五年级英语下册课件:Unit 1 My day Part B人教PEP版(共14张PPT)

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五年级英语下册课件:Unit 1 My day Part B人教PEP版(共14张PPT)

Unit 1 My day Let’s check Let’s wrap it up 第6课时 B C Story time Do you remember? go swimming go shopping Look and say Warm-up do homework Look and say Do you remember? do morning exercises Warm-up Look and say 看图片,说一说Mike的日常生活。 Presentation Make an interview S1: What do you do on the weekend? S2: I often clean my room with my mother. What do you do on the weekend? S3: I sometimes play ping-pong with my friends. What do you do on the weekend? S4: I often go shopping with my mom. Presentation What do you do on the weekend? 1. I often ____________________. 2. I always ___________________. 3. I sometimes ________________. Listen and tick 完成自己周末活动的三个句子,并与同学进行交流。 Presentation Read aloud homework sports class running ping-pong the pipa kung fu dinner swimming shopping morning exercises 先读一读黑板上的词汇。 Practice Read aloud 为这11个词汇选出与之搭配的动词,并填入表中。 Practice Learn more phrases go fishing go boating play football play basketball have lunch have breakfast … Practice Read and answer I often watch TV. This weekend I have a show. I’ll play the pipa. What does Zip usually do on the weekend? How about this weekend? Production I Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday weekend usually collect nuts in the afternoon often dry nuts eat nuts often watch TV Read and answer Zip’s TimetableWhat does Zip do from Monday to Friday? Production Listen and review 听Story time 的对话录音, 跟读对话。 Production 1. 读本单元的故事,与同学们一起表 演对话。 2. 复习本单元的重点单词和句型。 Homework Thanks!

