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临沂第五实验小学:李晓丽 Unit 5 Do you like pears A Let’s talk PEP 三年级下册 fruit Eat more fruit. It’s good for our health. 多吃水果有益健康 Sarah likes making friends , she wants to invite her friends home. She bought a lot of food and drinks . ( Sarah 喜欢交朋友,她想邀请朋友到家里做客 , 买了很多食物和饮料) Sharp eyes( 火眼金睛 ) Sarah and mom are in a fruit shop ,What are they going to do?( 她们现在要干什么呢? ) buy some fruit Let's think. books bread fruit Let’s buy some ____. Let’s buy some ____. Let’s buy some ____. They see so many fruits. What fruit are they talking about?( 她们在谈论哪些水果呢) Watch ,listen and answer (观看,听并回答) : What fruit are they talking about ?( 她们在谈论哪些水果) orange s apple s pear s apple s apple orange orange s pear pear s Watch and find out the answer. Do you like oranges? A.No, I don’t . B.Yes, I do. Watch and find out the answer. Do you like oranges? A.No, I don’t . B.Yes, I do. Watch and find out the answer. Do you like pears? A.No, I don’t . B.Yes, I do. Watch and find out the answer. Do you like pears? A.No, I don’t . B.Yes, I do. No, I don’t. I like apples. Yes, I do. Practice in pairs Do you like pears? Do you like oranges? Do you like… Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I like ... Do you like oranges? Do you like oranges? No , I don’t.. .. No , I don’t Do you like pears ? Do you like pears? Yes, I do. Yes, I do Let’s sing Listen and imitate.( 听音仿读 。 ) Tips: Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.( 注意你的语音语调。 ) Read in roles. (角色朗读。) Tips (朗读要求) : 1. 有感情的朗读对话。 2. 注意语音 、 语调正确 。 Let’s play A: Hi. Do you like …? B: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Do you like …? A: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. fruit apples pears oranges food rice bread fish drink juice water milk Group work (小组活动): Let’s go and have a picnie . ( 带上这些食物一起去郊游吧。) A : Hello . B: Hi. A: Do you like … ? B: Yes , I do. / No, I don’t. I like….. /Can I have some… ? A : Here you are. B: Thanks. Listen and number (听音,排序) 3 2 1 4 Homework 1 、 Listen and read the dialogue. ( 听录音,读对话。) 2 、 Make a survey. ( 运用今天所学的句型,做调查,了解朋友的喜好。) Thank you !

