人教版PEP小学三年级下册英语-Unit 5教案(英文版2)

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人教版PEP小学三年级下册英语-Unit 5教案(英文版2)

Unit 5 Do you like pears? 课 时: Period 1 教学内容:A Let’s learn Let’s play Let’s sing 教学目标 知识与技能: 1. Be able to listen, say, recognize the main words: watermelon, peach, pear, orange. 2. Be able to understand and say: “Do you like peaches? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.” 3. Be able to sing the song “The more we get together”过程与方法: Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class. 情感态度价值观: Pupil is interested in the activity. 教学重点: New words: watermelon, peach, pear, orange. 教学难点: The pronunciation of “watermelon”. The pronunciation of peach and orange. 教学准备:T’s word cards, VCD and tape. 教学过程: Step1. Warm –up 1) Greetings. 2) Sing a song “ The more we get together” 3) Free talk T: Hello, S1. How are you? S: Very well, thanks. How are you? T: Fine, thank you. Oh, I am hungry now. I like hamburgers. What do you like? S: I like…… T: Here you are. S: Thank you. T: Can I have some……? S: Sure, here you are. T: Thank you. Hmm…. It tastes good. T teaches this sentence. Step2.Presentation. 1)T shows the picture of pear: What’s this? S: It’s a pear. T: Do you like pears? S: Yes. T: Yes, I do. Ss: Yes, I do. T: You can say “I like pears.” S: I like pears. Run one train. 2) T draws a peach : Guess! What’s this? S: It’s a peach. T teaches the pronunciation of peach. T: Do you like peaches? S: Yes, I do. T: I like peaches very much. What about you? S: Me too./ I like pears…… 3) T: What colour is it? S: It’s orange. T: What’s this? S: It’s an orange. T: Yeah. Orange is orange. What’s the meaning of this sentence? S: 橘子是橘黄色的。 T: Have some oranges. S: Thank you. It tastes good. 4) T: I have a riddle. Listen carefully! It’s green. It’s round. It’s juicy. It’s sweet. What is it? S: It’s watermelon. T teaches the pronunciation of watermelon. T: I like watermelon very much. What about you? S: Me too./ I like pears very much. T: Can I have some watermelons? S: Sure. Here you are. T: Thank you. It tastes good. Step 3. Practise. 1) Make a dialogue in 4-person group. 2) Let’s play. T: Take out your paper. Draw a peach. Colour it pink. …… Practise in pairs. Step4. Assessment. 1).T explains the meaning of the task. 2) Ss do it after the class. Step5.Homework 1) Copy the new words:watermelon, peach, pear, orange . 2) Listen Let’s learn and read the words fluently. 板书设计:Unit 5 Do you like pears? A: Do you like peaches? B: Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 教学反思: 课 时: Period 2 教学内容:A Let’s talk Let’s say story time 教学目标 知识与技能: 1. Be able to understand and say "Do you like……? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. What about......?” 2. Be able to use these sentence pattern to communicate with others. 3. Be able to sing the song “An Apple a Day”. 过程与方法: Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class. 情感态度价值观: Pupil is interested in the activity. 教学重点: New words and the emotion education. 教学难点: Pupil can make up some dialogues with them. 教学准备:VCD and tape and a picture of fruit. 教学过程: Step1. Warm –up 1) Greetings. 2) Sing a song “An Apple a Day” 3) Free talk T: Hello, S1. How are you? S: Very well, thanks. How are you? T: Fine, thank you. Oh, I’m so thirsty. I want to eat some fruits. I like apples. What do you like? S: I like peaches. T: Here you are. S: Thank you. T: Oh, sweet peaches! Can I have some……? S: Sure, here you are. T: Thank you. Hmm…. It tastes good. Step2.Presentation and practice. 1) Continue to the free talk. T: Do you like …...? S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. T writes it on the blackboard. a. Chain Game: T: Hello, S1.Do you like ……? S1: Yes. I do. / No, I don’t. Hi, S2. Do you like......? S3:…… b. Interview: Do you like ……? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 2) T: What about …..? I like them very much. S: I like them very much./ I don’t like them. 3)Conversation. a. Watch the VCD. b. Read after the tape. c. Read after the T. d. Act it. e. Make a similar dialogue. Step3.Homework 1)Recite the new words about fruit. 