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Module 8 2020 秋外研版四年级英语上册优质课件 Unit1~ Unit2 Unit1 目 录 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Unit 2 外研版 · 英语 · 四年级 上 册 第一课时 第二 课时 Module 8 Unit 1 We’re going to visit Hainan. 第 一 课时 Watch and sing with it. I ’m going to visit the zoo. 参观;拜访 v isit the Great Wall v isit my grandparents Listen and chant. I ’m going to go with my friends. I ’m going to eat some fruit, and drink some juice too. I ’m going to visit the zoo. I ’m going to go with you. I ’m going to eat some fruit. and drink some juice too. be going to… 讲述计划或安排 Watch the video. I’m going to visit the zoo. I’m going to go with you. I’m going to eat some fruit, and drink some juice too. Listen and chant with it. P ractise. I ’m going to visit ... I ’m going to go with … I ’m going to ... I’ m going to ... 自编 chant ,并表演。 B eijing S hanghai Y unnan Where did you go? I like Hainan. I’m going to Hainan. How about Sam and Amy? Time for bed, children. We ’re going to visit Hainan tomorrow . today 明天 Listen, point and find “going to”. We’re going by plane ! And we ’re going to get up at 5 o’clock ! g et up f ive o’clock 飞机 Hello. What’s your name? I’m Sam. I’m from the UK. I’m Xiaoyong. I’m from China. They met Xiaoyong. Xiaoyong is from China. 从 …… 来;来自 What are they going to do? Sam&Amy Xiaoyong We ’re going to visit Hainan. I ’m going to swim in the sea. I ’m going to visit my grandpa. And I ’m going to swim too. v isit Hainan s wim in the sea v isit his grandpa s wim sea be going to Finally, what happend? Oh, no! This is Xiaoyong’s bag. And Xiaoyong’s swimsuit … and shoes and socks ! Sam Xiaoyong took Xiaoyong’s bag Sam’s bag swimsuit 袜子 We are going to visit Hannan tomorrow. 这是 含有 be(am/is/are)going to 结构的表示打算、将要做某事的句型。表示 将来 某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,后面跟 动词原形 。 We are going to visit the zoo tomorrow. 例 I ’m going to play football at five o’clock. 例 句型结构: 主语 + be going to + 动词原形 + 其他 . Watch and listen. Listen again and answer. 1. What are the Smart going to do? They are going to visit Hainan. 2. What time are they going to get up? At five o’clock. 3. What are Xiaoyong and Sam going to do? Sam is going to visit Hannan and swim. Xiaoyong is going to visit his grandpa and swim. Time for bed, children. We’re going to visit Hainan tomorrow. We’re going by plane! And we’re going to get up at 5 o’clock! Hello. What’s your name? I’m Sam. I’m from the UK. Listen again and read after it. I’m Xiaoyong. I’m from China. We’re going to visit Hainan. I’m going to swim in the sea. I’m going to visit my grandpa. And I’m going to swim too. I’m going to swim now. Oh, no! This is Xiaoyong’s bag. And Xiaoyong’s swimsuit… and shoes and socks! Read according to the following information. Ms Smart: Ms Smart : Sam: Amy: Xiaoyong: Sam: Time for bed, children . We’re going to visit Hainan tomorrow . We’re going by plane . And we’re going to get up at 5 o’clock! Hello. What’s your name? I’m Sam. I’m from the UK. Xiaoyong: Sam: Xiaoyong: Sam: Sam: Amy: I’m Xiaoyong. I’m from China. We’re going to visit Hainan. I’m going to swim in the sea. I’m going to visit my grandpa. And I’m going to swim too . I’m going to swim now . Oh , no! This is Xiaoyong’s bag. And Xiaoyong’s swimsuit… and shoes and socks ! Let’s act out. 我最快 老师准备和本课 核心 句型相关(如:长城,公共汽车,闹钟 等 )的卡片,出示卡片,学生快速答出一般将来时陈述句,回答最快的同学加分。 Practise. 一 、我能写出下面单词的意思。 1. sock_______________ 2. shoe_______________ 3. swimsuit___________ 4. plane_______________ 5. tomorrow__________ 6. visit________________ 袜子 鞋 泳衣 飞机 明天 参观 Try to do. 二 、选一选。 ( ) 1. We ____ going to swim in the sea. A. are B. am C. is ( ) 2. Time ____ bed. A. to B . for ( ) 3. I’m going to _____ at 6 o’clock. A. get up B . getting up A B A 1. 词汇 及短语 : visit, tomorrow, plane, get up, o’clock, from, sea, swimsuit, sock. 2. be going to 句型 : 表示 将要或打算做某 事 : I’m / We’re going to… 表示 该做某事 了 : Time for… 名词所有格,表示 某人 的: Xiaoyong’s Sum up. 1. 听 Listen, point and find “going to” 并背过重点句型 。 2. 准备单词或词组卡片,自编一组新对话。 Homework 第二课时 Ride a horse, ride a horse, I’m going to ride a horse. You can come, too. The zoo, the zoo, I’m going to visit the zoo. You can come, too. Get up, get up, w e are going to get up early. Get up early to visit the zoo. Let’s chant! from sock plane sea swimsuit tomorrow o’clock tomorrow from get up 我是主人公。 You are the little boy. What are you going to do? I am on the train. I’m g oing to visit my grandmother. my grandmother What are you and your grandma going to do? We are going to eat duck/ fish … You are the little boy and girl. What are you going to do? We are going to swim. I’m going to visit my grandma. We’re going to swim. Listen and say. 藏宝游戏 在教室里藏一些动词卡片,每组点一名或多名同学出来找卡片,找到卡片,要用卡片上的动词造句 I’m / We’re going to… ,说出 句子 最多者 获胜 。 