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Unit 6 How many? B Let ’ s learn PEP 三年级下册 学习目标 1、能够听、说、认读 sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty 等单词。能数20以内物体的数量,能在实际情景中迅速反应并运用这些数字。能强化认读已学文具类、玩具类、水果类等词汇。 2、能够运用这些单词做简单的加法和乘法。 3、能够在图片的帮助下听懂并跟读歌谣。 Let's sing 从 1 - 15 按顺序用英文报数, 如果所说的数字是3的倍数的同学,要站起来回答老师的问题。 Let's play T: What ’ s 4 and 7? T: 3 times 4 makes…? T: 7 and 8 makes…? T: 2 times 5 makes...? T: What ’ s 9 and 5 ? T: 6 and 7 makes…? Pair Work How many bird s do you see? I see eleven . How many book s do you have? I have thirteen . I see fifteen . How many fish do you see? How many pencil s do you have? I have twelve . How many monkey s do you see? I see fourteen . How many monkey s do you see? I see sixteen . How many monkey s do you see? I see seventeen . 口算训练 four + seven = ____ five + nine = _____ one + eleven = _____ eleven thirteen + three = _____ nine + nine = ____ eight + eleven = _____ fourteen twelve sixteen eighteen nineteen Discovery Look, listen and answer: 1.Who are they? They are John and carnie .( 游乐场管理员) 2.What is there in the picture? There are some cars. Listen and answer : How did John ask carnie? 知识拓展 你能区分这两个单词吗? 看图说话 How many apple s do you have? I have... How many pear s do you have? I have... How many banana s do you have? I have... Let’s chant 游戏规则: 各组派一名代表 按由小到大的顺序读出数字,遇到读错的数字有两次机会重读该数字,最短时间内把全部数字读完的组为胜者。 按顺序读数字 手快眼明 How many eraser s do you see? I see... How many book s do you see? I see... Make a survey 四人一小组,进行调查完成表格,然后 小组与小组之间再进行问答练习。 eg:S1: What ’ s in your bag? S2: I have……. S1: How many books do you have? S2: 16. What ’ s in your bag? S3: I have……. S2: How many ……do you have? S3: 12. …… G2: How many pencils do you have? G1: We have18 pencils. G3: How many rulers do you have? G1: We have19 pencils. …… How many + 可数名词复数 +do you have? 你有多少 ......? I have+ 数字。 我有 ...... We have+ 数字。 我们有 ...... 1 6 3 4 2 5 1. 当堂检测 2 . L isten and tick( √ ) or cross( × ) × √ √ × 1. Read the numbers from one to twenty-nine. 2. Sing the song or say the chant. 3. Write down the numbers about yourself. 完成调查表,并试着说一说。 家庭成员 爸爸 妈妈 爷爷 奶奶 出生年月 Homework

