陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 6 Part C优质课件

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陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 6 Part C优质课件

Unit 6 How Much Is It? 陕旅版五年级上册 Review 在购物中主动提供服务或帮助的句型及回答: — What can I do for you? / Can I help you? —I want to buy … / Yes. I would like… 询问物品价格的句型及回答: —How much is it / are they? —It ’ s / They ’ re ... yuan . Listen and tick or cross 1.听录音前先看清听力题目中所给的图片。通过看图可知4 幅不同衣物的图片且每幅图下有对话框。结合本单元所 学内容我们可以作出推测:录音内容可能是问某件衣物 多少钱,并要求将听到的价格写在对话框里。 2.听录音时注意听清楚数字,如果没有特殊要求,可以用 阿拉伯数字表示。 做题指导 Listen and write eighty-six yuan forty - two yuan three hundred yuan ninety - eight yuan Listening material 1. —How much is the shirt? —It’s eighty-six yuan. 2. —I would like a pair of shorts. How much are they? —They are forty-two yuan . 3. —What would you like? —That coat, please. How much is it? —Three hundred yuan . 4. —I want to buy this sweater. How much is it? —Ninety-eight yuan . Look, write and say a pair of shorts I would like / want a pair of shorts . a pair of shoes I would like / want a pair of shoes . a pair of socks I would like / want a pair of socks . a pair of trousers I would like / want a pair of glasses . a pair of glasses I would like / want a pair of trousers . Choose, complete and talk A.What Can I do for you? B. I would like an eraser. C. How much are the glasses? Saleswoman : Can I help you, little girl? Girl : Yes. __________________ B A.What Can I do for you? B. I would like an eraser. C. How much are the glasses? Saleswoman : ______________________ Man : I want to buy a shirt and a T-shirt for my child. A A.What Can I do for you? B. I would like an eraser. C. How much are the glasses? Grandma : ________________________ Liu : They are one hundred yuan . C Read and answer It ’ s six thirty. People come to the supermarket to buy food, drinks and clothes after work. Mr. Zhao would like a cake. He also wants to buy a pair of shorts. The shorts are thirty-eight yuan. What does Miss White want? She is going to buy some bread and cookies.They are her favorite food. Questions: 1. What can people buy in the supermarket? 2.How much are the shorts? 3.What is Miss White going to buy? F ood, drinks and clothes . The shorts are thirty-eight yuan . She is going to buy some bread and cookies. Translation 六点半了。人们下班后来到超市买食物、饮料和衣服。赵老师想要一块蛋糕。他还想买一条短裤。短裤三十八元。怀特老师想要什么呢?她打算买一些面包和饼干。它们是她最喜欢的食物。 你一定有过自己独自去购物的经历吧,请将其中一次经历写下来,和大家一起分享,要求不少于40词。 1.写作思路: 首先得明确 购物的时间、地点、人物和要购买的东 西,其次描述购物的经过,最后交代了购物的结果。 2. 必背词汇: supermarket 超市 a pair of... 一双 take 买;要;拿 3.必备句型: I want to buy... I take ...

