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考点精练 1 译林英语 4 年级下册 Unit 8 A 卷 : 课堂点拨题 Story time 1. (1)Hello! May I speak to Nancy? _______ A. Yes, speaking. B. Yes, I ’ m Nancy.C. No, I ’ m not Nancy. (2)_____ is Yang Ling speaking. A. She B. This C. He 2. (1) 【易错】 It ’ s time _____ having the cake. A. about B. for C. to (2)【易错】 --Can she come to school tomorrow ? -- A. Yes, she can. B. Yes, I can. C. No, she isn ’ t. 3. (1) What’ s the matter? I have __________. A .ill B. a cold C. cold (2)【易错】 I ’m very _________ . A. cold B. a cold C. cough (3)【易错】 What’ s the matter? He a headache. A.have B.has C.does have (4)— I ’ m hot.— Here ’s _________ for you. A. an umbrella B. a fan C. a chair 4. (1)______are you ? Not so good. A. How abou B. How C. What about (2)--I have a fever. -- ________ A. Thank you. B. Great! C. I ’ m sorry to hear that. 5. 【易错】 Nancy is not school. She is ill. She is sleeping bed. A.at;in B.on;on C.in ;in B 卷 : 课后巩固题 一.选择 ( )1.—Hello, this is Bobby speaking. —Hello, _______ Sam. A. I am B. / C. this is ( )2.I can ’ t _________ school today. A. go B. come C. come to ( )3.What’ s the matter with__________? He ’ s got a fever.A. he B. his C. him ( )4.— What’ s the matter ______Tim? —He has a fever. A. for B. with C. to ( )5. 【易错】 He doesn ’ t come to school today. – He_____ a bad cough. A. has B. have C. is ( )6. 【易错】 It ’ s today. I ’ ve got . A.cold ;cold B. cold ;a cold C. a cold;cold ( )7.—Helen has a cold. —______ A. I ’ m sorry to hear that. B. Take care. C. What a pity! ( )8.Here _____ some water. A. is B. are C. / 考点精练 2 9.选出每组词中不同类的一项 ( )1. A.may B.can C.have ( )2. A.here B.hear C.there ( )3. A.sorry B.fine C.thanks ( )4. A.fine B.good C.well D.matter ( )5. A.how B.what C.feel D.where 二.填入适当的词 1.hear(同音词 ) 2.I’ve(完全形式 ) 3.He’s(完全形式 ) / 4. Hello! This is Helen ______(speak) 5. Yang Ling _______(have) a big bag. 6. Can you ______(see) that boy? 7. The jeans ______(be) my brother ’ s. 8. How ______(be) your father? 9. I want ______(drink) some water. 10. I can see some ______(flower) over there. 11. Here ’ s some ______(milk). 12. Let ______(I) have a look. 13.How (be) your father ? 14.I want (drink) some water. 15.When do you do (you) homework ? 三.翻译 1.take care 2.去划船 3.做家庭作业 4.去参加聚会 5.与某人通话 6.Don’ t be sad. 7.又累又渴 8.在我的学校 9.盒子里的派 10.想要来看你 11.去看一场足球比赛 12.have a cough 13.lunch for the fox 14.take this pill 15.感冒 16.我今天不能到校。 I school. 17. 【易错】他发烧了,他不能去公园。 He a fever. He go to the park. 18.【易错】她怎么了? 她感冒了,咳嗽。 -- the with ?--She a and a . 19.星期天我们没有任何的课程。 We don ’ t lessons Sundays. 四.连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点 1.can, I, to, school, come, tomorrow (.) 2.and, come, a, have, of, water, glass (.) 3.want, I, drink, water, to, some (.) 4.box, cakes, see, the, in, we, can, two ( . ) 5.school, five, not, thirty, she, at, is, at ( . ) 考点精练 3 6.want, ten, to, Tom, go, and, bed, at, Tim, to ( . ) 7.my, can, to, tomorrow, home, he, come ( ? ) 五.改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正) 1.I can ’t come to the school. 2.I ’m have a headache and a cough. 3.Is Mike a girl ? No,she isn ’t. 4.What’s the matter? I have headache. 5.Let ’s go see her. 6.Liu Tao have a swimming lesson, too. 7.— What’s the matter? --I have cough. 8.Here is some pies for you. 9.We have seven lessons at school. 