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教学 内容 Unit 5 School life 单元教学 目标 教学目标:‎ ‎1.能根据听到的单词sweater, shoes shirt,tie,socks,jeans,cardigan,skirt。 指认图片或实物,并能根据图片认读,说出,写出单词。‎ ‎2.能根据听到句子Tracy is wearing a blue shirt.等识别人物。并运用句子 She /He is wearing…等描述人物服装。 3.能听懂对话Have you got your school uniform. Yes, a tie…and black shoes.等,并在图片提示下完成对话。‎ ‎4.能运用问句Who is your English teacher? Do you like English?How many English classes ?How many English lessons in a week? What do you like best?及相应答句交流关于英语学习方面的简单信息。 5.能读懂 Carios 的海报内容,回答问题。‎ ‎6. 能读懂关于校服信息的三封书信,并根据描述找出相应的照片。‎ ‎7.能在图片的提示下听懂、读懂小故事“The dog”, 并能进行简单的角色表演。‎ 教学 重点 掌握四会词语:sweater ,shoes ,shirt ,skirt ,tie ,‎ cardigan ,blouse ,trousers ,socks . 用,She /He is wearing…等描述人物服装 能使用这些句型进行运用,对话或组成短文:I live in ……/ I like …… best.‎ 教学 难点 学会阅读和理解短文,能根据短文或长句寻找重要词句完成练习。‎ 故事中的生词和句子。‎ 教学 收录机,图片。句子小黑板(卡片)‎ 学情分析 出重点句子的间架结构,采用填空的形式引导学生表达和练习,在词语的学习上则尽量帮助学生寻找规律,指导学习方法,增加学生学习的兴趣和自信。‎ 课时划分 课时划分:‎ 第一课时: 1,2 第二课时: 3, 4 ,Revision2-‎ ‎ Part10 第三课时: 5a, 5b,Revision2- Part11 第四课时: 6 第五课时: 7‎ Unit 5 School life (1)‎ 学 法 指 导 个性化 备 课 教学 内容 Part 1,2‎ 这里的活动一方面复习数字,另一方面集中学生注意力 这一部分的活动一方面是集中学生注意力,另一方面也是引出下面的数字复习。提示学生根据规律记忆数字单词 通过老师的提示和板书,帮助学生较熟练掌握句型:‎ ‎ I like…… best。‎ 进行了记忆的训练。考察了学生阅读能力。‎ 将短文用填空的形式引导学生口头表达,提高学生的兴趣。‎ 填空的内容可根据学生掌握的情况,将空的地方逐渐增加,引导学生表达其他内容 教学 目标 知识与技能:‎ ‎.阅读短文,回答问题1. Where is Carlos from? 2. Which class is he in?3. How many boys are there in his class? 4. Who is his English teacher?5. What does he like best?。‎ ‎2.能根据问题提示简单地介绍自己的英语学习情况。 ‎ 创情练习句型,填空理解和完成短文。抓关键信息理解文本。‎ 情感态度价值观:‎ 帮助学生热爱班级,热爱英语学习,乐于表达喜好。‎ 教学 重点 Learn to use: I like (the songs) best. I’m in Class (5) this year. My English teacher is Mr./ Mrs.…‎ 教学 难点 Reading a short text about a boy’s class. Talking about learing English ‎ 教学 准备 磁带,录音机,单词卡片 教 学 STEP1 Greeting T: Hello, kids. Nice to meet you!‎ Ss: Hello, nice to meet you too!‎ T: Look at my hands and say the numbers quickly. ‎ 过 程 教 学 过 程 STEP2 Read the poster and answer the qustions ‎ Who is your English teacher? Do you like English?How many English classes ?have you got in a week?What do you like best?‎ STEP3 Talk about learning English.‎ ‎1、T: (Write Learning English in the center of the board ) Look at this phrase, what can you think?‎ We sing songs 、look at video……when learning English. ‎ I like video, I like songs, but I like Toby the tiger best. (Write down the sentences: I like 、 、 , but I like best.)‎ What about you? What do you like?‎ Ss answer the question according the sentences.‎ STEP 3 Write about your class.‎ ‎(Read the text in part2)‎ T: Close your books. Try to answer my questions.