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Unit Two My schoolbag 单元整体分析 本单元是义务教育人教版(pep)小学英语教科书四年级上册第二单元。单元主题为My schoolbag(我的书包)。主情景图展示了校园里为希望工程捐赠的情景,来呈现 本单元要学习的主题:描述书包的颜色并说出书包里的课本以及其他物品的名称。‎ A部分共三页,分三课时。第一课时为情景对话和练习部分。Let’s talk活动中Amy向陈杰展示了自己的新书包,并介绍了书包里装的物品名称。通过他们的交流,引出了本单元的重点句型:What’s in your schoolbag? 以及回答:An English book, a maths book, three storybooks and... 在Let’s play活动中,学生会猜一猜其他人手里拿着什么东西,以此来练习重点句型。第二课时为重点词汇和重点句型呈现,Zoom询问Amy新书包里装着什么,从而引出教材名称类重点词汇:maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook, schoolbag, 以及询问并回答书包里的课本的重点句型:What’s in your schoolbag? An English book, a maths book, three storybooks. 并通过Let’s do的指令活动来进一步巩固重点单词和句型。第三课时为语音学习,通过听一听、读一读、唱一唱,读听排序,听一听、圈一圈、写一写三个活动,让学生学习元音字母i在开音节中的发音/ aɪ/。‎ B部分共四页,分两课时。第一课时仍然呈现情景对话和练习。Zhang Peng去失物招领处找自己丢失的书包,老师询问他一些信息,从而引出询问颜色的重点句式:What colour is it? 以及回答:It’s blue and white. 接下来以一个Let’s play中的游戏活动来练习重点句式。第二课时以Zhang Peng书包里的物品来呈现重点单词:key, candy, notebook, toy. 并认读询问书包里有什么的句子What’s in my schoolbag? 之后通过一个活动Draw and say, 进一步熟悉新授词汇。之后的阅读练习、听排列顺序、读一读圈一圈的练习以及歌曲都用来巩固练习本课的重点词汇及句型,与C部分合为一个课时。‎ C部分仍然是Zoom和Zip之间的有趣的故事。以Zoom家的猫偷偷跑到他的书包里,跟他去上学这样一个有趣的事件来整合呈现本单元有关描述课本名称的重点词汇以及与故事相关的一些句式。‎ 单元教学目标 知识目标:‎ ‎1.词汇:学生能够听、说、认读单词:schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key ‎2. 句型结构:能够听懂、会说、认读句型What’s in your schoolbag? An English book... What colour is it? It’s ... ‎ ‎3. 字母与语音:能够掌握字母i在开音节里的发音,即/ aɪ/‎ 能力目标 ‎1. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型What’s in your ... ? 询问并回答某处有什么物品 ‎2. 能够认读并在情景中运用句型What colour is it? It’s ... 询问并回答物品的颜色 25‎ ‎3. 能够正确使用重点词汇来描述书包里的物品 ‎4. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写上述话题词汇 ‎5. 能够读出符合开音节发音规则的含有字母i的单词;并能根据发音拼写出符其发音规则的单词 情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标 ‎1. 学习教科书名称时,使学生了解教科书的重要性,要求他们爱护书本 ‎2. 了解Hope School(希望学校), Lost & Found(失物招领)的意思 ‎3. 能够根据i在开音节里的发音规则拼读单词,并能够根据其发音规则拼写单词 教学重难点 教学重点 ‎1. 能够听、说、认读单词:schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key ‎2. 能够听懂、会说句型What’s in your schoolbag? An English book... What colour is it? It’s ... ‎ ‎3. 能够正确使用重点词汇来描述书包里的物品 ‎4. 能够掌握字母i在开音节里的发音,即/ aɪ/‎ 教学难点 ‎1. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型What’s in your ... ? 询问并回答某处有什么物品 ‎2. 能够认读并在情景中运用句型What colour is it? It’s ... 询问并回答物品的颜色 ‎3. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写话题词汇 ‎4. 能够根据i在开音节里的发音规则拼读单词,并能够根据其发音规则拼写单词 教学方法 情景创设法、游戏教学法、多媒体辅助教学法、TPR、小组合作学习法 教学时间 本单元教学用时两周,建议使用六课时完成教学任务。‎ 第一课时:A. Let’s talk. Let’s play ‎ 第二课时:A. Let’s learn. Let’s do ‎ 第三课时:A. Let’s spell. ‎ 第四课时:B. Let’s talk. Let’s play.‎ 第五课时:B. Let’s learn. Draw and say 第六课时: B. Read and write Let’s check. Let’s sing. C. Story time.‎ 知识视窗 希望工程 ‎“希望工程”‎ 25‎ 是团中央、中国青少年发展基金会以救助贫困地区失学少年儿童为目的,于1989年发起的一项公益事业。它根据政府关于多渠道筹集教育经费的方针,以民间的方式广泛动员海内外财力资源,建立希望工程基金,资助贫困地区的失学儿童继续完成学业、改善贫困地区的办学条件,以促进贫困地区基础教育事业的发展。援建希望小学与资助贫困学生是希望工程实施的两大主要公益项目。‎ 到目前为止,希望工程已经累计募集捐款53亿多元人民币,资助农村家庭经济困难学生逾338万名,建设希望小学15444所,建设希望工程图书室约14000个,配备希望工程体育园地2500套,配备希望电影放映设备200套,培训农村小学教师52000余名,建设保护母亲河工程造林项目总规划面积100多万亩;援建希望医院13所;帮助3100余名艾滋病孤儿和受艾滋病影响的儿童继续完成学业。‎ 希望工程是全中国人民共同努力的结果,每个人献出一点点爱心,将点亮贫困地区失学儿童灿烂的未来。‎ 第一课时 课时内容 A. Let’s talk. Let’s play 课时分析 ‎ 在Let’s talk部分,Amy高兴地向Chen Jie介绍自己的新书包,书包的外形是个熊猫,引起了Chen Jie的惊叹。然后Chen Jie好奇地问她书包里装着什么。 发现书有些多,Chen Jie幽默地说:It’s a fat panda. (这是个胖熊猫)。在这个对话过程中,既呈现了描述颜色的句子:It’s black and white. 又呈现了如何询问某处有什么物品的句子:What’s in ... ?及其回答:An English book, a maths book, three story book... 本单元主要学习教材名称类的词汇,首先要使学生理解各个学科的名称,再区分各种课本。‎ Let’s play活动里以Zhang Peng和Sarah两个人的猜物游戏为例,来练习如何询问某处有某物及如何回答。活动中Zhang Peng猜Sarah手里的东西,使用了和本课时重点句式:What’s in your schoolbag? 结构相同的What’s in your hand? 在教学过程中,可以使用铅笔盒、盒子、袋子等物品让学生进行猜物的游戏。这样不断变换位置,使学生更加灵活地掌握重点句式的结构,能够在真实语境中正确使用。‎ 课时目标 ‎1. 能够听懂、会说句型:What’s in your schoolbag? An English book...‎ ‎2. 能够听懂、会说以下词汇:schoolbag, English book, maths book, storybook, wow ‎3. 能够听懂、会读对话,并能分角色表演。‎ ‎4. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型Who’s that man? He’s my…来介绍自己的朋友或家人 ‎5. 能够大胆表达,乐于使用英语与他人进行交流 课时重难点 25‎ ‎1.重点 能够听懂、会说句型:What’s in your ...? 并正确回答 能够听懂、会读对话,并能分角色表演 ‎2. 难点 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用重点句型,并乐于在活动中进行交流 教学准备 ‎1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带 ‎2. 各学科教材及相关图片 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up ‎1. 游戏:I see something... 教师和学生拍手说出Look, look, I see something...教师突然说出一种颜色,学生在教室里寻找具有这种颜色的物品,并用手指出。