10.Who’s jeans are these? 11.I have headache. 12.She’s not very good. 13.Here ’ re some hot dog for you. 六.句型转换 1. I have some books in the bag.(改为否定句 ) I ______ have _______ books in the bag. 2.He has some books in the bag.(改为否定句 ) 3. Mike can draw pictures.( 改为一般疑问句 ) ________ ________ draw pictures? 4. I can see four dogs under the tree.(对画线部分提问) ________ ________ dogs can you see under the tree? 5.I have a fever.( 对划线部分提问 ) _________ _________ matter with ? 6.He has a cough. (对划线部分提问 ) 7.It ’ s time to go to bed.(改为同义句 ) It ’ s time_________ _________. 8.【易错】 I want to watch TV. ( 对划线部分提问 )_________ do you want to _________? 9.I have some cakes. (改为否定句 ) I _________ have _________ cakes. 10.Tom have some cakes. (改为否定句 ) Tom _________ have _________ cakes. 七. 阅读理解,根据短文内容判断对( T)或错( F) Hello, I ’m Ming Ming. I ’m ten years old. I can ’t go to school. I ’m ill today. I have a cough and fever. I can ’t go to school today. I go and see a doctor. I get better now. Tomorrow I can go to school. ( )1. I ’m Ming Ming. ( )2. I ’m eleven years old. ( )3. I can go to school today. ( )4. I have a cough and a fever. ( )5. I can ’t go to school tomorrow. 考点精练 4 C 卷 : 复习提高题 一.判断画线部分读音是( T)否( F)相同 ( )1.dog home ( )2.nose close ( )3.hot sock ( )4.fish pig ( )5.English kite ( )6.time like ( )7.cake bag ( )8.make skate ( )9.she green ( )10.desk red 二 . 选择 1.These are white ______ and this is ______ orange skirt. A. shorts, a B. short, an C. shorts, an 2.–Whose shirt is this ? –It ’ s ______ shirt. A. her B. his C. I 3.【易错】 – Can I have_____ hamburgers, Mary ? –I don ’ t have_____ hamburgers in my bag. I ’ m so hungry. A. some, any B. any, some C. some, some 4.– Don’ t _____ fish. –_____ some apples. A. eating, Have B. eat, Have C. eating, Having 5.–Whose trousers are these ? –_____ A. They ’ re my cousins. B. It ’ s my cousin ’ s. C. They ’ re my cousin ’ s. 6.Look at these . Can you draw ? A.flower ;it B. flowers ;they C. flowers ;them 7.【易错】 --Look at my gloves. -- so big. A.They ’ re B. It ’s C. they ’ re 三 .用 am, is, are 填空 1. He ________ very hungry. 2. I ________ very cool. 3. ________ you hot ? 4. ________ your mother a teacher ? 5. The juice________ on the table. 6. Mary and Helen________ hungry. 7. Here________ some coffee. 8. It________ a sunny day. 9. ________ David at home ? 10. These ________ a lot of new gloves. 四 . 用合适的介词填空 1.We don ’ t go to school ________Sunday. 2.What can you see ______ the river? 3.________ summer, we go swimming. 4.It ’ s time ______ Music. 5.I do homework ______ five _____ the afternoon. 6.Time ______ have some cake. 7.I have three lessons ______ Monday morning. 六.句型转换 1.Helen is ill. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) ___________ ___________ ill ? 2.I go home at five. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答 ) ___________ ___________ go home at five ?___________, I ___________. 3.Su Hai has a bad cold. (对划线部分提问 ) ___________ the ___________ with her ? 4.I like English and Art. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) 5.I ’ m not so good. (对划线部分提问 ) 考点精练 5 七.排序 A. All right. B. I have a bad cough. C. What ’ s the matter with you? D. You have a cold. E. Take some medicine. F. Open your mouth and let me see. 1.What’ s the matter? 