江苏省译林英语4B Unit 8第三课时

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江苏省译林英语4B Unit 8第三课时

小学英语 四年级下册 Unit 8 How are you? Game over take care What's the matter? a cough and a headache Are you ill? Game cold take a pill drink some water fever A: What's the matter,...? What's the matter with you ,...? B: I have... 1. 2. 3. Mingming 4. 5. Tiantian Look and say 你怎么了? What's wrong ? ill 如果你生病了,会做些什么? Take some pills. Drink some water. Have a lot of rest. 多休息。 See a doctor . 看 医生 。 ... Who is ill( 生病了 )? Listen and choose Sue Anna A. Sue is ill. B. Anna is ill. Sue Anna How is Anna? What would you like to say to Anna? I’m sorry to hear that. Take care. I hope you get better soon . She has a cold and a fever. 祝早日安康! Anna 你想对 Anna 说些什么? rhyme time 两人一组,选择自己喜欢的方式读一读 : 1 、有节奏的齐读。 2 、两人一组分角色读。 Sue Anna 试着自己跟着读一读吧! / / 下列单词划线部分发音也读作 w a ter wh a t w a nt d o ctor n o t welc o me O K f o x o pen s o cks n o d o g g o c o ld h o t hell o c o me s o me Tips: 1. 由于东西方文化的差异,西方人在电话中并不相互称呼‘你我’,而是采用 this, that 称呼自己和对方。 2. 读一读下列电话用语: Hello, this is Helen speaking. Is that Su Yang? May I speak to Yang Ling? Sorry, Mike is not here . 排序 排序方法: 1.找找短文的开头或者结尾。 2.找找上下句之间的联系。 C a b g i e d s oo n 立刻,马上 A: Hello, may I speak to...? B: Hello, this is...speaking. A:I can ’ t do my homework. Can you come to my home and help me ? B: OK. A: When do you come here? B:At..../ On Sunday morning A: Thank you. See you soon/this Sunday.. B: See you. Make a telephone call Homework: 1.Try to make a telephone call with your friends. 跟朋友一起尝试打电话。 2.Listen and try to recite unit 8. 听录音,熟读背诵第八单元内容。 3.Preview project 2 预习Project2。