‎ Teacher:Let’s play a game about colours. Look, look, I see something... Please say with me. Look, look, I see something... red! Please point to something red. Yes, it’s red. Look, look, I see something... black. ...‎ 设计意图:以这样有节奏感的游戏开始课程,可以使学生兴趣盎然地进入英语学习的氛围。同时,在游戏中复习颜色的表达,为接下来的学习做好了知识上的准备。‎ Step 2 Lead in ‎1.展示教材,先询问其颜色,再询问其学科,引出关于学科类的名词。‎ Teacher: What colour is it? It’s ... What is it? Yes. It’s a book. Look, this is a book, too. It’s a Chinese book. And this is an English book. (板书单词)Pay attention to the big letter. Read after me, please, Chinese, English. What’s this book? It’s a maths book. (板书单词)And look at this, is it a Chinese book? Is it a maths book? Is it an English book? No. It’s a storybook. We can read many stories or one beautiful story. (板书单词)Read it together, please, storybook. ‎ 设计意图:以颜色作为衔接两个环节的线索,由教材的颜色引出教材的名称,学生理解并认读新授词汇。‎ Step 3 Presentation ‎1. 询问学生有关书包的问题,引起阅读兴趣,呈现对话内容。‎ Teacher:Where do you put these books? In your schoolbag. (板书单词)What colour is your schoolbag? Do you like your schoolbag? Amy has a new schoolbag. It’s very cool. What colour is it? Let’s listen to the tape and find. ‎ ‎2. 播放对话录音,学生找出答案。听完录音后,请学生说出自己的答案。讨论对话内容,保证学生能够理解对话意思。‎ Teacher: Now can you tell me what colour Amy’s new schoolbag is? Yes, it’s black and white. It looks like a panda. Do you like it? Why does Chen Jie say it’s a fat panda? Because there are too many books in the schoolbag. What’s in the schoolbag? An English book, a maths book, three storybooks and ... ‎ 设计意图:由学生自己的书包聊起,引出对话中造型特别的书包,引起学生的阅读兴趣。带着问题去听对话,培养他们认真倾听及抓取关键信息的能力。通过讨论使学生理解对话的内容。‎ 25‎ Step 4 Practice ‎1. 再次播放课文录音。学生跟读课文。‎ Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.‎ ‎2. 学生分角色朗读课文。‎ Teacher: Now, who wants to be Chen Jie? Who wants to be Amy? Let’s read it in roles. ‎ ‎3. 请学生戴上头饰来扮演对话的角色,表演对话。‎ Teacher: Now we’ll find the best actor or actress. Please come to the front and show the dialogue.‎ 设计意图:通过以上三个活动,使学生能够充分理解课文内容,并且能够正确朗读课文。在不同形式的读和表演活动中,使学生逐步理解并掌握本课的重点句型,为其达到熟练表达奠定基础。‎ ‎4. 游戏:What’s in the pencil box? 竞猜活动。 ‎ Teacher:Look, what’s this? It’s a pencil box. What’s in the pencil box? Guess, please. Is it a ruler? Is it an eraser? ‎ Teacher: Now, please put something in your pencil box and play the game with your partner, please. ‎ 设计意图:老师先进行示范,让学生理解如何询问铅笔盒里有什么东西,从而更加深入地感受到本课重点句式的结构。两人小组问答活动可以使他们熟悉重点句式的问和答。‎ ‎5. 小组活动。完成Let’s play活动。‎ Teacher: Who are they? They are Zhang Peng and Sarah. What are they doing? They are playing a guessing game. What’s in Sarah’s hand? Is it a pencil? No. It’s an eraser. ‎ Teacher: Let’s do this in groups. One of you put a thing in your hand. Others guess what it is. ‎ Teacher: Show time. Which group wants to try? ‎ 设计意图:先引导学生认真观察教材中的图片内容,然后根据图片中的游戏内容来进行小组活动,使学生在真实的交流中操练重点句式,提升自己的口语表达能力。‎ Step 5 Summary ‎1. 呈现不同的教材图片,学生说出其名称,从而复习本课的重点词汇。‎ Teacher:What book is this? Say it, please. ‎ ‎2. What’s in your schoolbag? 问答,小结本课的重点句式。‎ Teacher:What’s in your schoolbag? Tell me, please. ‎ 设计意图:总结再现重点词汇和句式,帮助学生回忆本课的重点知识。‎ 课堂作业 一、选择与所给单词匹配的图片。‎ ‎( ) 1. storybook A. B. ‎ ‎( ) 2. schoolbag A B. ‎ 25‎ ‎( ) 3. maths book A. B. ‎ ‎( ) 4. English book A. B. ‎ 二、读一读,判断句子的内容是(T)否(F)与图片相符。‎ ‎( ) 1. I have a new schoolbag. ‎ ‎( ) 2. It’s a panda. ‎ ‎( ) 3. I have an English book.‎ ‎( ) 4. I have two storybooks. ‎ 三、连词成句。‎ ‎1. It and is black white (.)‎ ‎________________________________________________________‎ ‎2. I a new have schoolbag (.)‎ ‎________________________________________________________‎ ‎3. What your in is schoolbag (?)‎ ‎________________________________________________________‎ 答案:‎ 一、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 二、1.T 2.F 3. F 4. F 三、1. It is black and white. 2. I have a new schoolbag. 3. What is in your schoolbag?‎ 板书设计 Unit Two My schoolbag A. Let’s talk English book maths book storybook schoolbag What’s in your schoolbag?‎ An English book ... ‎ 第二课时 25‎ 课时内容 A. Let’s learn; Let’s do 课时分析 ‎ 在Let’s learn部分,Zoom也对Amy的熊猫书包表示出了极大的兴趣。他一边翻着Amy的书包一边问Amy书包里装了些什么。从书包里掏出的书整齐地摆在桌子上,我们要学习的重点词汇就是它们了。本课的重点词汇仍然是教材名称类的词汇,本课时要求学生能够做到听懂、会说、认读、简单地拼写。询问某处有什么物品的句子:What’s in your schoolbag? 及其回答在本课时也要求做到认读 Let’s do部分是以这些重点词汇为内容进行的指令练习,包括Put your Chinese book in your desk. Put your pencil box on your English book. Put your maths book under your schoolbag. Put your eraser near your pencil box. 学生必须能够正确理解重点词汇的读音及字义,才能做了正确的反应。在活动中加强学生对于重点词汇的理解与记忆。‎ 本课时内容为重点话题的词汇支撑,可结合上课时的重点句式内容一起进行学习。引导学生创设虚拟的情景来进行交流,在交流中掌握新学习的知识,提高自己的语言表达能力。