2.Hello, Mike. This is Su Yang speaking. How are you? 3.I ’ m sorry to hear that. 4.Not so good. 5.I have a cold and a fever. 6.Hello! This is Mike speaking. 八.阅读短文 ,判断正 (T)误 (F) Mrs Black: Get up, David. It ’s time for breakfast. David: I can ’t go to school today, Mum. Mrs Black: What ’s the matter? David: I have a headache and a cough. Mrs Black: Oh, dear. You have a cold. I call Miss Li after breakfast. Mrs Black: Hello, may I speak to Miss Li? Miss Li: This is Miss Li speaking. Mrs Black: This is David ’s mother. David has a cold today. He can’t go to school. What lessons do you have today? Miss Li: Let me see. It ’s Tuesday today. We have Chinese, English, Science and Art. Mrs Black: Thank you, Miss Li. 1.( )It ’s in the afternoon now. 2.( )David has a cold. 3.( )David calls Miss Li after breakfast. 4.( )Today is Tuesday. 5.( )They have six lessons today. 九.阅读短文,选择正确的答案 Mum: Get up, Nancy. It ’s seven forty. Time for school. Nancy: I can ’t go to school today. Mum: What’s the matter, dear? Nancy: I ’m ill and I have a fever. Mum: I ’m sorry to hear that. Drink some water, dear. Nancy: No, I don ’t want to drink water, Mum. Mum: Let ’s go to see the doctor. Nancy: No, I want to eat an ice cream, Mum. ( )1. Where are Nancy and Mum? A. At the snack bar. B. In class. C. At home. ( )2. What time is it? A. Seven forty. B. At seven forty. C. Seven o ’clock. ( )3. Is it Sunday today? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn ’t. C. Sorry, I don ’t know. ( )4.Is Nancy ill? A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, I am. C. No, she isn ’t. ( )5. Nancy wants to______. A. see the doctor B. drink water C. eat an ice cream 考点精练 6 听力题 一.选出你所听到的单词或词组,听两遍 ( ) 1.A. hungry B.hurry C. thirsty ( ) 2.A. fever B.five C. fine ( ) 3.A. dad B. bed C. sad ( ) 4. A. talk B. take C. cake ( ) 5. A. fine B. five C. nine ( ) 6. A. feel B. fever C. for ( ) 7. A. not B. lot C. hot ( ) 8. A. sock B. box C. fox ( ) 9. A. watch B. lunch C. match ( ) 10. A. sunny B. Sunday C. sun ( ) 11. A. fan B. fun C. Mum ( ) 12. A. cool B. cold C. old ( ) 13. A. Art B.aren ’ t C.matter 二.听问句,选答句,听两遍 ( )1.A. Yes,I am. B .Yes, I do. C. I have a fever. ( )2.A. Yes,I am. B. I still feel ill . C. Thank you. ( )3.A. This is Nancy speaking. B. Yes, a lot. C. I ’m hot. ( )4.A. Hello! B. See you. C. Thank you. ( )5.A. I have a cold. B. I ’m sorry to hear that. C. I ’m sorry . ( ) 6. A. I ’ m Bobby. B. This is Bobby speaking. C. My name is Bobby. ( ) 7. A. I ’ m nine. B. I ’ m fine. C. I have a cold. ( ) 8. A. Have a cake. B. Have some water. C. Have some juice. ( ) 9. A. I feel cold. B. I ’ m Mike. C. He ’ s happy. ( ) 10. A. Thank you. B. See you. C. Nice to see you 三 .听录音,判断所听内容和情景是否相符,相符( T),不符( F),听两遍。 ( ) 1.你想和南希通电话,你可以说: ( ) 2.告诉别人你现在的感觉不好,你可以说: ( ) 3.当听到别人说身体欠佳时,你可以说: ( ) 4.告诉老师你明天不能来上学,你可以说: ( ) 5.让对方身体保重,你可以说 : 考点精练 7 听力答案 二.听问句,选答句。 1. What ’ s the matter? (C) 2.Here ’ s some water for you. (C) 3.May I speak to Nancy?(A) 4.See you tomorrow?.(B) 5. What ’ s the matter? I ’ m ill.(B) 6. May I speak to Bobby? 7. How are you? 8. I ’m hungry. 9. What ’s the matter? 10. See you tomorrow. 三.听录音,判断所听内容和情景是否相符。相符( T),不符( F),听两遍。 1.This is Nancy speaking.(F) 2.Not so good.(T) 3.Well done.(F) 4.I can go to school tomorrow.( F ) 5.Take care.(T)

