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外研版三年级英语上册期末考试复习专项训练 词 汇 一、根据图片圈出正确的单词。 1. cat 2. cap 3. book kite cat blackboard 4. panda 5. ear 6. door pencil mouth window 二、根据图片,选择合适的单词。(只填序号) A. Five B. dog C. ear D. pen E. kite ( ) 1. This is her________. ( ) 2. Is it a________? ( ) 3. Look! It's a________. ( ) 4. —How many books? —________. ( ) 5. This is my________. 三、根据图片提示补全单词。 e__e n__rs__ m__u__h ch__ __r d__ct__r f__rm__r t__ach__r dr__v__r p__lic__man p__nc__l 四、我会把单词归类。 ①one ②red ③mother ④cat ⑤ten ⑥farmer ⑦blue ⑧sister ⑨panda ⑩doctor 1. 数字:________ 2. 颜色:________ 3. 动物:________ 4. 家庭成员:________ 5. 职业:________ 五、英汉对对碰。(请把下列短语和相应的汉语连起来) 六、选择单词的正确意思。 ( ) 1. Point to his leg. A. 腿 B. 手 ( ) 2. Good morning. A. 下午 B. 上午 ( ) 3. What's your name? A. 你的 B. 我的 ( ) 4. Sit down, please. A. 坐 B. 站 ( ) 5. It's a yellow dog. A. 绿色的 B. 黄色的 七、火眼金睛我会选。(将正确答案的序号填入题前括号内) ( ) 1. —________ is your pencil? —It's in the desk. A. How B. Where C. What ( ) 2. —How ________ caps? —Seven. A. many B. much C. old ( ) 3. —Is this your grandma? —________ A. Yes, she am. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 4. —What's________ name? —I'm Sam. A. your B. you C. he ( ) 5. —What's this? — It is a ________ cap. A. six B. red C. my ( ) 6. —________ bags? —________. A. How; Six B. How many; Six C. What; Yes ( ) 7. —Is this________ old book? —Yes, it is. A. a B. an C. / ( ) 8. Point ________ your arm and your leg. A. and B. on C. to ( ) 9. —What's that? —________ a panda. A. It B. It's C. He ( ) 10. —Look,who is________? —She is________ teacher. A. this; you B. that; my C. she; he 八、仔细看下面的图片,选一选他们的职业。 A. bus driver B. teacher C. doctor D. farmer E. policeman F. nurse ( ) 1. He is a __________. ( ) 2. She is a __________. ( ) 3. He is a __________. ( ) 4. She is a __________. ( ) 5. He is a__________. ( ) 6. She is a __________. 参考答案 一、1. cat 2. cap 3. blackboard 4. panda 5. mouth 6. door 点拨:door 门,window 窗户。 二、1—5:D B E A C 三、1. y 2. u;e 3. o;t 4.ai 5. o;o 6. a;e 7. e;e 8. i;e 9. o;e 10. e;i 四、1. 数字:①⑤ 2. 颜色:②⑦ 3. 动物:④⑨ 4. 家庭成员:③⑧ 5. 职业:⑥⑩ 五、1—B 2—A 3—H 4—C 5—D 6—G 7—E 8—F 六、1—5:A B A A B 七、1—5:B A B A B 6—10:B B C B B 八、1. C 2. A 3. E 4. F 5. D 6. B