‎ 课时目标 ‎1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook ‎2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:What’s in your schoolbag? An English book... ‎ ‎3. 能够听懂指令:Put your ....并做出正确的反应 课时重难点 ‎1.重点:‎ 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook ‎2. 难点:‎ 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:What’s in your schoolbag? An English book... ‎ 教学准备 ‎1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带 ‎2. 不同学科课本及图片、自制课程表 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up ‎1.教师以韵句形式说出问句,展示物品,请学生以韵句形式回答。‎ Teacher:(拍手打节奏)What is this? What is this? (展示一个钢笔,引导学生以韵句的形式回答)It’s a pen. It’s a pen. What is this? What is this? It’s a 25‎ ‎ pencil. It’s a pencil. What is this? What is this? It’s a ruler. It’s a ruler. ‎ 设计意图:因本课主要学习教材名称类词汇,因此,选择复习文具类词汇来热身。将简单的问答改成韵句问答形式,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们参与的热情。‎ Step 2 Lead in ‎1. 展示文具类图片,只展示一部分,请学生猜出是哪个物品。‎ Teacher:Look at this picture. It’s a part of something. What’s this? Guess. ‎ 设计意图:以猜的形式,再一次复习文具类的词汇。最后一个为一本书,从而为引出本课的新授内容服务。‎ ‎2. 出示几本不同的书,讨论其名称。‎ Teacher:This is a book, too. And this is also a book. What’ s this book? Yes, it’s an English book. And this is a maths book. ‎ Teacher: 以对比的形式呈现本课的重点词汇,使学生理解book前边的词汇是与学科相关的。并为课文内容的学习打好基础。‎ Step 3 Presentation ‎1. 引起阅读兴趣,播放课文录音。‎ Teacher:What book do you have? What’s in your schoolbag? Let’s see what is in Amy’s schoolbag? Please listen and find. ‎ 学生带问题认真倾听录音内容,然后尝试回答。‎ Teacher: Now show me you answer. What’s in Amy’s schoolbag?(板书句子)‎ ‎(根据学生的回答板书单词)‎ Teacher:An English book, a Chinese book, a maths book and three storybooks. ‎ ‎(学生跟读)‎ 设计意图:通过交流,在语流中发现新单词,理解新单词的意义,并在语句交流中练习新单词,从而掌握新单词的用法。‎ Step 4 Practice ‎1. 播放课文内容,学生跟读。‎ Teacher:Listen to the text again and read with it. ‎ 设计意图:跟读,以掌握正确的读音。‎ ‎2. (1)出示自制课程表,教师指向课程表中的学科,学生说出学科名称。‎ Teacher: Look,what subject is it? Please say the word. ‎ ‎(2)教师说出教某个学科的老师的姓氏,请学生答出相应的学科。‎ Teacher:Now I will say the name of the teachers. Please say the correct subjects. ‎ 设计意图:这两个活动都是字义与字音的匹配活动。通过看课程表说出学科名称的活动及根据学科教师说出学科名称两个活动,使学生能够正确理解新单词的含义,并将字义与字音结合起来。‎ ‎3. 教师将不同学科的书放在手里,请学生猜猜看,是哪个学科的书、‎ Teacher:What’s in my hand? What book is it? Please guess. Is it an English book? Is it a maths book? Is it a Chinese book? Is it a storybook? ‎ 设计意图:通过不断的猜测,使学生不断重复新学习到的词汇,使学生熟悉其读音,并与字义联系起来。‎ ‎4. I point you say. 指向黑板上的词汇,学生快速读出。‎ Teacher: Let’s play a game. I point you say. What’s this? What’s this?‎ 25‎ 设计意图:以这个游戏来使学生熟悉单词的字形。将字形与字音结合起来。在游戏过程中,要不断调整指单词的速度,使学生感受到游戏的乐趣。‎ ‎5. 乱序展示组成新单词的字母,请学生猜出单词。‎ Teacher:Now, I’ll show some letters. They are in wrong order. Please guess what it is. Read it and spell it, please.‎ 设计意图:这个活动帮助学生感受单词的拼写,从而更牢固地记忆单词的字形。‎ ‎6. 与学生进行对话,练习本课的重点句式。‎ Teacher:This is my schoolbag. What’s in my schoolbag? Let’s see. An English book, ...‎ Teacher: What’s in your schoolbag? ‎ Teacher: Let’s do it in pairs. Ask and answer. What’s in your schoolbag?‎ Teacher: Show your dialogue, please.‎ 设计意图:在学生充分掌握词汇的基础上,加入句式操练。先由教师示范,再由学生进行两人小组活动,使学生掌握句式结构,达到自由交流的目的。‎ Step 5 Summary ‎1. TPR活动:Put your Chinese book in your desk. 教师发出指令,学生边重复指令,边做出正确的动作。‎ Teacher:Let’s do some actions. Put your Chinese book in your desk. Put your pencil box on your pencil box. Put your maths book under your schoolbag. Put your eraser near your pencil box. ...‎ 设计意图:以指令性活动来重现本课的重点词汇,让学生在活动中总结本课的重点词汇,在快乐的氛围中完成本课的学习。‎ 课堂作业 一、 判断下列单词是否与图片相符,是写√, 不是写×。‎ ‎( )1. Chinese ‎( )2. English ‎( )3. maths ‎ ( ) 4. schoolbag 二、根据汉语提示写出正确的单词。‎ ‎1. Put your ________ ________(语文书) in your desk. ‎ ‎2. Put your ________ _______(英语书)near your pencil box.‎ ‎ 3. Put your __________ ________(数学书) under your schoolbag. ‎ ‎4. Put your _________(橡皮)on your pencil box.‎ 三、请为下列问句选出正确的答句。‎ ‎( ) 1. What’s in your schoolbag?‎ ‎ A. An English book, a Chinese book... B. It’s a panda.‎ ‎( ) 2. What is this?‎ ‎ A. A Chinese book and a story book. B. It’s a book. ‎ ‎( ) 3. Where is your schoolbag?‎ ‎ A. Two storybooks and a Chinese book. B. It’s in the desk. ‎ 25‎ 答案:‎ 一、1. √ 2. × 3. × 4. √‎ 二、1.Chinese book 2. English book 3. maths book 4. eraser 三、1. A 2. B 3. B 板书设计 Unit Two My schoolbag A. Let’s learn ‎ ‎ English book maths book storybook Chinese book schoolbag What’s in your schoolbag?‎ An English book ... ‎ 第三课时 课时内容 A. Let’s spell 课时分析 ‎ 本部分分为语音学习和单词书写两部分内容。通过听一听,读一读,唱一唱的活动,让学生通过听、读、拆音等练习体会并掌握字母i在单词中的发音,本课时主要学习其在开音节里发的短音/aɪ/。本活动之间的韵句为:See the nice new kite,With the big number nine. Do you like the nice new kite? Yes, it is very fine. 韵句中呈现含有i的开音节词汇:nice, kite, nine, fine,like,同时在教材中呈现语音例词like, kite, five, nine, rice,学生通过这些语音例词以及韵句的诵读,来感受并掌握字母i在开音节里的发音。之后的听一听,读一读,排顺序的活动,让学生将单词的读音与字形结合起来,进一步训练学生的听音辨音能力。听一听,圈一圈,写一写的活动学生需要判断字母i在本单词中的发音是属于闭音节类还是开音节类,圈出相应的代表字母,并写出单词。这个活动帮助学生进一步掌握拼读规则,并根据拼读规则拼写出单词。‎ 在教学过程中,需要通过多种活动,使学生自己发现、感悟字母的发音规律。‎ 课时目标 25‎ ‎1. 能够感知并归纳字母i在开音节(i-e结构)中的发音规则 ‎2. 能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词 ‎3. 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合i-e发音规则的单词 课时重难点 ‎1.重点:‎ 能够感知并归纳字母i在开音节(i-e结构)中的发音规则 能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词 ‎2. 难点:‎ 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合i-e发音规则的单词 教学准备 ‎1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带 ‎2. 语音例词单词卡 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up ‎1. TPR活动,复习上节课中的指令。‎ Teacher:Listen to me, boys and girls. Put your Chinese book in your desk. Put your pencil box on your English book. Put your maths book under your schoolbag. Put your eraser near your pencil box. Put your English book on your desk. Put your pencil box near your English book. ‎ 设计意图:通过指令活动来复习上课时学习过的知识,并使学生做好上英语课的准备。‎ Step 2 Lead in ‎1. 展示教材,引出语音例词。‎ Teacher: Look, what’s this? Yes, it’s an English book. Look at the picture, how many English books are there? Yes, five. (板书单词)Read it after me, please, five, five, five. How many? (出示数字9)Nine. (板书单词) Repeat it, please, nine. (展示印有数字9的风筝图片)What’s this? Yes, it’s a kite. Do you like kites? What’s on this kite? Is it nice?(板书单词five, nice, like)Let’s read them together. ‎ 设计意图:逐步出示语音例词,使学生在语境中感受词汇的含义。‎ Step 3 Presentation ‎1. 播放语音韵句。学生先认真倾听。然后再跟读。‎ Teacher:Now, let’s listen to a chant about these words. Listen carefully. ‎ Teacher: Listen to it again. Now, let’s say the chant after it. ‎ ‎2. 学生自由说韵句,以自己的方式来打节奏。‎ Teacher: Now, say the chant freely. You can say it with your partner. And you can clap your hands to say it. ‎ ‎3. 表演韵句。‎ Teacher:Now let’s act the chant together. ‎ 设计意图:学生先倾听韵句,初步感受韵句内容。然后跟读,获取正确的语音。自由读可以使学生以自己喜欢的方式操练韵句,以达到熟练说韵句的目的。‎ ‎4. 引导学生发现字母的发音规则。‎ 25‎ Teacher:Look at these words on the blackboard. What can you find? Yes, there is an i in the words. What is the sound of the i? Let’s read and find. (和学生一起慢慢读每一个语音例词)What is the sound? Yes, it’s /aɪ/. Look at my mouth and say with me. ‎ 设计意图:通过拼读,让学生自己发现字母的发音规则,再模仿口型,获得发音的正确方式。‎ Step 4 Practice ‎1. 看口型,猜单词。教师说出语音例词中的一个,但不出声,学生通过观察老师的口型,猜出单词,并大声读出来。‎ Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s play a game. I will say a word. Look at my mouth carefully. Guess what word it is. And try to say it loudly.‎ 设计意图:通过观察教师口型来猜单词,有助于学生感受字母在单词的发音,以及字母i的发音方法。‎ ‎2. 快速抢读。展示单词图卡,学生快速反应,并以拼读的方式读出单词。‎ Teacher: Now, I’ll show the cards of the words. You should say it quickly. And please say it like this. like, l-i-k-e, /l/ / aɪ / /k/.‎ 设计意图:这个活动一方面锻炼了学生对于本课时中的重点语音例词的理解和认读能力,还进一步锻炼了他们语音的准确性和拼读单词的能力。‎ ‎3. 读一读,听一听,排序。播放录音,学生根据听到的内容为教材中六个单词排序。‎ Teacher: Let’s read, listen and number. First, read these words. Now, listen to the tape. Number the words. ‎ Teacher: Show me your answer, please. ‎ 设计意图:此活动将单词的发音与字形结合起来,使学生在准确辨音的基础上,区分、掌握单词的字形。‎ ‎4. 听一听,圈一圈,写一写,根据听到的内容,判断单词是闭音节(i)还是开音节(i-e),圈出相应的规则字母,然后写一写听到的单词。‎ Teacher:Now, please listen, circle and write. Write the word that you heard. Five, is it i or i-e? It’s i-e. So circle i-e, then write the word five. ‎ 设计意图:学生先根据听到单词的发音判断其属于闭音节还是开音节,圈出相应的代表符号,再在四线三格上写一写单词。一方面体会单词在四线三格中的书法方式,另一方面也在书写中进一步体会字母在单词里的发音。‎ ‎5. 编写语音小韵句,学生学唱。‎ Teacher: It’s chant time. Listen first, then say it. ‎ I,I, I; I, I, I, I is in like, /aɪ/, /aɪ/, /aɪ/.‎ I, I, I; I, I, I, I is in nice, /aɪ/, /aɪ/, /aɪ/.‎ I, I, I; I, I, I, I is in nine, /aɪ/, /aɪ/, /aɪ/.‎ I, I, I; I, I, I, I is in big, /ɪ/, /ɪ/, /ɪ/.‎ I, I, I; I, I, I, I is in pig, /ɪ/, /ɪ/, /ɪ/.‎ I, I, I; I, I, I, I is in six, /ɪ/, /ɪ/, /ɪ/.‎ ‎6. 表演韵句。给学生练习的时间,鼓励他们加入自己的动作,也可以小组合作,选择小组展示韵句节拍的方式,来有创意地表演韵句。‎ Teacher:Now,let’s work in groups. Please act the chant out. You can choose the way to show it. ‎ 25‎ 设计意图:通过韵句来完整呈现本课的重点语音知识。在逐句的跟读中,学生不知不觉地在重复、强调字母i在单词中的发音,为总结、巩固其发音规律奠定了基础。‎ Step 5 Summary 展示语音例词图片,学生快速抢读单词,之后再齐唱韵句。‎ Teacher:I’ll show some words quickly. Please say it loudly. ‎ Teacher: Well done. Let’s chant together. ‎ 设计意图:通过抢读单词和齐唱韵句的小活动,再现了本课的语音例词和语音知识,起到了总结所学的目的。‎ 课堂作业 一、按正确顺序排列以下字母,将组成的单词写在四线三格上。‎ ‎1. v i e f 2. i k e l 3. n i e n 4. i c r e 二、判断以下单词中划线部分的发音是(T)否(F)一致。‎ ‎( ) 1. big six ( ) 2. hi ice ‎( ) 3. five six ( ) 4. kite rice ‎( ) 5. it is ( ) 6. like big 三、判断以下句子是否与图片一致。