三年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Lesson 4 小游戏时间 外研版(三起)(共23张PPT)

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三年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Lesson 4 小游戏时间 外研版(三起)(共23张PPT)

三年级(下册) Module 2 小游戏时间 Warming up: let’s play some games Good morning, I’m Jingjing. Nice to meet you. What’s this? It’s a monkey. What are they? They’re monkeys. What’s this? It’s a panda. What are they? They’re pandas. What’s this? It’s an elephant. What are they? They’re elephants. 1.Words: monkey、elephant、tiger、lion、panda 2.Sentences: What’s this? It’s a/an … What are they? They’re … . Summary知识总结: 情境 问句 答语 询问近处的事物 (单数) What’s this? 这是什么? It’s(=it is)+单数 它是…… 询问远处的事物 (单数) What’s that? 那是什么? It’s(=it is)+单数 它是…… 询问多个事物 (复数) What are they? 它们是什么? They’re(=they are) +复数 它们是…… 知识扩展 bird dog cat chameleon What’s this? It’s a/an … It’s a tiger. It’s big. What’s this It’s an elephant. It’s big. It’s tall. What’s this What’s this? It’s an elephant. It’s big.(大的) It’s fat.(胖的) What’s this? It’s a tiger. It’s big. What’s this? It’s a lion. It’s big. It’s fat. animal riddle I am a small animal. I live in the house. I eat everything. I am usually grey. Cats like eating me. What am I? I am a … I am a pet animal. I have four legs. I am smart. I hate cats. I like barking. What am I? I am a… I am a bird. I have two wings. I can swim. I can’t fly. What am I? I am a … I am an animal. I can swim and dive. I have two legs. I have wings. I quack. What am I? I am a… See You!