‎ What’s the boy’s name? What class is he in?‎ How many children are there in his class? Who’s his English teacher? What does his like best?‎ Ss try to answer these questions according the text.‎ ‎(Tell the pupils to complete the text in oral.) ‎ I’m . I’m in Class this year. There are children in my class. boys and girls. My English teacher is Miss . She is . I like , but I like best.‎ 作业 设计 ‎1、P31 part 8‎ ‎2、Write the text about your class.‎ 板书 设计 I’m . I’m in Class this year.‎ There are children in my class. boys and girls. ‎ My English teacher is Miss . She is . ‎ I like , but I like best.‎ Unit 3 School Unit 5 School life(2)‎ 学 法 指 导 个性化 备 课 教学 内容 Part 3,4‎ 这里复习四年级学过的和服装有关的单词。重点拼读本单元又出了的四个词语。并操练句型I like ……best.‎ 采用多种方式学习单词,保持学生学习积极性 通过各种各样的练习,巩固了所学的单词。‎ 在老师的回答中学生感受和理解句型……is wearing……‎ 教学 目标 知识与技能:‎ 1. Learn to use: school uniform, skirt, cardigan, blazer, socks, blouse, shirt, tie, shoes, sweater来描述穿着。‎ 2. Listen and complete the dialogue..‎ ‎ ‎ 过程与方法:‎ 学习找规律记单词。创情练习句型,巩固单词 情感态度价值观:‎ 培养学生爱护衣物和书写的好习惯。‎ 教学 重点 Learn to use: school uniform, cardigan, blouse, shoes, trousers.‎ 教学 难点 Listen and complete the dialogue..‎ 教学 准备 磁带,录音机,服装或图片、彩笔。‎ 教 学 STEP1 Greeting. ‎ T: Hello, Boys and girls! Good to see you again. ‎ S: Hello, Good to see you again. ‎ STEP2 Warm up.‎ ‎1、T: (Take out some picture cards) What’s this? ‎ 过 程 教 学 过 程 ‎(Try to spell: shirt、socks、sweater、skirt)如果学生回生,在图片下进行单词填空,引导学生回忆单词拼写 ‎2、T: I like skirts, and I like blue skirt best. What about you?(操练句型)‎ STEP3 Presentation. ‎ T:(Take out the picture of the pupils in uniform)Look, they are wearing school uniform. (Write the word ”school uniform” and learn to read)‎ ‎1、引导学生根据音节和读音记忆单词u-ni-form 同样的方法学习car-di-gan ‎2、根据ou[au]的发音规律识记blouse、trousers ‎3、认读shoes,学生扩展读 blue/new shoes…‎ ‎4、根据读音规则学生自己认读tie STEP4 Practice.‎ ‎1、教师出示许多服装的卡片,学生抢答,然后让答得最快的学生上来讲卡片贴出来,并且带读该单词。‎ ‎2、Mouth the words.教师做出发一种服装名称的嘴型,但是不发出声音,请学生来猜猜这个词。‎ ‎3、Now do the exercise in part3. The pupils can do this individually or in pairs. Find out the words. Write them.‎ STEP5 Consolidation ‎1、出示学生图片,要求学生能够说出他们的衣着:a blue shirt、black shoes、white socks、a red tie and a green cardigan.‎ ‎(教师将图片分发到小组中,请学生涂色后,进行练说。)‎ ‎ 指名检查练习情况,学生说完后,教师用句型She/He is wearing……重复 ‎2、Do the exercise in part4‎ ‎3.用学生身上的服装练说词组或听音猜测。‎ 作 业 设 计 抄写part3单词 板 书 设 计 Unit 3 School u-ni-form car-di-gan ‎ ou[au] blouse trousers sweater ‎ shoes socks ‎ tie ir- skirt shirt a blue shirt、black shoes、white socks、a red tie and a green cardigan.‎ UNIT 5 school life (3)‎ 学 法 指 导 教学 内容:‎ ‎5a,5b Revision2- Part11 Listen and write the names of the children .‎ 小chant学习put on。