‎ ‎( ) 1. This is a kite. ( ) 2. I like rice.‎ ‎( ) 3. I have nine books. ( ) 4. I have five books. ‎ 答案:‎ 一、1. five 2. like 3. nine 4. rice 二、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 三、1.T 2. F 3. F 4. T 板书设计 Unit Two My schoolbag A. Let’s spell like kite five nine rice 第四课时 课时内容 25‎ B. Let’s talk, Let’s play 课时分析 ‎ 本部分在A部分的单词及句型学习的基础上,继续学习如何询问某处有什么东西的句式:What’s in it? 并学习句式:What colour is it? 来询问物品的颜色,并使用It’s blue and white.来回答或描述物品的颜色 。教材中,Zhang Peng来到失物招领处(Lost & Found)寻找自己丢失的书包。招领处的老师开始询问相关的信息,首先确定它的颜色,接着确定其中装着的物品,从而帮助Zhang Peng找回了书包。在这个过程中,帮助学生理解对话:What colour is it? It’s blue and white. What’s in it? An English book, two toys and a notebook. ‎ Let’s play活动中,桌子上放着一排各种颜色的书,一名学生认定自己的目标书,另一个学生通过询问其颜色,来确定前一名学生认定的目标书目是哪一个。在这个过程中,学生会不断使用重点句式:What colour is it?从而达到在相对真实的语境中操练重点句式的目的。‎ 课时目标 ‎1. 能够听懂、会说句式:What colour is it? It’s ... ‎ ‎2. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然 ‎3. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问或回答物品的颜色 课时重难点 ‎1.重点:‎ 能够听懂、会说句式:What colour is it? It’s ... ‎ 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然 ‎2. 难点:‎ 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问或回答物品的颜色 教学准备 ‎1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带 ‎2. 颜色单词卡、各种颜色的书、笔 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up ‎1.游戏:Look, look, I see something... 教师和学生拍手说,look, look, I see something... 教师说出颜色,学生指向教室里具有相应颜色的物品。‎ Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s play a game. Say look, look, I see something... with me. And please clap your hands like this. (老师拍手示范)When I say red, please point to something red. When I say yellow, please point to something yellow. Are you ready? Let’s play. Look, look, I see something blue. Look, look, I see something white...‎ 设计意图:游戏能够极大地激发学生的学习兴趣,激起他们参与的热情。使他们能够迅速地将注意力转移到英语学习中来。此游戏以颜色为主要内容,与本课重点内容相关,为本课的学习奠定了知识上的准备。 ‎ Step 2 Lead in 25‎ ‎1. 与学生谈论其书包,为学习课文做准备。‎ Teacher:(展示手里的书)What’s this? It’s an English book. What colour is it? It’s ... (自己回答颜色,使学生明白What colour is it?的含义)I put the book in the schoolbag. Do you have a schoolbag? What colour is your schoolbag? What’s in your schoolbag? (与多个学生进行交流、讨论,使学生充分理解新句式的含义)‎ 设计意图:延续游戏中的颜色话题,以谈论学生的书包的方式引出本课的重点句式,在真实的交流中使学生理解句式的含义及用法。‎ Step 3 Presentation ‎1.出示失物招领的牌子,使学生理解其意思。‎ Teacher:Look,where is it? Lost & Found. If can’t find your schoolbag. That means your schoolbag is lost. You should go to the Lost & Found. IF someone got it, you can find again. Read after me, Lost & Found. ‎ 设计意图:引导学生理解教材对话背景。使他们理解Lost & Found的意思。‎ ‎2. 谈论对话情景图,引起阅读兴趣,学生带着问题倾听课文内容,并在听后尝试回答。‎ Teacher: Who is at the Lost and Found? Yes, Zhang Peng. Why is he here? What does he want to do? Listen and find. ‎ Teacher: Now,can answer the questions? Why is Zhang Peng here? Yes, he lost his schoolbag. ‎ 设计意图:通过谈论情景图,使学生对即将学习的内容充满阅读兴趣。带着问题倾听,可以集中他们的注意力,并训练他们在倾听中抓住关键信息的能力。‎ Step 4 Practice ‎1. 播放课文内容,学生跟读,注意发音、语调。‎ Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape. Please read it carefully and loudly. Pay attention to the pronunciation.‎ ‎2. 出示课文中的图片,根据课文内容与学生进行交流。‎ Teacher: There are so many schoolbags. Which is Zhang Peng’s bag? Is this one? No. Why? What colour is Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? Yes, it’s blue and white. So, this one and this one are blue and white. Which one is Zhang Peng’s schoolbag. Now we should see what’ s in the schoolbag. What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? Yes, An English book, two toys and a notebook. Is this a notebook? No, It’s an English book. Is this a notebook? Yes, it is. What’s in this schoolbag? Is it Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? What’s in that schoolbag? Is it Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? ‎ ‎3. 自由读对话内容,分角色表演课文。‎ Teacher:Read the dialogue freely. Then I will ask you to act it out. Let’s find the best pair. ‎ 设计意图:通过跟读,保证学生能够正确朗读对话内容。针对内容进行的交流有利于学生正确理解对话内容及新授词汇意思,而分角色表演课文,一方面使学生能够正确流利地朗读课文,另一方面也能进一步熟悉重点句式的表达。‎ ‎4. 游戏:猜猜它是谁。学生根据颜色猜出教材内容,完成Let’s play活动。‎ Teacher:Look, what’s this? Yes, it’s a storybook. What colour is it? It’s green. What’s this? It’s a Chinese book. What colour is it? It’s red. ...‎ Teacher: I have a new book. Guess, which is it? You can ask me the colour of my new book. So you can know it. ‎ 25‎ Teacher: I have a new book. ‎ Student: What colour is it?