2)Listen Let’s talk in Part A of unit5 and read the words fluently. 板书设计:Unit 5 Do you like pears? A:Do you like peaches? B:Yes, I do./No, I don’t. What about......? I like them very much. 课后反思: 课 时: Period 3 教学内容:B Let’s learn Let’s play Let’s do 教学目标 知识与技能: 1. Be able to understand and say "Sorry, I don’t like bananas.” “Have some more? No, thank you.” “Certainly!” and use these sentence pattern to communicate with others. 2. Be able to listen, say, recognize the main words: strawberry, grapes. 过程与方法: Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class. 情感态度价值观: Pupil is interested in the activity. 教学重点: New words: strawberry, grapes 教学难点: Pupil can make up some dialogues with them. 教学准备:T’s word cards and VCD 教学过程: Step1. Warm –up 1) Greetings. 2) Sing a song “An Apple a Day” 3) Free talk T: Hello, S1. How are you? S: Very well, thanks. How are you? T: Fine, thank you. I have so many fruits. Do you like bananas? S: Yes, I do. T: Here you are. S: Thank you. T: You’re welcome. T: Do you like strawberries? S…… T teaches strawberry and grapes. Step2.Presentation and Practice. 1) Continue to the free talk. T: Do you like …...? S: No, I don’t. T: What do you like? S: I like …… T leads to say: You can say “Can I have an apple, please?” S: Can I have an apple, please? T: Certainly. T: Do you like……? S: No, I don’t. Can I have ……, please? T: Certainly. Here you are. S: Thank you. T: You’re welcome. T writes down “certainly” : What’s the meaning of certainly? S: 当然可以。 T: Certainly= Sure. Run trains. Practise in pairs. 2) T: Do you like bananas? S: No, I don’t. T: You also can say “ Sorry, I don’t like bananas./them.” It’s more polite. S: Sorry, I don’t like bananas. Can I have an apple, please? T: Certainly. 3) Continue with above dialogue. T: Have some more? S: No, thank you. 4) Conversation. a. Watch the VCD. b. Read after the tape. c. Read after the T. d. Act it. e. Make a similar dialogue. Step3.Homework 1) Copy the new words. 2) Listen Let’s learn in Part B of unit5 and read the words fluently. 3) Practice the target language with your partner. 板书设计:Unit 5 Do you like pears? Certainly= Sure Sorry, I don’t like bananas. (more polite) Have some more? No, thank you. 课后反思: 课 时: Period 4 教学内容:B Let’s talk Start to read Let’s check 教学目标 知识与技能: 1. Be able to understand and say "I want some……” “I’m full. I’m hungry” “It’s cheap.” and use these sentence pattern to communicate with others. 2. Be able to listen, say the words: peas, tomatoes. 3. Be able to know the culture of “doggy bag”. 过程与方法: Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class. 情感态度价值观: Pupil is interested in the activity. 教学重点: New words. 教学难点: Pupil can make up some dialogues with them. 教学准备:T’s word cards and VCD. 教学过程: Step1. Warm –up 1) Free talk between Ss. S1: Hello, S1. How are you? S2: Fine, thank you. I have so many fruits. Do you like peaches? S1: Yes, I do./ Yeah, very much. No, I don’t./ Sorry, I don’t like peaches. Can I have some apples? S2: Certainly. Here you are. S1: Thank you. S2: Have some more? S1: No, thank you. Step2. Let’s talk T: If you like apples, you can say to the salesman “ I want some ……s.” a. Say by individual. b. Have a competition. S1: I want some apples. S2: I want some apples and bananas. S3: I want some apples, bananas and oranges. S4: I want some milk. Step3.Story time. a. Watch the VCD. T teaches the word “buffet”. T: Zoom and Zip are going to have dinner in a buffet. What happened? Let’s watch. b. Main words meaning. T: Do you know “What’s the meaning of ‘doggy bag’? Let’s watch the culture. c. Watch the culture. ① Doggy bag. ② I’m full. d. Watch the story again. e. Read after the tape. f. Act it. Step4. Let’s check T: listen to the tape then let’s tick or cross . Step5. Homework 1) Recite the new words in unit5 . 2) Listen Let’s talk and read the conversation fluently. 板书设计:Unit 5 Do you like pears? I want some ……s. 课后反思:

