pep人教版英语三年级下册Unit 1 Part B 第4课时优质课件

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pep人教版英语三年级下册Unit 1 Part B 第4课时优质课件

Chant together A: What's your name? Where are you from? B: I’m … I’m from… What's your name? Where are you from? C: … Revision Pass the ball, then ask and answer one by one. Do you remember our new friend? Who is she? She is Amy. She is from the UK. She is a new student. 学生 Look and think 1.Who is the boy? 2.Who is the girl? 3.What are they talking about? Watch and answer 1.Who is the boy? 2.Who is the girl? 3.What are they talking about? He is Wu Yifan. She is Amy. The new student. Introduce your deskmates. This is… She’s a student. This is… He's a student, too. Watch and circle the sentences “Where are you from?” and “I’m from the UK”. Mr Jones, this is Amy. She’s a new student. Hi, Amy. Hi, Mr Jones. Where are you from? I’m from the UK. Where are you from? I’m from... Where are you from? I’m from... Where are you from? Read the dialogue Mr Jones, this is Amy. She’s a new student. Hi, Amy. Hi, Mr Jones. Where are you from? I’m from the UK. Be a little teacher and read the dialogue after the little teacher. Role-play the conversation Mr Jones, this is Amy. She’s a new student. Hi, Mr Jones. Hi, Amy. I’m from the UK.Where are you from? Dubbing Show Watch and fill Wu Yifan: Mr Jones, this is ____. ____ a new ______. Mr Jones: Hi, Amy. Amy: Hi, ______. Mr Jones: _____ are you ____? Amy: ________. Listen and check the answers. Wu Yifan: Mr Jones, this is ____. ____ a new ______. Mr Jones: Hi, Amy. Amy: Hi, ___________. Mr Jones: _____ are you ____? Amy: ______________. Amy She’s student Mr Jones Where from I’m from the UK Enjoy some videos Guessing game Rules: One student acts like one of the representative animals, and the others guess where he/she is from. I’m from China. Where are you from? Where are you from? I’m from Canada. Where are you from? I’m from the USA. Where are you from? I’m from Australia. Look and say Hi, I’m from China. Where are you from? A: Hi, I'm from China. Where are you from? B: Hello, I‘m from… Where are you from? C: I'm from… Where are you from? D: … Role-play We should read more books and expand our horizons. Show respect for other cultures. Blackboard design Unit 1 Welcome back to school! This is ... He’s/ She’s a student. Hi, I’m from... Where are you from? China Canada USA Australia