Practise I’m going to get up at 5 o’clock. I’m going to get up at 5 o’clock. We’re going to get up at 5 o’clock. We’re going to get up at 5 o’clock. We’re going to get up at 5 o’clock. Practise. 一、选一选。 ( ) 1. I’m going to get up ____ 7 o’clock. A. at B. on ( ) 2. We’re going to Beijing ____ bus. A. in B . by A B Try to do. 二、连词成句。 swim, we’re, going, to (.) ____________________________ visit, I’m, friend, going, to, my (.) ____________________________ am, I, by, going, plane (.) ____________________________ We are going to swim. I’m going to visit my friend. I am going by plane. 1. 词汇 及短语 : visit, swim, get up, o’clock, plane, sea. 2. 句型: I’m going to…We’re going to… Sum up. 1. 以小组为单位制定旅行计划。 2. 根据 Practise. 部分造句,并 拓展造五组 句子。 Homework 外研版 · 英语 · 四年级 上 册 第一课时 第二 课时 Module 8 Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse. o’clock sock sea swimsuit tomorrow from visit plane g et up 第 一 课时 幸运抽奖活动 t he moon the UK Hainan 老师 出示 四 个地点 。 准备 一个纸盒 ,放着交通工具及要做的事情的图片。学生 抽取一个 地方, 然后从盒子里抽取一种交通工具 和 要 做的事情,组成两个有趣 的 句子。如: I’m going to visit Hainan by plane. I’m going to swim there. the zoo swim fly a kite row a boat ride a horse t ake some pictures She is going to fly a kite. He is going to row a boat. Listen, point and say. What is he going to do? 钓鱼 (v) 鱼 (n) He is going to fish . Watch the video. Listen and fill. ____going to fish. It’s __________too. ____ going to eat the fish. Ha ha … It’s going to fish We’re It’s going to fish. It’s going to fish too. We’re going to eat the fish. Ha ha … Listen and read after it. 一组学生在台前做相应动作表演,另一组学生在台后读对话,表演的那组学生要与对话的学生说出的语言口型一致。 Game. We’re going to play in the park tomorrow. Hooray! hooray (表示激动与高兴的喊声)好,好哇 Listen and say. Hooray! Let’s say “hooray” together! Hooray! Hooray! in the park What are you going to do in the park? r ide a horse r ow a boat f ly a kite fish Do and chant. Fly, fly, fly a kite. Take, take, take some pictures. Ride, ride, ride a horse. Row, row, row a boat. Watch the video. Listen and fill. Name Amy Daming Sam Lingling Activity (活动) Listen and read after it. We’re going to play in the park tomorrow . Hooray! Amy is going to fly a kite. Daming is going to take some pictures. Sam is going to ride a horse. Lingling is going to row a boat. She’s going to fish too . Amy going to fly a kite . Sam going to ride a horse . It going to fish. I going to visit my grandpa. I going to swim. We going to visit Hainan. We going to get up at 5 o’clock. Let’s see. is is is am am are are be 动词随主语的变化而变化。 Let’s act out. I’m going to swim. P oint and say. 一 、我能找出下面单词或词组的 汉语 意思。 1. fly a kite 放风筝 买风筝 2 . t ake pictures 带照片 拍照片 3. ride a horse 骑车 骑马 √ √ √ Try to do. 二 、选一选。 ( ) 1. Daming is going to eat _______. A. fish B. fishing ( ) 2. Lingling is going to ______ tomorrow. A. fish B. fishing A A 1. 词汇及短语: fly a kite, row a boat, ride a horse, fish, take pictures. 2. 句型: Sam is going to ride a horse. Sum up. 1. 听 Listen and say. 并背过重点句型 。 2. 准备人物和动词短语的单词或词组卡 片,写出五个“ … is going to … ”的句子。 Homework 第二课时 Guess where am I going? Watch the video. Listen and say. Then sing. Listen and sing with it. Let’s sing together. The zoo, the zoo, the zoo, We’re going to visit the zoo. And you? And you? And you? You can come too. Guess animals. It has long nose. elephant Look and say. Bamboos are its favourite food. panda monkey Bananas are its favourite food. tiger lion bird We are going to visit them! We’re going to visit the lions. We’re going to visit the lions and the tigers. We’re going to visit the lions, the tigers and …. We’re going to visit .... We’re going to visit …and .... We’re going to visit …, … and …. Group work. We’re going to visit the zoo. We’re going to visit the zoo on Sunday. We’re going by bus. We’re going to take pictures at the zoo. Do and say. 以 小组为 单位,创设要去实践活动的情景。制定旅行计划并绘制相应的卡片。 要求: a. 说明地点: W e are going to visit… b. 说明时间: We are going… on… c. 说明出行方式: We are going by… d. 说明计划要做的事: W e are going to… Group work. 一、单项选择。 ( ) 1. ─ ____are you going? ─ I am going to the Great Wall. A. W ho B. Where C. What ( ) 2. Lulu is going to play with her father _____ Friday. A. last B . on C. in ( ) 3. Tomorrow Shanshan is going to _____ a book. A. reading B. reads C. read B B C Try to do. 二、改正错误。 1. You are to China. 改正 : ________________________ 2. This is you friend Lingling. 改正 : ________________________ 3. I going to Shanghai next Friday. 改正 : ________________________ 4. We are going home buy train. 改正 : ________________________ from your a m going by 1. 词汇 : elephant, tiger, lion, panda, bird, monkey. 2 . 句型: we are going to visit…, …and… We are going to …on… We are going by… Sum up. 1. 尝试写一封关于旅游计划的小文章。 2. 和同学仿照 Do and say. 部分准备图片,说句子。 Homework