‎ Teacher: It’s yellow. ‎ Student: It’s a Chinese book. ‎ Teacher: Yes. ‎ Teacher: Now, please do a pair work like this. ‎ Teacher: Show me your dialogue, please. I will find the best pair. ‎ ‎ 设计意图:以游戏的方式进行重点句式的问答练习,通过两人小组活动来练习重点句式的问答。使重点句式的操练在真实语境中进行,帮助学生真正理解并掌握重点句式的意思及用法。‎ Step 5 Summary ‎1. 教师随意指向教室内物品,询问颜色,学生齐答。‎ Teacher:What colour is it? What colour is that?‎ 设计意图:因为教师随机指物品,学生无法预测下一个物品内容,所以注意力会特别集中。以这个活动来重现、巩固本课的重点内容,帮助学生巩固所学知识,达到总结的目的。‎ 课堂作业 一、根据图片内容选出正确的单词,将序号填入括号内。‎ ‎( ) 1. A. English book B. Chinese book ‎ ‎( ) 2. A. notebook B. storybook ‎( ) 3. A. maths book B. Chinese book ‎( ) 4. A. English book B. schoolbag 二、为下列问句选出正确的答句。‎ ‎( ) 1. What colour is it?‎ ‎ A. An English book. B. It’s black and yellow.‎ ‎( ) 2. What colour is your schoolbag?‎ ‎ A. The book is white. B. My schoolbag is blue. ‎ ‎( ) 3. What’s in your schoolbag? ‎ ‎ A. A notebook and a maths book. B. It’s white.‎ ‎( ) 4. Where is your English book? ‎ ‎ A. It’s in my schoolbag. B. What’s in it?‎ 三、连词成句。‎ ‎1. colour What is it (?)‎ ‎________________________________________________‎ ‎2. blue and It’s white (?)‎ 25‎ ‎________________________________________________‎ ‎3.lost I schoolbag my (.)‎ ‎________________________________________________‎ 答案:‎ 一、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 二、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 三、1. What colour is it? 2. It’s blue and white. 3. I lost my schoolbag. ‎ 板书设计 Unit Two My schoolbag B. Let’s talk What colour is it?‎ It’s ... ‎ 第五课时 课时内容 B. Let’s learn; Draw and say 课时分析 ‎ Zhang Peng找回自己遗失的书包后,迫不及待地打开自己的书包检查里边的物品。从而引出了三会词汇:candy, notebook, toy, key. 这些词汇所代表的物品都是学生日常生活中常见的物品,可以使用实物直观展示单词,使学生非常容易就理解其意思。在教学过程中,要注意candy的复数形式,同时要注意key的读法。‎ Draw and say 活动可以作为一个听力活动来进行。让学生根据自己听到的内容画出书包里的东西。也可以作为一个会话活动来时行,先让学生画出自己书包里的内容,再与同学进行会话交流,在交流中操练本课的重点词汇与本单元的重点句式。‎ 词汇学习是句式学习的支撑,本课时的学习中要创设多种活动及情境,让学生在各种活动及情境交流中,反复操练、使用,达到完全掌握的目的。‎ 课时目标 ‎1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词toy, key, candy, notebook ‎2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:What’s in my schoolbag? My keys... ‎ ‎3. 能够熟练且正确地描述书包里各种物品的名称 课时重难点 ‎1.重点:‎ 能够听懂、会说、认读单词toy, key, candy, notebook 能够听懂、会说认读句式:What’s in my schoolbag? My keys...‎ ‎2. 难点:‎ 能够熟练且正确地描述书包里各种物品的名称 25‎ 教学准备 ‎1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带 ‎2. 单词图卡 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up ‎1.开始课程前,将学生分成四组,在黑板上给每组画一个书包。他们表现良好的话,就在书包里画上一本书。课程结束时,哪个组的书多哪组获胜。‎ Teacher: I’ll divide you into four groups. Each group has a schoolbag. If you did well, you will get a book in your group bag. The group which gets most books is the winner. ‎ ‎2. 韵句:What’s in your schoolbag? 教师先唱出韵句,学生认真倾听,然后学生跟唱。‎ Teacher: Let’s say a chant about the schoolbag. Listen carefully first. ‎ What’s in your schoolbag? What’s in your schoolbag?‎ An English book, an English book. ‎ What’s in your schoolbag? What’s in your schoolbag?‎ A notebook, a notebook. ‎ 设计意图:为更好地激励学生,采用与本课内容相关的小组评价方式,既使学生在评价中也能感受到本课的重点内容,也激发学生学习的热情。然后使用简单而有韵律的韵句,引导学生进入本课的学习。‎ Step 2 Lead in ‎1. 谈论学生的书包,为学习本课内容做铺垫。‎ Teacher:What colour is your schoolbag? What’s in your schoolbag?‎ 设计意图:以前两个课时学习到的重点句式来进行讨论,使学生复习已知知识,为新授知识的学习做好知识上的准备。‎ Step 3 Presentation ‎1.提出问题,引起阅读兴趣,播放课文录音,学生认真倾听。‎ Teacher:What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? Guess. ‎ Teacher: Now listen to the tape and find. Check your answer, please. ‎ 设计意图:因为需要验证自己的猜测,所以学生较容易集中注意力来倾听。‎ ‎2. 检验学生答案的同时,板书本课重点单词,学生跟读、拼写。‎ Teacher:What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? His keys. (展示钥匙图片)Look, this is a key. Read after me, key. (板书单词)Read it one by one, please. (纠正学生的发音)What’s this? It’s a candy. (板书单词)These are some candies. (板书复数形式)Do you like candies? (和学生进行交谈,使他们在回答问题中重复单词)And these are toys. (呈现不同的玩具图片)This is one toy. These are toys. Repeat it, please. Do you like toys? And this is a notebook. We knew that. (板书单词)‎ ‎3. 播放课文录音,学生跟读。‎ Teacher: Listen to the tape and read with it. ‎ 25‎ 设计意图:通过检验其猜测的成果很自然地将新授单词呈现在黑板上。通过重复跟读、交流,使学生能够听懂、会说、认读重点单词。跟读可以使学生获得准确的读音。‎ Step 4 Practice ‎1. 游戏:我来指,你来说。教师指向黑板上的单词,学生快速说出单词。‎ Teacher: Now, I point, you say. I point to the word on the blackboard. You should say the correct word. If you are the first, and you are right, you will get a book for your group. ‎ ‎2. 游戏:(1)猜单词。教师出示单词卡,学生先认读,之后反转单词卡,学生猜是哪个单词。‎ Teacher:Look at the card, what is it? What’s this?‎ Teacher:Now, guess, what is it? ‎ ‎(2) 出示物品的一部分,或将物品遮盖起来,只留一小部分,让学生猜出单词。