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Unit 2 Colours A let’s learn/sing I have… a yellow pencil a blue pencil box a red crayon a green bag c o l o r s Sing a rainbow I see yellow . I see a yellow … What c o l o r do you see? I see blue. I see a blue… What c o l o r do you see? blue yellow green = + Miss Green I like green. I have a green… Make a survey Colours Red Yellow Green Blue A: What color do you like? B: I like… a red light What colour do you see? a yellow light a green light We can stop. We can wait. We can go. Red light, red light, stop, stop, stop. Yellow light, yellow light, wait, wait, wait. Green light, green light, go, go, go. I see a ___ ___. What letter do you see? flowers umbrellers trees The world is colorful! The life is colorful! 世界是多彩的! 生活是多彩的! Sing and act Who is wearing yellow today? 1 、听读课文半小时(签字) 2 、说说自己身边物品的颜色 Homework What c o l o r do you see? I see…. What colour do you see? Play a game What colour do you see? Play a game What colour do you see? Play a game What colour do you see? Play a game

