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期中测试卷 一、判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是(√)否(×)相同。 ( ) 1. blow row ( ) 2. cook moon ( ) 3. four country ( ) 4. with night ( ) 5. get let ( ) 6. road coach 二、将下列短语与相应的汉语意思配对。 (1) in front of A. 乘地铁 (2) turn left B. 在……对面 (3) across from C. 在……前面 (4) see a film D. 向左转 (5) take the subway E. 照相 (6) in the sea F. 看电影 (7) take photos G. 在海里 三、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. Japan B. London C. China ( ) 2. A. tall B. send C. short ( ) 3. A. first B. third C. seven ( ) 4. A. hotel B. drugstore C. dinosaurs ( ) 5. A. flower B. summer C. winter 四、选择填空。 ( ) 1. Welcome __________ the city! A. in B. to C. for ( ) 2. The two __________ walk across the city square. A. mouse B. mouses C. mice ( ) 3. She wants to go __________ there. A. boat B. to boat C. boating ( ) 4. You will find it __________ your left. A. on B. of C. with ( ) 5. I want to go there __________ my parents. A. of B. with C. to ( ) 6. You can see the Great Wall in __________. A. Beijing B. Kunming C. Xi’an 五、选出下列问句的正确答语。 ( ) 1. What do you want to do? A. I want to see a film. B. He wants to see a film. ( ) 2. Is there a square in the city? A. Yes, there are. B. No, there isn’t. ( ) 3. Where are you? A. I’m in front of the park. B. It’s on your left. ( ) 4. What are you going to do this weekend? A. We want to fly a kite. B. We’re going to the hospital. ( ) 5. Where does he live? A. He comes from Canada. B. He lives in Toronto. 六、选出下列英文句子的正确翻译。 ( ) 1. 多么棒的假期! A. What a great holiday! B. What a beautiful city! ( ) 2. 地铁站在哪儿? A. Where is the police station? B. Where is the subway station? ( ) 3. 我想买一些玩具。 A. I want to buy some flowers. B. I want to buy some toys. ( ) 4. 你想在那儿做什么? A. What do you want to do there? B. What do you want to eat there? ( ) 5. 我怎样才能到达博物馆? A. How can I get to the cinema? B. How can I get to the museum? 七、选择合适的单词,补全对话。 too What swimming vacation A: Hi, Binbin. What are you going to do this summer (1) __________? B: I’m going to the park. A: (2) __________ do you want to do there? B: I want to go (3) __________. A: Me (4) __________. Let’s go together. B: I Great. 八、选出下列句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。 ( ) 1. Turn right at the two crossroads. __________ A B C ( ) 2. What can I get to the bank? __________ A B C ( ) 3. We can go there by foot. __________ A B C ( ) 4. She has finally arrive at the museum. __________ A B C ( ) 5. Perhaps next time she will brings a map. __________ A B C 九、阅读理解。 One day, Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a shop. They buy many things from the shop. And the things are very heavy, so they want to put them in their car. But Mr. White can’t open the door of the car. “Let’s ask a policeman for help.” says Mrs. White. They ask a policeman to help them, and the policeman is very friendly to help them open the door of the car. At that time, a man comes up and shouts, “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White look at the number of the car, then they say sorry to the man. 根据短文内容,选择正确 答案。 (1) Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping __________. A. by bike B. by car C. with their son (2) The things are very __________. A. heavy B. cheap C. long (3) __________ helps them open the door of the car. A. A boy B. A policeman C. A young woman (4) They look at __________ and they know they are wrong. A. the watch B. the man C. the number of the car 参考答案 一、 1-6 √×××√√ 二、 (1)-(7) CDBFAGE 三、 1-5 BBCCA 四、 1-6 BCCABA 五、 1-5 ABABB 六、 1-5 ABBAB 七、 (1) vacation (2) What (3) swimming (4) too 八、 1. C second 2. A How 3. C on 4. B arrived 5. C bring 九、 (1)-(4) BABC