‎ Teacher: Look, it’s a part of something. Guess, what’s this? A key? Maybe. Candy? Yes!‎ 设计意图:以游戏的方式来操练单词,可以避免机械训练的枯燥性,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与热情。两个游戏都使学生不断地重复本课的重点词汇,从而使他们熟悉单词的发音。并将字义与字音结合起来,帮助他们记忆。‎ ‎3. 教师出示图片,学生利用图片进行问答交流。‎ Teacher:What’s in your schoolbag? Look at the card and answer. Yes, a key. Now, what’s in your schoolbag? Yes, some candies. Let’s do it one by one. Answer the questions according to my card. Do it now. ‎ 设计意图:根据教师提供的单词来补全句子,进行句式交流,从而达到替换单词操练句式的目的,使学生在替换中掌握句型结构,从而能够进行自由地交流表达。‎ ‎4. Listen and draw. 听老师说出的内容,画出书包里的物品。‎ Teacher:Now, listen and draw. What’s in your schoolbag? A key. What’s in your schoolbag? A notebook. What’s in your schoolbag? A toy. ‎ 设计意图:这个活动能够保证学生听懂新授单词。‎ ‎5. Draw and say. 学生画出书包里的物品,并和同桌聊一聊。‎ Teacher:What’s in your schoolbag? Draw it in this bag, and talk about it with your partner. Draw it, please. ‎ Teacher: Which pair wants to show your dialogue? ‎ 设计意图:学生先画出自己书包里的内容,然后再根据所画内容进行对话。画图是学生比较喜欢的活动,这个活动既可以激发他们的学习兴趣,同时可以检验他们能否正确说出所学的物品类词汇。‎ Step 5 Summary 统计小组书包里物品的数量,评选最优小组。‎ Teacher:What’s in your schoolbag? How many? Which group is the best? Congratulations. ‎ 设计意图:小组评价应有始有终。在课程结束,总结各小组的表现,给出最终评价,以奖励表现优异的同学,激励表现稍显不够积极的同学。‎ 课堂作业 一、根据图片选出正确的单词。‎ 25‎ ‎ ‎ ‎( ) 1. A. notebook B. English book C. maths book ‎( ) 2. A. pen B. toy C. keys ‎( ) 3. A. tiger B. toys C. candy ‎( ) 4. A. candies B. key C. toy 二、选出下列各项中不是一类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。‎ ‎( ) 1. A. pen B. maths C. English ‎( ) 2. A. notebook B. wall C. floor ‎( ) 3. A. Chinese B. maths C. toy ‎( ) 4. A. blue B. notebook C. black ‎( ) 5. A. key B. storybook C. notebook 三、匹配图片与句子,将正确句子的序号填入图下括号内。‎ ‎ ( ) ( ) ( )‎ ‎1. What’s in my schoolbag? Two notebooks. ‎ ‎2. What colour is your schoolbag? It’s yellow and black. ‎ ‎3. What’s in my schoolbag? A book, a notebook and a ruler. ‎ 四、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。‎ A: I lost my schoolbag. ‎ B: What colour is your schoolbag?‎ A: It’s blue and black. ‎ B: What’s in your schoolbag?‎ A: Err, two English books, a story book, a maths book, a Chinese book and some keys. ‎ B: Here it is!‎ A: Thank you so much!‎ B: It’s so heavy.‎ A: Yes.‎ ‎( ) 1. My schoolbag is heavy. ‎ ‎( ) 2. My schoolbag is blue and black. ‎ ‎( ) 3. Some candy is in the schoolbag. ‎ 25‎ ‎( ) 4. Two English are in the schoolbag. ‎ ‎( ) 5. Two Chinese books are in the schoolbag. ‎ 答案:‎ 一、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 二、1.A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 三、2, 1, 3‎ 四、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 板书设计 Unit Two My schoolbag B. Let’s learn key notebook candy toy What’s in your schoolbag?‎ My keys ...‎ 第六课时 课时内容 B. Read and write; Let’s check; Let’s sing. C. Story time 课时分析 ‎ 本课时是在基本掌握本单元重点词汇和句型的基础上,进行的练习测试与故事阅读课。‎ Read and write部分包括两个活动,第一个活动为Read and circle. 读一读,圈一圈,学生先要读一读教材中所给的句子,根据句子里列举出来的物品名称,圈出相对应的图片。之后的Look, choose and write.活动中,学生要先观察图片上桌子里的物品,然后写出相应的单词,完成句子。之后,根据自己书包里的物品,选择单词填空,写出句子。这两个活动将词汇的字义与字形结合起来,检验学生有否理解并书写重点词汇,同时复习重点句式结构。‎ Let’s check部分也包括两个活动,Listen and number中学生会听到四组对话,然后根据对话的顺序为相应的图片标明顺序,这个活动主要检验学生能否正确理解本单元的重点句式及对话。Look and circle活动中呈现了两个句子及一幅图片,学生观察图片中呈现的物品内容,然后选出正确的句子。这检验了学生能否正确认读本单元的重点词汇。‎ Let’s sing的歌词内容主要是我的书包,呈现My bag is heavy. What do you have I in your schoolbag? 在学生学会演唱歌曲之后,要让学生使用学习过的词汇和句子来回答问题。‎ 25‎ Story time部分中是Zoom的故事,晚上,Zoom收拾书包时,家里的猫趁他不注意,悄悄地跑进了书包。第二天,Zoom上学时发现书包很重。当他按老师的要求往外拿书时,小猫突然窜出来跳上了讲台,让大家大吃一惊。故事很有趣,而且符合学生的兴趣。在故事中,除了本单元中学习到的词汇:English book, Chinese book, maths book, schoolbag,及本单元的句式:My schoolbag is so heavy. 之外,还呈现了句式:Good night. Put away your books. Is everyting in your schoolbag? Sweet dreams. I’m full. Take out your books. 等。这些句子短小易懂,交际性很强。可以在教学中创设情境,使学生能够在真实的情景中理解、使用这些语句。‎ 课时目标 ‎1. 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词 ‎2. 能够听懂故事,并表演 ‎3. 能够会唱歌曲My schoolbag ‎4. 能够完成阅读、排序、判断等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式 课时重难点 ‎1.重点:‎ 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词 能够完成阅读、排序、判断等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式 ‎2. 难点:‎ 能够听懂故事,并正确表演 教学准备 ‎1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带 ‎2. 单元重点词汇图片 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up ‎1. 播放歌曲:My schoolbag. 学生先倾听。‎ Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s listen to a song. Listen carefully, please.‎ ‎2. 再次播放歌曲,学生跟唱。‎ Teacher:Listen to the song again, please sing with it. ‎ ‎3. 齐唱歌曲。