并用不同的单词替,换巩固put on的理解和运用。‎ 教学 目标:‎ 知识与技能:‎ l 学习如何用所学单词和句子描述别人身上的衣着。‎ l 学习句子:What’s her/ his name?‎ l 完成书上练习。‎ 过程与方法:‎ l 情景教学法、TPR全身反应法、小组合作学习法 情感态度价值观:‎ l 建立对英语的热情和学习英语的信心,与孩子们进行充分交流与情感沟通。培养学生仔细观察的能力。‎ 教学 重点:‎ l 理解并能正确使用 “(Ann) is wearing …。‎ 教学 难点:‎ l 学习如何用所学单词和句子描述别人身上的衣着。。‎ 教学 准备:‎ 录音机、单词卡、图片 教学 过程:‎ Step1 Warm up ‎1 . Greet .‎ ‎2 . Sing the song .‎ ‎3 . Free talk .‎ ‎ What’s this ? It’s a dress.‎ ‎ What colour is it? It’s pink. It’s a pink dress.‎ Steps 2: Presentation ‎1 . Describe children’s clothes .‎ 游戏:教师先描述本班同学的衣着,其他同学猜猜教师描述的是谁。‎ T:Let’s play a guessing game . Listen carefully . Guess who it is .‎ The boy/ The girl is wearing (a white sweater) and (black jeans) . Who is the boy/ the girl?‎ 教学 过程:‎ ‎2 . Listen and find out the clothes .‎ T shows some colorful clothes pictures . Let Ss listen and find .‎ ‎… is wearing …and…(找出了可以带着同学们读一读,可以只读词组)‎ E.g (red sweater) and (brown shoes) .‎ ‎3 . Open the books . Learn to know some children’s names .‎ Peter , Jane , Sue , John , Elena , Andy .‎ Read the children’s names a few times .‎ ‎4 . Play the cassette tape . Try to listen and understand who it is .‎ ‎(每一段录音的描述后稍停片刻,给学生一些时间考虑。)‎ Firstly , repeat 2 or 3 times . Then just listen to the tape .‎ ‎5 . Check the answers orally .‎ 鼓励学生自己用英语复述孩子们的穿着。‎ ‎6 . Talk about the other children ‘s wearing .‎ Steps 3.Practice ‎1 . Write the names of children in the blanks .(先把名字都出示在黑板上)‎ ‎2. Check the answer.‎ ‎ The pupil say: …is wearing…‎ ‎3. Do the exercise 6 . Right or wrong .‎ Try to get the main meaning of the sentence by some words they knew .‎ E.g Elena … white jeans .‎ Then T reads the sentences for Ss . Ss judge .‎ Tell them : the letter “R” stands for “right” , and “W” stands for “wrong” .(教师讲解字母R、W所代表的含义)‎ Steps 4. Check the answers .‎ Step 5 完成练习Revision2- Part11 ‎ 通过猜本班同学衣服的游戏帮助学生熟悉用什么句子描述穿着。‎ 先熟悉名字,再描述穿着,避免了完成第6部分的盲目性。‎ 让学生将句子写在书上,有利于学生记忆图片内容。‎ 作业 设计 Home-work:‎ 1> 抄写句子。‎ 2> Read the exercise Part 6.‎ Recite the sentences.家长签字 板 书 设 计 Unit 5 school life Jack is wearing a blue T-shirt, red shorts and green shoes.‎ Jane Elena John Sue Andy Peter.‎ Unit 5 School life(4)‎ 学 法 指 导 个性化 备 课 教学 内容 Part 6,‎ ‎ ‎ 通过图片引导学生复习单词、词组。‎ 同时在练习中进一步巩固 指导学生解题的方法。让差的学生知道,抓重点词句,看不懂其他句子也没关系。‎ 针对好的学生设计,了解他们是否看懂短文 在理解的基础上,要求大部分学生能读出文中与本单元相关部分,一部分能读全文 教学 目标 知识与技能:‎ 结合part6、内容,在短文中复习巩固单词。学生能比较正确的理解短文内容,完成相应联系。‎ 过程与方法:‎ 图文结合分析、理解,掌握一定的解决问题的方法 情感态度价值观:‎ 乐于接触和了解异国文化 教学 重点 在短文中复习巩固单词 教学 难点 ‎ 看懂题目要求,掌握解决问题的方法 教学 准备 图片、彩笔 教 学 过 程 STEP1 Greeting. ‎ ‎ T: Hello, Boys and girls! Good to see you again. ‎ S: Hello, Good to see you again. ‎ STEP 2 Warming up and Practice.