三年级英语上册unit 3 Again, Please!优质课件(冀教版)

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三年级英语上册unit 3 Again, Please!优质课件(冀教版)

冀教版 · 三年级上册 Unit 3 Feelings and body Again, Please! Review 冷的 热的 悲伤的 疲劳的 ; 累的 cold hot sad tired 高兴的;幸福的 暖和的;温暖的 美妙的;好极的 凉爽的;绝妙的,酷的 happy warm great cool 身体 手 头 胳膊 腿 脚 body hand head arm leg foot 头发 眼睛 嘴 耳朵 鼻子 脸;面 hair eye mouth ear nose face Listen and talk. I’m happy. How do you feel? I feel tired. Ouch! Are you okay? No, I hurt my head. Let’s see a doctor. What’s the matter? My head hurts. Play roles Are you okay? No, I’m sick. My head hurts. Let’s see a doctor. Okay! What’s the matter? My head hurts. Listen and colour. Colour the ears yellow. Colour the mouth red. Colour the eyes black. Colour the hair orange. Colour the hands brown. Colour the nose green. Colour the legs and arms blue. 听力原文 : Read and match. Close your left eye. Close your right eye. I’m hot. I’m cold. I feel sad. I feel happy. Look and match. (1) arm (2) leg (3) foot (4) hand (5) head (6) face (7) nose (8) mouth (9) eye (10) ear 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How am I doing? Listening Speaking Reading Writing Total stars I am… At school At home

