冀教三年级下unitLesson Again please

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冀教三年级下unitLesson Again please

Lesson 8: Again, please 一. 教学内容     义务教育课程标准实验教科书Student Book 2 --- Lesson 8     Again, please !     二. 教学目标     1. 认知目标     A 灵活运用下列单词:breakfast, lunch, supper, chicken,dumplings, fish, fruit, juice, meat, noodles, rice, soup, vegetables, drink, eat, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, hungry, thirsty, morning, afternoon and evening.     B: 准确流利的朗读课文, 模仿课文编对话 。     C: 掌握下列句型:(1) Do you like ……?     Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.     (2) What’s for breakfast/ lunch……?     2. 思想情感目标     A. 通过所学单词及对话,把所学知识融汇到实际交往中,从而激发积极的学习情感。     B. 运用小组合作练习对话,强化合作意识,以及与他人进行友好的交际。     3.智力发展目标     A:在学习、运用本单元知识的过程中,培养发散思维、创造思维的能力。     B:通过对话、小组练习、交流,从而提高自学能力。         Teaching plan     Step 1 : Greetings     T: Hello, boys and girls!     Ss: Hello, teacher!     T: Nice to see you.     Ss: Nice to see you , too!     T: Let’s sing a song . ( Stand up, sit down , and show us eleven)     Step 2 : The food we have learned. ‎ ‎    Let the students guess what I have ate for my breakfast .     S1: Milk and bread ?     T: No!     S2: Sandwich ?     T: No!     S3: Cake and porridge ?     T: Yes ! You are clever ! ( A small gift for him / her )     Let the students guess what I have ate for lunch .     S1: Rice and meat ?     T: No!     S2: Dumplings ?     T: Yes, that’s right !( A small gift for him /her )     Let the students say what they want to eat for supper.     S1: Milk and bread .     S2: Noodles ……     Encourage the students to say the “ food” we have learned .     Divide the students in to groups , practice the dialogue.     Step 4 : Do you like fish / meat…… ?     Yes , I do . / No , I don’t .     First I ask the students “ Do you like …?” and the students answer “ Yes ,I do / No , I don’t .” Then let the class ask me “ Do you like …?” and I answer “ Yes , I do , / No , I don’t .     Two students in a pair, practice this dialogue:     A: Do you like ……?     B: Yes ,I do./No, I don’t.     Step 5 : A game .     Ask one student come to the front .She/ He will draw a picture according to the word that I told her/ him quietly. When she / he is drawing , others guess the word . Say the word loudly .     Step 6 : A song ‎ ‎    “ It’s time for lunch ……”    ‎

