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课 时 备 课 课 题 三年级英语上册教案 Unit2 Lesson14 6 7 8 9 10 课时安排 1课时 教 学 目 标 知识 能力 (1)本课学生应掌握(说、认识、口头运用)six seven eight nine ten五个数词。 (2)学生能够理解下列指令并能作出反应: look up reach up point up stand up look down reach down point down sit down 过程 方法 通过听指令练习,锻炼学生的反应能力。通过学唱歌曲,让学生边唱边做动作达到对知识的理解与运用能力。 情感态度价值观 通过本课学习增强学生对英语学习兴趣的培养 教学重点 难点分析 重点:掌握(说、认识、口头运用)six seven eight nine ten五个数词。 难点:理解下列指令并能作出反应: look up reach up point up stand up look down reach down point down sit down 教学 准备 教师:Word cards,tape,小组合作卡片,若干图片(tree,book,apple,key,pencil)一张A3图画纸 学生:彩笔,铅笔 板 书 设 计 Lesson 14 6 7 8 9 10 How many? six trees seven books eight apples nine keys ten pencils 教 学 过 程 设计理念或复备 一、Class opening and review : 1、师生问候 T: Good morning,boys and girls. S: Good morning,Miss Zhang . T: How are you today? S: I’m fine, thank you. And you ? T: I’m very well,thanks. Nice to see you again. S: Nice to see you, too. 2、出示手偶,手偶想画画,向学生借彩笔 May I have one marker, please? …… 当学生借给手偶五根彩笔后,老师带领学生问手偶有多少彩笔 How many markers do you have ? 带领孩子们协助手偶数彩笔。 二、New Concepts: Step1、教学6-10 手偶开始画画 Ok, Now class. Let’s draw a picture. Please look at the blackboard,What’s this ? 手偶画一棵树 this is a tree.板书:tree Draw trees and the students count and say the phrases. After they count five trees, teacher draws the sixth tree and ask “How many trees now? Can you tell me in Chinese?”并板书how many S: 六棵。 T:Yes, six trees. Six six,six trees. say it, please. 板书:six T: Hold up six books.“How many books do I have ?” S: Six books . T:(再添上一本书)Now , seven books. Seven seven .Do you know Chinese? After one student say the Chinese meaning, write seven 7 on the blackboard. Read a few times.(画7个苹果) Who can say ?How many apples ? S: Seven apples. T: Yes, Now I add one apple, eight apples. Let’s count ,ok? S: Ok. One two three four ……eight, eight apples. T: Teacher show the students a key. “What is it ?” S: Key . It’s a key. T: Now who can count how many keys do I have?(出示9把钥匙). S1:One two three four ……eight hmmm 9把. 师生打招呼问候既增进师生间感情,又复习了前面所学会话。 通过这个互动环节,为学生的说提供一个自然的语言情景,既复习了one to five 这五个数词又提高了学生学习的积极性。 在老数字的基础上添加“1”,使知识循序渐进 从生活中信手拈来一些东西举例更好 教 学 过 程 设计理念或复备 T: Yes, you are right. Nine keys. Nine nine 9.Read after teacher.Write on the blackboard. T:Write pen on the blackboard.Ask some students read it.Then change “p’’into”t”.pen—ten. Who can read this number ? Write on the blackboard. Now let’s count the numbers from one to ten, you can say slowly. Step2、游戏 T: I say numbers you clap your hands. I say “two” you clap “× ×”.Understand? Step3、指令练习 Show me one finger. How many ?(One.) Show me six finger. How many ?(Six.) …… Practice in pairs Ask the students to find a partner and take turns with this drill: S1:( Hold up from one to ten fingers.) How many? S2: ______( number). Play the audiotape as the students follw in their books. Step4、学唱歌曲 1、T: Now, boys and girls. Let’s do some actions, ok? Look at Micky and follow Micky, please. 学生跟随手偶边做动作边说词组 look up look down reach up reach down point up point down stand up sit down jump up jump down 2、Let’s play “Simon says”. Teacher gives directions. For example: All boys stand up. Stand up. Simon says:”All boys stand up.” Sit down. Simon says :”look up” etc. 3、Play the audiotape and ask the students to listen and follow the pictures in their books. Go through each verse slowly, doing the actions with the students. When the chant says “show us ___.”Hold up the correct number of fingers. Play the audiotape again as you and the students do the actions and sing along. 三、Class closing: Do the exercises of Activity Book. Count numbers one to ten . 教师说出数词学生拍出相应数字次数。此游戏既可以训练学生对十个数词的反应能力,同时也提高了学生听力能力。激发学生学习兴趣。 由师生互动转变为生生互动,学生不再是被动的接受者,他们也可以任意的说出题目,在出题的过程中就是对知识的又一次巩固。 手偶的教学比起老师更为有意思,让学生跟随手偶学习动作,是学生与“手偶”之间的互动交流,老师起到的只是一个好、指导作用,并且与开头手偶的出现呼应。 优点: 1、 新授内容的思维连续性是非常强的,且非常自然,每个环节的衔接紧密。 2、 本课在体现师生的互动性上比较明显,尤其在开头手偶复习开始就给孩子们创设了一个很生动的语言情境,师生互动自然,没有为做对话而做对话,在交流的过程中复习巩固了how many 及1-5数字的运用。在游戏和练习过程中,由师生互动变为生生互动。 3、 纵观全课,整堂课的每个环节设计衔接性强,首尾呼应。 有待商讨的地方: 本课能否分为两课时,第一课时为第一部分,加入小组合作,数一数身边的东西有多少,并作出调查表来,让孩子在组内分工,有数数的,有记录的,有到前面板书汇报的,汇报时教师可以问:“how many______s do you have?”然后让孩子们一一填写。 第二课时为第二部分,先复习数字6-10,再复习所有指令,在其中加入所学的其他事物名词和数字,最后在学习新歌。 这样学生是不是会学的更为扎实呢?这有待进一步进行教学实践。 教 学 反 思查看更多