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牛津沪教版三年级英语上册期中考试测试卷 一、单词拼写 1.She's my aunt. She works in a hospital. She is a ________(护士). 2.—Tom is in bed. How does he feel? —He's ________. 3.We are e________ dinner,but the phone rings. 4.He is n ________ good at singing. 二、单选题 5.It's a lion. They're teeth. A. it B. it's C. its 6. Mr Black doctor? A. Are; the B. Is; a C. Is; a 7.—________ is your bag? —In the desk. A. Where B. What 8.It _____ in the tree. A. is B. are 9.My mother has a sister. She is my . My father's brother is my . A. sister; uncle B. aunt; uncle C. aunt; father 10.I have any tape. Can you give me some? A. won't B. can't C. don't 三、找出合适的问答句 11.—__________ you have classes on Saturdays? —Yes, __________. A. Does; I does B. Do; I don't C. Do; I do 12.当你要为别人带路时,应说:________ A. You can help me. B. I can show you. 13.Where is the cat? A. It's on the chair. B. It's a cat. 14.如果你想知道别人的年龄,可以这样问: A. How old are you? B. How are you? 四、单词拼写(词汇运用) 15.Please talk________(安静地). Your father is sleeping. 16.I like green ________(衬衫). 17.We wait for the green light on the ________. 18.正确抄写下例句子,注意大小写和标点符号 do you like zebras no i dont 19.On summer holiday l went to Beijing by plane , but Jill went to Dalian by________. 五、情景交际 20.________? —She works in a school. 六、连词成句 21.请把下面的单词,连词成句。 (1)its, nose, Is, long.(?) (2)ears, big , Its , are.(.) (3)is, a, bee , It.(?) 22.talk the Don't in library ( . ) 23.is he Yes.(连词成句) 24.at, blackboard, look, the, Sam(连词成句) 25.school, Peter, chess, plays, after, (.) 26.Danny tree is front of in the(. ) ________ 27.writer ,This' s ,my ,He's ,a ,father (.) (连词成句) 28.rice,Let's,have,some(.)(连词成句) 29.do Which you like type (?)(连词成句) 30.is, it, much, how(?)(连词成句) 七、阅读理解 31.根据短文内容,回答问题 Many years ago, people use a stick, a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire. Today, wood, gas (煤 气) and electricity (电) can all make a fire. I think wood is the most dangerous. And I like gas most because it's easy. People use fire in many ways. At home, people use fire to cook food and boil water. In factories, workers use fire to melt (熔化) metals (金属) to makes things of different shapes. Some workers use fire to make glass. Fire can help us to do many things, but sometimes fire is dangerous. Cigarettes and campfires can all start a fire in the countryside, in schools and at homes. We must be careful. We mustn't smoke in the countryside, and we mustn't cook without an adult (成年人). We mustn't play with matches. We mustn't play around a fire. (1)Can people use the dry leaves to make a fire? (2)What do people do with fire at home? (3)Do workers make glass with fire? (4)Is fire dangerous? (5)Can children cook without an adult? 参考答案 一、看图,写单词。 1. nurse 2. sleepy 3. eating 4. not 二、单选题 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C 三、找出合适的问答句。 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 四、单词拼写(词汇运用) 15. quietly 16. shirts 17. pavement 18. —Do you like zebras? —No, I don't. 19. train 五、情景交际 20. Where does she work 六、连词成句 21. (1)Is its nose long?(2)Its ears are big.(3)It is a bee. 22. Don't talk in the library. 23. Yes, he is. 24. Look at the blackboard, Sam. 25. Peter plays chess after school. 26. Danny is in front of the tree. 27. This's my father. He's a writer. 28. Let's have some rice. 29. Which type do you like? 30. How much is it? 七、阅读理解 31. (1)Yes, they can. (2)People use fire to cook food and boil water. (3)Yes, they do.(4)Yes, it is. (5)No, they can't. (5)No, they can't.