‎ ‎1、T:(Take out picture cards)Read and spell Ss practise ‎ T: What’s the boy /girl/(names) wearing?(a red cardigan……)‎ ‎2、Do the exercise in part9‎ STEP3 Presentation ‎ ‎1、T: Look at the four photos of page 29. 30. 引导学生理解part6的问题要求 T: Look at photo1. What’s the girl wearing?/ What colour is the girl’s uniform?‎ 请学生说说哪一短文中介绍的是这个女孩的穿着,并要学生将重要的句子勾画。‎ ‎2、要求学生用学到的方法自己完成其他三幅图。‎ ‎3、T: guess ,what’s the girl/boy’s name?引导学生理解信的格式,认读人名。‎ Try to answer: The girl in photo4 is .‎ ‎4、拓展提问:‎ Does Andy like his uniform? Why?‎ What grade is Aileen in?.‎ Who is Jane’s friend?……‎ ‎5、Learn to read STEP4 Production ‎ Design a uniform, introduce it to your friends 作 业 设 计 Design a uniform, and try to write:‎ I like my uniform: .‎ Do you like it?‎ 板 书 设 计 Unit 3 School Aileen uniform Andy The girl in ‎ Photo1 is .‎ Stephen Jane ‎ Unit 5 School life(5)‎ 学 法 指 导 个性化 备 课 教学 内容 Part 5‎ 通过图片和动作来复习巩固单词。‎ 主要通过听说来理解文章大意。‎ 设计的问题答案也是故事的重点句子 增加学生的口语词汇 教学 目标 知识与技能:‎ 1. Learn to understand: Look at that dog. He’s hungry. Look, there’s a man. Go away. He’s on a chain. He needs food, water and love. Two hours later.‎ 2. Decoding the meaning of the language in a story. ‎ 过程与方法:‎ 创设情境 情感态度价值观:‎ 培养学生爱护动物的好品质。‎ 教学 重点 Decoding the meaning of the language in a story.‎ 教学 难点 Poor dog, he ‘s on a chain.‎ 教学 准备 磁带,录音机,图片。‎ 教 学 过 程 STEP1 Greeting. ‎ T: Hello, Boys and girls! Good to see you again. ‎ Ss: Hello. Good to see you again. ‎ STEP 2 Warming up ‎ Say a chant and mime the actions “put on your socks/sweater……”.‎ STEP3 Presentation ‎ ‎1、Show a dog toy (picture)and ask” what’s this? “ A dog.‎ ‎2.、Then show a chain and ask “what’s this?” A chain.‎ ‎3.、Where is the dog? The dog is on a chain.‎ 通过出示图片或实物,教学文章中的难点词句 STEP‎4 A story- the dog..‎ 1、 Open books at page 27 and listen the story with pictures.‎ 2、 Say the gist of the story. check their comprehension by asking them questions ( in their mother tongue if necessary)‎ (1) What’s the girl/boy’s name?‎ Emma Benson Mike (2) On the way to school, what did they see?‎ Look at that dog. He’s hungry.‎ (3) Is the dog poor? Why? What does he need?(西方人爱动物常用he称狗,she称猫,不关乎性别)‎ The poor dog. He’s on a chain.‎ He needs food and love,‎ (4) How should we treat animals?‎ We must look after animals ‎……‎ 指导学生重点练习以上的句子 STEP5 Production 1、 练读故事中的对话 2、 给学生表演的机会。‎ 作 业 设 计 ‎(part12): Write a text about yourself ,then draw a picture.‎ 板 书 设 计 A story — A dog Emma Benson Mike Look at that dog. He’s hungry.‎ The poor dog. He’s on a chain.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ He needs food and love,‎ ‎ We must look after animals.‎

