沪教牛津版四年级上英语Revision 4课件

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沪教牛津版四年级上英语Revision 4课件

Revision 4 沪教牛津 · 四年级上册 Let’s revise(Ⅰ) circles How many squares are there ? stars There’s one circle square There are three five stars . . 询问可数名词的数量及回答: —How many + 可数名词复数 + are there? —There is/are + 数字 . 例句:有多少个正方形?有两个正方形。 —How many squares are there? —There are two squares. Play roles How many squares are there? There are three squares. How many stars are there? There are five stars. How’s the weather ? It’s rainy hot and sunny . 询问天气情况及回答: How’s the weather? 天气怎么样? It’s + 表示天气的形容词 . 天气 …… 例句:天气怎么样?天气晴朗又暖和。 —How’s the weather? —It’s warm and sunny. How’s the weather? It’s sunny. Play roles How’s the weather? It’s cloudy. Think and write S1: How many stars are there? S2: ___________________________ There are five stars. S1:___________________________ S2:There’s one square. How many squares are there? S1:How’s the weather? S2: ___________________ It’s warm and sunny. S1: _________________ S2:It’s hot and sunny. How’s the weather? Let’s revise(Ⅱ) Is Are there a park any shops near your home ? Yes , . there is there are No , . there isn’t there aren’t there be 的一般疑问句式: Is/ Are + there + 名词 + 介词短语 ? 某处有 …… 吗? 肯定回答是 “Yes , there is/are. 是的,有。 ” , 否定回答是 “No , there isn’t/aren’t. 不,没有。 ” 例句:你家附近有一个公园吗? Is there a park near your home? Play roles Is there a park near your home? No, there isn’t. Is there a school near your home? Yes, there is. Play a game home park shop restaurant school supermarket Black Street Brown Street White Street Star Street S1: Are there any restaurants near your home? S2: Yes, there are. S1: Is your home on Star Street? S2: Yes, it is. Black Street Brown Street White Street Star Street S1:Is there a shop near your home? S2: Yes, there is. S1: Is your home on Black Street? S2: Yes, it is. Black Street Brown Street White Street Star Street S1: Is there a school near your home? S2: Yes, there is. S1: Is your home on White Street? S2: Yes, it is. Black Street Brown Street White Street Star Street S1: Is there a supermarket near your home? S2: Yes, there is. S1: Is your home on Brown Street? S2: Yes, it is.

