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Lesson 21‎ a. Revision play computer games. Go fishing. Play basketball.‎ Play baseball. Play soccer 熟悉以上表示娱乐项目的短语并学会接合动词使用like来使用 Like to do sth 或like doing sth.表示喜欢做某事 I like to do play computer games. He likes to draw pictures.‎ I like playing computer games. He likes drawing pictures.‎ We like to play soccer.‎ We like playing soccer.‎ B.学会使用be good at ‎ 根据课文,读课文找出 YaoYao is good at computer games.‎ Ben is good at fishing.‎ yaoYao is good at playing computer games.‎ Like to do 和be good at 的关系问句形式。‎ Do you like to do sth.? Yes, I do ./ No, I don’t.‎ Are you good at it ? No , I am not. / Yes, I am.‎ C.学会使用完整的语段描述内容,反复练习 注意要复习第三人称单数的用法及其他两人称的区别 I like to play computer games and I am good at it. Lily likes to go fishing, but she isn’t good at it.‎ D. Good at 的否定形式not good at.‎ She likes to go fishing but she isn’t good at it.‎ He likes to play computer games but he isn’t good at it.‎ ‎ ‎ Lesson 22‎ Teaching Aims:1.To learn about children’s Days in Japan.‎ ‎2.to practise “What are you going to do..?”‎ Teaching Contents: A. Read and stick.‎ B. Plan for your Children’s Day C. let’s talk D. Let’s write Teaching Focus: The important sentences in B, C and D Teaching Difficulty: To remember the children’s Day in Japan Teaching Aids: the tape recorder Teaching steps:‎ ‎1.Warm up : Say something about Children’s Day ‎2.Preaentation:‎ Activity A: (1)Read the article and under line the four days ‎(2)Check and stick ‎(3)Look ant the picture and describe the four Children’s Days in Japan Activity B: (1)Review the sentences:‎ What are you going to do ?‎ I’m going to …‎ ‎(2)make a plan for the next Children’s Day and fill in the blank Activity C: (1)Do pair work: ask and answer ‎(2)Fil in the blank Activity D: (1)Do a survey in class ‎(2)Fill in the blank ‎3.Homework:‎ Listen to the tape five times ‎4.Summary after class.‎

