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Lesson 8 Tigers and Bears zoo a panda a monkey a snake a bear a wolf an elephant a tiger Two wol ves . How many wol ves are there? wolf-------- wol ves . If you know it, stand up, and say it loudly! Can you describe the animal? It is white and black. It’s big and fat. It’s very cute( 可爱的 ). I like it. This is a panda. The snake is green. It can’t run or jump or fly . It’s thin and long . long short Part 3:Long or short 长的 短的 Its nose is long . Its tail is short . Look at the elephant! Its tail is ____ . Its tail is ____ . Look at the monkey. Look at the rabbit. Its tail is ____ . Its tail is ____ . Look at the tiger. Look at the cow. Its ear s are ____. Its ear s are ____. long short Look at the rabbit. Look at the bear. Fill in the blanks with “ long ” or “ short ” The pencil is _____. The pencil is_____. The ruler is_____. The ruler is_____. long long short short 拿出你身边的 物品 进行比较吧! Listen and choose the right answer. 1.rabbit. 2. monkey 3. bear 4. tiger 5. long 6. fat 7. thin 8. short 9. big 10. small Look at the _______. Its ears are _______. Look at the _______. Its ears are _______. The _________ is________ and ______. Look! It’s a _______. It’s ______ and _____. 2. monkey 5. long 3. bear 8. short 1. rabbit 7. thin 10. small 4. tiger 6. fat 9. big Let’s play a game! It’s an animal. It can run. It can’t jump . It can’t swim . It’s big. Its ears are big. Its nose is long. Its teeth( 牙 ) are long. What is it? What is it? Let’s play a game! What is it? It’s an animal. It can run. It can jump . It’s small. Its ears are long. It’s white. Let’s play a game! It’s an animal. It’s fat. It’s very cute. It’s big. It’s white and black. What is it? Homework Please compare ( 比较 ) your school things with your deskmate’s. Use big, small, long or short. 和你的同桌比较一下你们的学习用具吧! 用到 big, small, long 或 short. 写出 5 个句子来! Thank you! Good-bye!

