人教版PEP小学五年级下册英语-Unit 3 B Lets learn&Read and Write(全英文说课稿)

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人教版PEP小学五年级下册英语-Unit 3 B Lets learn&Read and Write(全英文说课稿)

Unit 3 My school calendar Good morning,everyone!I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas .Today,I ’ m going to talk about “ My school calendar”,which is taken from Unit 3,book 2 of grade 5,My content is B Let’s learn&Read and Write.My teaching plan is made up of seven parts. Part 1 Analysis Of The Teaching Material (1)Status and function This lesson is about the Easter party,which is related to our daily life,so it is helpful to raise pupil’s interests .The duration of this lesson is 40 minutes. (2)Analysis of the students A. The pupils are active and interested in new things,but they are lack of vocabulary. B. They know what to do and not to do ,(understand and use the language by direct teaching method). Part 2 Teaching Aims 1.language knowledge (1)To enable pupils to master new words from January to May and pronounce them correctly. (2)To enable pupils to understand structures “What will you do?I will .......”and use them correctly. 2.language skills To develop pupils ability of listening ,speaking and reading. 3.emotional aims (1) To train pupils interest in English and arouse their study motivation. (2) To train pupils spirit of cooperation . Part 3 Key points 1.Teaching importance (1)master the words :January,February,March,April,May. (2)Grasp the structures:What will you do ?and I will...... 2Teaching difficulties (1) The pronunciation of January and February. (2) Using the learned words and structures to express their daily life. Part 4 Teaching Methods 1.communicative language teaching method 2.task~based language teaching method Part 5 Teaching Procedures Step1 Warm up 1.Greetings The whole class and the teacher greet with each other as usual. 2 reviews Get the students to give some words about month they have learned from last class,This step is employed to revise the words related the months,At the same time draw the students attention to the topic of this lesson. Step 2 Lead -in To arouse the pupils interest of studying,the I will play the radio and let the pupils to listen a song“month song”I will show the words picture on the screen,and teach pupils to sing the song. Step 3 Review words Learn words from January to may ,I will show pupils words cards one by one ,and the pupils read after me ,at the same time,I will correct their pronunciation and write down the new words on the blackboard. Step 4 Test for month words To consolidate the new world,I will show the month words and their meaning on the screen in disorder,and make the pupils to match them. Step 5 Article 1. Listen to article on P29,pupils should imitate the pronunciation and understand the article meaning . 2. I will stress the main structure “What will you do ?I will .....and lead the pupils to read and do article exercises . 3. Pupils should answer some questions after doing exercises. Step 4 Practice 1.Using the structure “What will you do ?I will ....., allow the pupils to find a partner to practice and make dialogues by themselves . 2. Ask some pupils to present the dialogues in the class and choose the best four students. Part 6 summary and homework I will summarize the words and key structures to the whole class ,and lead the pupils to take notes.then, our task is to finish this lesson exercise and copy-words. Part 7 Blackboard design I design three parts on the blackboard ,part one is the topic “Unit 3.My school calendar” on the upper and middle position of the blackboard,Part two is the about the words ,on the left of the blackboard under the title And the last part is the main structure ,In a word ,I mean to design the blackboard instructive and artistic.

