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课 题 Lesson 13 类别 新授 授课时间 ‎ ‎ 教 学 1,学习五个词组:go to concerts, go to the movies. Play legos, drive ‎ ‎ Bumper cars, do puzzles ‎ 目 标 2, 对别人提出的是否喜欢做某事件进行完整回答。‎ 重 点 词组:go to concerts, go to the movies, play legos, drive bumper cars, do puzzles 难 点 对别人提出的是否喜欢做某事进行完整回答。‎ 教 具 cards, picture, realia. recorder 学 具 ‎ ‎ ‎ 教师活动 学生活动 预期效果 ‎ Step 1:presentation The teacher ‎ 教 1(show the pictures) tries to ‎ ‎ 1)who is in picture1? She is Lily make it ‎ ‎ 2)who is in picutre2? He is Bill easier for ‎ ‎ 学 3)where is he ? He is the cinema the pupils ‎ Yes,he goes to movies at the ‎ To see the film beginning ‎ ‎ 4)who is in picture 3 she is Yaoyao of the class.‎ 过 5)what is she doing ? she is playing ‎ ‎ Yes.she is playing Legos ‎ 6)Who is in picture 4 He is Andy He is play 程 what is he doing? Ing ‎ ‎ He is driving bumper cars to arouse ‎ 2 Listen to the song : their ‎ Song: interest and ‎ ‎ Hello, I am Andy. I get to know the ‎ ‎ Like to drive bumper new content at ‎ ‎ Cars in the park ,My the same time ‎ Friend Lily likes to ‎ ‎ Concerts, Bill likes ‎ ‎ To go to movies, Joy ‎ Likes to do puzzles. ‎ ‎ Step 2 : to do B ‎1 one group to make an example:‎ T: harry, do you like to go to concerts?‎ What about you, Alice and kate?‎ Group work,‎ ‎3,Report.‎ Yaoyao likes to play ‎ Legos.We often have fun on weekends.‎ S1:No, I don’t I like to do Puzzles.‎ S2: I like to go to ‎ Concerts.‎ S3: me too ‎ In our group, one student likes to do puzzles. Two students like to go to concerts To ask others whether he likes sth. or not ‎ ‎ 作业 布置 基 础 补习 提 高 Copy the words ‎ Recite the words ‎ 板 书 设 计 ‎ ‎ Lesson 13‎ ‎ Go to concerts?‎ Do you go to the movies?‎ ‎ Play Legos?‎ ‎ Drive bumper cars?‎ ‎ Do puzzles?‎ ‎ Yes, I do I like to…. No, I don’t like to ….‎ 课后小记

