pep人教版五年级英语下册Unit 6 Part A 第3课时教学课件

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pep人教版五年级英语下册Unit 6 Part A 第3课时教学课件

Part A Let’s spell Unit 6 Work quietly! PEP·五年级下册 Lead-in Here are five riddles(谜语). Try to guess. It is small. It can fly. It likes singing in the sky. What is it? Answer: bird 1 When do you go as fast as a racing car? Answer: When you are in it. 2 Kate’s parents are in the bedroom. Mother is not sleeping. Who is sleeping? 3 father Jim’s pen is in Tom’s book. Tom’s book is on Sam’s bag. Sam’s bag is under Susan’s desk. Whose pen is it? 4 Jim’s Where can happiness always be found? Answer: In the dictionary. 5 Read and find what when where whose who What’s the same part in these words? what when where whose who They all have “wh”. what when where whose who Does “wh” in the five words sound the same? Let’s listen. wh /w/ /h/ No! They pronounce the sounds of “/w/” and “/h/”. what where when who whose Look, listen and classify which why white wheat whom whale Sum up the pronunciation rules /w/ /h/ which where white wheat whom whale wh 在多数情况下发音为/w/. wh 后接字母o时,一般发音为/h/. Let’s chant Where is my cat? Where is she? Who can find her? One, two, three. Chant and repeat What does she drink? What does she eat? Where is she hiding? Under my seat. Try to read What is this? It’s a white coat. Whose coat is it? It’s Miss White’s. Who is Miss White? She is a teacher. Where is she? She is in the USA. When is her birthday? Sorry! I don’t know. Try to find their homes! where who wheel when whatwhoever whose whether whole whom wheat Ø wh辅音字母组合在单词中有两种发音情况: 一种是/w/,另一种是/h/。 Ø wh 在多数情况下发音为/w/,wh后接字母o时, 一般发音为/h/. Review the rules Listen and circle. what/white wait/when weather/whose who/wall where/well Ask your partner three “wh” questions and write them down. 1.____________________________? 2.____________________________? 3.____________________________? 4.____________________________? What colour is it When do you get up Whose book is that Who’s that boy There is a beautiful girl. Her name is Sarah. Her birthday is on May 25th. She has a cute cat. Its name is Mimi. Look! The cat is on the desk. Sarah and her cat are good friends. Please read the following story. Ask some wh- questions. And try to make dialogues with the questions. E.g. A: Who is the girl? B: She is Sarah. A: When is Sarah’s birthday? B: It’s on May 25th. A: Whose cat is this? B: It’s Sarah’s cat. A: Where is the cat? B: It’s on the desk. Ask wh-questions with your partners. “Whistle for Whale” Unit 6 Work quietly! wh /w/ /h/+(wh + o…) what when where who whose which white wheat whale whom whole