‎ Teacher: Now let’s sing the song together.‎ 设计意图:以歌曲来热身,可以使学生在韵律中集中自己的注意力,并激发学生的学习兴趣。同时,为之后的学习做好知识上的准备。‎ Step 2 Lead in ‎1.与学生谈论其书包。‎ Teacher:What colour is your schoolbag? What’s in your schoolbag? ‎ ‎2. 出示图片,学生认读单词。复习本单元的重点词汇。‎ Teacher: What’s this? Yes, it’s an English book. What’s this? Yes, it’s a maths book. What about this? It’s a key. ‎ 25‎ 设计意图:通过谈论学生书包的颜色和书包中装着的物品,来引导学生回忆本单元的重点知识。再由认读图片,复习本单元的重点词汇。为接下来的阅读、练习活动做好准备。‎ Step 3 Presentation ‎1. 提出问题,激起学生的阅读兴趣。然后播放故事视频,学生认真观察,并尝试回答问题。‎ Teacher: I know what is in your schoolbag. But what is in Zoom’s schoolbag? Let’s watch the story and find. ‎ Teacher:It’s story time. Watch the story carefully. And check your answers. ‎ ‎2. 讨论故事内容,保证学生能够理解故事内容。‎ Teacher:Look at Picture One. It’s night. What does Zoom say? Yes, he says good night to his mum. Can he sleep now? No. He should put away his books. Look at me, I put away my books. (整理自己的书包,使学生明白put away的意思)What does Zoom put in his schoolbag? Yes, he puts English book, Chinese book, maths book in his schoolbag. What’s meaning of sweet dreams? Do you have dreams at night? Sweet dreams mean good dreams. Do you want to have sweet dreams? You can say sweet dreams to your mum and dad when you go to bed. Look at this picture. Zoom has breakfast. He is full. He can’t eat more. (做动作使学生理解full的意思)Who is in his schoolbag? Does he know? What happens when he takes out his book?‎ ‎3. 再次播放故事,学生跟读,提醒学生注意语音及语调。‎ Teacher: Watch the story again. This time please read with it. Pay attention to the pronunciation. ‎ 设计意图:通过听回答问题、读后细致的交流,跟读等活动,保证学生可以理解故事内容,并能正确朗读故事内容。‎ Step 4 Practice ‎1. 学生自由读故事。‎ Teacher:Read the story freely, please. ‎ ‎2. 小组合作,表演故事。‎ Teacher: Now, let’s act the story out. We’ll find the best group. ‎ 设计意图:通过表演,使学生内化故事中的语言,提高自己的语言表达能力。‎ ‎3. 出示Read and circle中的照片,谈论图片。‎ Teacher: There is a cat and many books in Zoom’s schoolbag. What about this schoolbag? Look at this picture, what can you see? And what about this? ‎ Teacher: Now read the sentences, which picture is right? Circle it. ‎ Teacher: Show me your answer, please. ‎ 设计意图:先让学生观察图片内容,再根据句子来选择正确的图片。检验学生是否能够正确认读句式及词汇。‎ ‎3. 完成Look and circle. ‎ Teacher:Look at this schoolbag. What’s in it? ‎ Teacher: Read A and B, which is right? Circle it. ‎ ‎ Teacher: Show me your answer, please. ‎ 设计意图:这个活动与上一个活动内容相似,同样检验学生能否认读、理解词汇与句式。‎ ‎4. 完成Look, choose and write. ‎ Teacher: (展示活动中的图片)What’s this? Yes, it’s a desk. What’s in the ‎ 25‎ desk? An egg, a pen , a notebook and some keys. Yes. Now, read and write the words in the blanks. ‎ Teacher: What’s in your desk? Choose the words and fill in the blank. ‎ Teacher: Read your sentence, please. ‎ 设计意图:此活动保证学生可以理解并书写重点词汇。‎ ‎5. 完成Listen and number活动。‎ Teacher:Look, what’s this? Yes, it’s a pen. What colour is it? Yes, it’s red. Look at this picture. What’s this? It’s a schoolbag. What colour is it? Yes, it’s green. What colour is this schoolbag? What’s in it? Look at the pink schoolbag. What’s in it? ‎ Teacher: Now, listen to the tape. Then number the pictures according what you hear. ‎ 设计意图:先引导学生观察图片中的内容,然后再听录音为图片排序,使学生养成在完成听力活动时,先获取习题信息的习惯。‎ Step 5 Summary 播放歌曲My schoolbag. 学生齐唱。‎ Teacher:Let’s sing the song my schoolbag together. ‎ 设计意图:以歌曲结束课程。让学生通过歌曲来回忆本单元重点句式。达到总结的目的。‎ 课堂作业 一、选择正确的字母补全单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。‎ ‎( ) 1.sch____lbag A. u B. oo C. ou ‎( ) 2.ma____s A. th B. sh C. ss ‎( ) 3. st__ybook A. o B. ro C. or ‎( ) 4. c____dy A. an B. un C. ae ‎( ) 5. k___ A. ay B. ee C. ey 二、选出与所给单词符合的图片。‎ ‎( ) 1. storybook A. B. ‎ ‎( ) 2. candy A. B. ‎ ‎( ) 3. toy A. B. ‎ ‎( ) 4. English book A. B. ‎ 三、排正确的顺序排列下列句子,组成完整的对话。将句子的序号按正确的顺序写在横线上。‎ A.Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag. ‎ B. Thank you.‎ C. Ok. What’s in it? ‎ D. What colour is it?‎ E. An English book, two toys and a notebook. ‎ F. It’s blue and white. ‎ G.Here it is. ‎ 25‎ ‎_________________________________________________‎ 四、判断以下句子和图片内容是(T)否(F)相符。‎ ‎( ) 1.What colour is it? It’s pink. ‎ ‎( ) 2.What colour is it? It’s blue and white. ‎ ‎( ) 3. What’s in your schoolbag? A ruler and a pencil. ‎ ‎( ) 4. What’s in your schoolbag? Two notebooks. ‎ 答案:‎ 一、1.B 2.A 3. C 4.A 5. C 二、1.A 2. A 3. B 4. B 三、A, D, F, C, E, G, B 四、1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F ‎ 板书设计 Unit Two My schoolbag C. Story time Good night!‎ Sweet dreams!‎ Put away your books. ‎ My schoolbag is so heavy. ‎ Take out your books, please. ‎ 25‎

