring ? A.How many B.Why C.What ( )3. it often cool in ? A.Is ;summer B. Is;autumn C. Is;winter ( )4.In winter in Harbin ,the student often after class. A.make snowmen B. makes snowmen C.go climbing ( )5.【易错】 My father and mother often after supper in the park. A.go walking B.go boating C.fly kites ( )6.【易错】 Would you like in the park ? A. to fly kites B.fly kites C. fly kite ( )7. jacket is this ? A. Who ’ s B. whose ’ s C. whose ( )8.你想知道这个包是谁的,你这样问: A. Whose bag is this ? B.It ’ s Su Hai ’ s. C. Who ’ s this bag? 考点精练 2 二.填入适当的词 1.We fly kites ___ a fine day. (in, on) 2.I make ____ in winter. (snowman, snowmen) 3.Look at that___. It ’ s cool. (snowman, snowmen) 4.We go ____ in summer. (swim, swimming) 5.I can _____. (swim, swimming) What about you? 6.In winter _____ cold. (is, it ’ s) 7.Autumn ____ my favourite( 最喜爱的 ) season. (is, it ’ s) 8.I like ____. (skate, skating) 9.I ____ (skate, skating) after school. 10.Bobby ___ a big egg. (have, has) 11.Sam and Bobby ____ some big eggs. (have, has) 12. 【易错】 --Is it (sun) today? --Yes, it is. 13.We usually eat (ice cream) in summer. 14. 【易错】 Here (be) some hot water for you. 15. 【易错】 Would you like (some) coffee? 16.There are (season)in a year. 三.翻译 1.进行野餐 _______ 2.去爬山 ___________ 3.在冬天 ___________ 4.谁的包 _________ 5. 堆雪人 6.去溜冰 __________ 7.晴朗的一天 _______ 8.放风筝 ____________ 9.吃冰淇淋 ___________ 10.去划船 ____________ 11. 4 个季节 12. 十分冷 13.凉爽的 T 恤衫 14.炎热的夏天 15.一年有四个季节。它们是春季、夏季、秋季、冬季。 There are _______ ______in a year. They are _______, ________, ________ and ________. 16.--你喜欢哪个季节? --我喜欢春季。 --为什么? --因为天气温暖。我能放风筝。 --_______ ________do you like? --I like _______. --Why? --Because it ’ s ________.I can ________ _________. 17.在秋天,天气凉爽。我们去野餐和去爬山。 In ________, it ’ s ________. We ________ ________ and ________ climbing. 18.我们可以在春天放风筝和划船。 We can and in spring. 19.今天是晴朗的一天! It’ s today! 20.这包是谁的? 这是迈克的。 -- is this? This is . 21.我们去农场摘桔子。 我们都喜欢秋天。 We pick _______ on the _______. ______ like _______. 22.这是你的书吗?不,不是的。 --Is this ? --No ,it . 考点精练 3 四.连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点 1.bag,is,whose,it(?) 2.this,jacket, is, your(?) 3.it ,a,day,is,fine(.) 4.your ,here,ruler, is(.) 5.go,I,swimming ,can, summer,in(.) 6.can,snowmen,we,in,make,winter(.) 7.kite ,the,is,whose,there,over(?) 8.a, can,snowman,make, you(?) 9.【易错】 is,sunny,it, a,day,today(?) 10.in, cool,is,it,autumn,very(?) 五.改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正) 1. She’ s bag is over there. ___________ 2. It ’s time go to bed now. ___________ 3. My family and I go swim in summer. ___________ 4. 【难题】 Whose pencil case is it? It ’ s her. ___________ 5.Do you have picnic on Sunday ? ___________ 六.排序 1. It ’sa fine day today. Let ’ s have a picnic now. 2.Do you like autumn ? 3.Good idea. 4.Yes,I do. 5.Why ? 6.Because it ’ s cool. I can have a picnic. 考点精练 4 C 卷 : 复习提高题 一. 选出划线字母或字母组合的发音不同的一项。 ( )1.A.brown B.flower C.know D.cow ( )2.A.blouse B.trousers C.mouth D.young ( )3.A.more B.work C.forty D.morning ( )4.A.season B.bread C.weather D.sweater ( )5.A.out B.mouse C.cousin D.cloudy ( )6.A.summer B.her C.farmer D.daughter ( )7. A.warm B.car C.card D.park 二.情景匹配: ( )1.How many seasons are there in a year? A. Sometimes it ’ s cold. ( )2.What about some milk? B.She ’ s in the kitchen. ( )3.What would you like? C.They ’ re on the sofa. ( )4.Where are my warm clothes? D.Sounds good. ( )5.I can ’ t find Mum. E.I ’ d like a hamburger. ( )6.Is spring cold? F.Four. 三.句型转换 1.I like summer. ( 改为否定句 ) I summer. 2.It ’ s cold today. (改为否定句 ) cold today. 3.We fly kites in spring. ( 对划线部分提问 ) do you in spring ? 4.We can skate in winter.( 改为一般疑问句 ) you in winter ? 5.It ’ s sunny today.(改为同义句 ) It ’ s today. 6.I usually go fishing on Sundays. ( 对划线部分提问 ) 7.【易错】 I eat ice creams in summer. (对划线部分提问 ) 8.【易错】 We have picnics in autumn. ( 对划线部分提问 ) 考点精练 5 听力题 一.选择听到的单词 ( )1. A.kite B.boat C.lake ( )2. A.cool B.cold C.hot ( )3. A.whose B.who C.what ( )4. A.spring B.season C.sea ( )5. A.this B.that C.these ( )6. A.winter B.what C.white ( )7. A.warm B.watch C.welcome ( )8. A.very B. every C.eleven ( )9. A.make kites B. make cakes C. make snowmen ( )10. A.whose bag B. whose bed C. whose jacket 二.选择适合的答案 ( )1. A.I like autumn. B.It ’ s hot today. C.We go climbing ( )2. A.It ’ s winter. B.I make snowmen. C. I fly a kite. ( )3. A.No ,I do. B.Yes,I do. C. Yes,I am. ( )4. A. Yes,it does. B. No ,it isn ’ t. C. It ’ s a fine day. ( )5. A.She has my bag. B. It ’ s my bag. C. It ’ s a black bag. ( )6. A.Good idea! B.I can eat ice creams. C.Let ’ s have a picnic. ( )7. A.I can go swimming. B. I can go skating. C. I can fly my kites. ( )8. A.Here ’ s a jacket for you. B. Here ’ s some rice for you. C. Here ’ s some books for you. ( )9. A.Yes,I am. B. Yes,I do. C. Yes,I can. ( )10. A.It ’ s my sister ’ s. B.She ’ s my sister. C. It ’ s a bag. ( )11. A.We like winter. B. We like yellow. C. We don ’ t like winter. 三、听录音 ,将对话补充完整。 A: How many seasons in a year ? B: __ __ __ seasons. A: Which season do you like best? B: ____ A: But it ’s very __ B: I can eat __ __. 考点精练 6 听力答案 二. 1.Which season do you like ? 2.What do you do in spring ? 3.Do you like summer ? 4.Is it a fine day today ? 5.Whose bag is it? 6.Let ’ s have a picnic. 7.what can we do in spring ? 8.I ’ m very cold. 9.Do you have any lessons on Monday ? 10.Who ’ s that little girl? 11.what colour do you like ? 三、听录音 ,将对话补充完整。 A: How many seasons in a year ? B: __Four__ __seasons__ A: Which season do you like best B: __Summer__ A: But it ’s very __hot__ B: I can eat __ice creams__.

